I'm officially thinking to shoot a movie about WSO monkeys

I've been on this site for a good period. I would say if I'm not the most dedicated WSO fan, I must be amongst the top five. Proof: I literally saved all WSO threads which have enlightened me to some degree, let alone my own, on my own disk, for my future recollecting pleasure.

These days I saw more and more newbies coming on this site which is of course a good and normal thing. Meanwhile, less and less my old acquaintances showing up. I guess I should start counting my days left here until it is totally taken over by a whole new generation.

So before I go, I want to make a movie which will pay tribute to the peak time of WSO aka "the good ole days". I want to put all my love into that one certain movie and then I can call it a good end. For this purpose, as someone who has no formal entertainment background, I just enrolled at a filmmaking program. Not only for making a WSO movie, but for putting my talents and creativity in storytelling which also are greatly acknowledged by you guys to the best use.

The movie may take quite a while to make, because I just started learning scriptwriting and I'm a perfectionist. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. All I can share here first is some rough plan.

Let's say, after the movie is done, an official private screening should be expected. For this screening, I will send out invitations to all my acquaintances on WSO. They are my most valued guests. Another 50 monkeys can join for free on a first come, first serve basis. The next round goes to the network I got to built within the NY social circle using the skills I learnt on WSO. I will have some Gold/Silver kind tickets ready for them which are priced at $1000/$500 level.

My plot and main characters will be revealed in a new thread shortly after.


You have been a member for a whopping 12 weeks.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Shut up with the lurking... We get that you have been reading WSO for a while but it is no longer original to say that you have been a long time lurker or creeper of WSO.


This almost feels like a blastoise post

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Lets put your knowledge of WSO to the test.

Who is considered by most of the senior people to be the most legendary troll of all time.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Lets put your knowledge of WSO to the test.

Who is considered by most of the senior people to be the most legendary troll of all time.

Brady4MVP, hands down.

Lets put your knowledge of WSO to the test.
Who is considered by most of the senior people to be the most legendary troll of all time.

Brady4MVP, hands down.

Going with Brady? I'm torn between Brady, blast, and SirBankalot

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Lets put your knowledge of WSO to the test.

Who is considered by most of the senior people to be the most legendary troll of all time.

Personally I won't choose him for the one and only, not because he is not qualified, but because I was not even here when he was ruling the place. No interaction, no love. Anyways, according to the majority: SWAGON

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

Name the actors you plan on hiring to play the WSO monkeys

Very good question: as a frugal person and savvy investor, I have some quite genius-like thought regarding this that will be talked in my next thread. Thanks for asking.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

And people should give a fuck because...?

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

And people should give a fuck because...?

Flake why don't you help these kids out with who is the greatest troll on WSO.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Please note guys, my movie is a serious movie dedicated to this site as a whole. I may involve some troll parts to make it fully reflect the ongoing of the site. But I will keep it a slight bit. Please don't mislead my thread to a troll discussion. Stay tuned for my more important plot thread later and evaluate it then.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

Please note guys, my movie is a serious movie dedicated to this site as a whole. I may involve some troll parts to make it fully reflect the ongoing of the site. But I will keep it a slight bit. Please don't mislead my thread to a troll discussion. Stay tuned for my more important plot thread later and evaluate it then.

Is the movie going to feature a love story involving bankerella only to have the male protagonist discover that in real life 'she' is actually a dude? Just curious.

Going Concern:

Please note guys, my movie is a serious movie dedicated to this site as a whole. I may involve some troll parts to make it fully reflect the ongoing of the site. But I will keep it a slight bit. Please don't mislead my thread to a troll discussion. Stay tuned for my more important plot thread later and evaluate it then.

Is the movie going to feature a love story involving bankerella only to have the male protagonist discover that in real life 'she' is actually a dude? Just curious.

the WSO Crying Game?
Going Concern:

Please note guys, my movie is a serious movie dedicated to this site as a whole. I may involve some troll parts to make it fully reflect the ongoing of the site. But I will keep it a slight bit. Please don't mislead my thread to a troll discussion. Stay tuned for my more important plot thread later and evaluate it then.

Is the movie going to feature a love story involving bankerella only to have the male protagonist discover that in real life 'she' is actually a dude? Just curious.

Thanks for contributing. Sadly enough, no matter how much I respect this woman, she won't be featured in my film at all. All the females in my film are meant to complement my male characters. At least, I have to make sure to reflect how male dominated this site is

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

Maybe lookatmycock? Swagon was never out of tone either. The fact that nobody understood more than 50% of what he wrote was definitely a plus.

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

Jesus, you guys don't even know of the truly epic trolls of this place. It's a shame, as monkeys I would expect at least crude cave drawings.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I'm so desperate to get my acting career going that I will go full frontal if you put me in the movie.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

I'm so desperate to get my acting career going that I will go full frontal if you put me in the movie.

too kind, way too kind, Flake. As I remembered, aren't you the guy who occasionally showed up in some attention grabbing thread for a second then left after leaving a couple harsh words? Since you are being so nice this time, I may give some strong consideration to add a role for you. So according to your avatar, what about you play that big, tough football dude who used to bully my leading male almost to death in college? And because of the strict time frame of my movie, you probably will only appear in his brief flashback.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

I'm so desperate to get my acting career going that I will go full frontal if you put me in the movie.

too kind, way too kind, Flake. As I remembered, aren't you the guy who occasionally showed up in some attention grabbing thread for a second then left after leaving a couple harsh words?
Since you are being so nice this time, I may give some strong consideration to add a role for you. So according to your avatar, what about you play that big, tough football dude who used to bully my leading male almost to death in college? And because of the strict time frame of my movie, you probably will only appear in his brief flashback.

I love Back to the Future, so I'm down.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

ahaha there's some funny shit here

what about us newbies bro you wanna leave us out?! we don't mind being (what do you call those dudes in the movie that act like the regular people in the background of the scene?) in the background eating a sandwich or crossing the street reading WSJ. or if you somehow manage to turn the plot into a fight scene between monkeys and almost humans we can be the chimps in the background not knowing wtf is going on clapping hands or smth

yea jokes aside, I know one thing, I wish I had come across WSO a couple of years ago. there's some goodhearted, successful and intelligent dudes here that make WSO sometimes like a course of its own style.

so here a toast to your WSO movie bro and bring some chicks into play so it won't become like a sausage movie, and put some cheating, drama suspense shit like that. my bad if I changed your plot now ;D

There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to overcome. -William F. Hasley

ahaha there's some funny shit here

what about us newbies bro you wanna leave us out?! we don't mind being (what do you call those dudes in the movie that act like the regular people in the background of the scene?) in the background eating a sandwich or crossing the street reading WSJ. or if you somehow manage to turn the plot into a fight scene between monkeys and almost humans we can be the chimps in the background not knowing wtf is going on clapping hands or smth

yea jokes aside, I know one thing, I wish I had come across WSO a couple of years ago. there's some goodhearted, successful and intelligent dudes here that make WSO sometimes like a course of its own style.

so here a toast to your WSO movie bro and bring some chicks into play so it won't become like a sausage movie, and put some cheating, drama suspense shit like that. my bad if I changed your plot now ;D

To the most thoughtful newbie guy, No way for me to leave you guys out. Today's newbies will be tomorrow's legends. You will have your full blossom days. hahaha, that's called EXTRAS. Nice thought but what a waste to put you just as background ones? Ok, I like you and I made my mind: if everything goes right, you appear at the end of the movie as the newest forum member my leading male eventually is going to mentor: so called "a rookie". It is exactly reflecting what's happening on this site now: passing on. Speaking of lady roles, gotta tell you the funniest shit: you were reading my mind. Of course hell yeah. No movie can be a good movie without bitches, dramas, love-hate relationships. You know it best. I plotted like that way while ago.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

rookie, OK that's cool. thanks brother! yea don't worry about it, we don't wanna get attention in the beginning, we wait and then strike like a hurricane ;D

yea that's the plot I'm talking about, I knew I couldn't go wrong with that. you the man!!

There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to overcome. -William F. Hasley

am i in the movie? who plays me? i vote edward norton

No, move Edward Norton. you have to play yourself, that would be the most neutral character in the movie. So expect the least drama for your role, Andy.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

am i in the movie? who plays me? i vote edward norton

No, move Edward Norton. you have to play yourself, that would be the most neutral character in the movie. So expect the least drama for your role, Andy.

neutral? least drama? huh?
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Top 3 troll thread all time, IMO

Babe, glad to catch you in my thread and honored to be named as best as always. But seriously, this is all serious. Please check my new thread tomorrow for more details of the movie because your role will be heavily involved.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

Folks, thanks for all your support. I like the fact that 99% of users who responded to this thread are indeed from the "good ole days". I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.

WSO gangbang?

Flake wants to take the money shot

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
D M:

I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.

WSO gangbang?

Flake wants to take the money shot

there should be plenty of those.

I'm not going sloppy seconds to BlackHat on the gangbang. I already placed second to him on MOTY.

D M:


I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.
WSO gangbang?

Flake wants to take the money shot

there should be plenty of those.

I'm not going sloppy seconds to BlackHat on the gangbang. I already placed second to him on MOTY.

Terrific, so many of you guys are reading my mind today. So Trades, you know you are one of the three main online figures who will be significantly portrayed in my film? BH is one. U know who is lining ahead both of you, right? All disclosed tomorrow. If you are not happy with my rank of you three tomorrow, don't take it personal.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.
Best Response

D M:

I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.
WSO gangbang?
Flake wants to take the money shot

there should be plenty of those.
I'm not going sloppy seconds to BlackHat on the gangbang. I already placed second to him on MOTY.

Terrific, so many of you guys are reading my mind today. So Trades, you know you are one of the three main online figures who will be significantly portrayed in my film? BH is one. U know who is lining ahead both of you, right? All disclosed tomorrow.
If you are not happy with my rank of you three tomorrow, don't take it personal.

wow, I'm humbled....but if you want to represent me accurately you need to find a street tough looking version of Ryan Gosling to play my part. (street tough means a desk jockey look, if you know what I mean)

Main character must be Brady4MVP? I assume he would be played by Ken Jeong?

U know who is lining ahead both of you, right?

Me, of course. Finally some got damned recognition

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

I'm ready to bust my voluptuous ass up for a challenge to capture the golden era of WSO with my artistic means.

WSO gangbang?

Wait... is this Misspartiesalot or whatever her name was? Judging by the syntax and proclivity towards awkward sexual undertones of the thread I think it may very well be her...

Mickey Rourke as Eddie please....

I believe you're a genius. But could he really play Eddie better then Eddie could play himself? Only time may tell...

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Please wait 23 years and 9 months before making the movie. Gotta get Robert Downey Jr. and Mila Kunis to get freaky, pop out a handsome, brunet young alpha-male with slight racial ambiguity and unambiguous suaveness and then have him adequately mature. Then and only then will you have the proper actor to play the c. 2013 Nouveau Richie accurately. Thanks.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:

Please wait 23 years and 9 months before making the movie. Gotta get Robert Downey Jr. and Mila Kunis to get freaky, pop out a handsome, brunet young alpha-male with slight racial ambiguity and unambiguous suaveness and then have him adequately mature. Then and only then will you have the proper actor to play the c. 2013 Nouveau Richie accurately. Thanks.

Modern dorian gray?


this pleases me...can i talk about hooking up with my intern in it?

No, you apparently mentored by that big jerk GSElevator. and I'm not a fan.

I'm just a humble clown. I juggle around just for a good laugh of yours.

this pleases me...can i talk about hooking up with my intern in it?

No, you apparently mentored by that big jerk GSElevator. and I'm not a fan.

Dude if you can't identify satire you might want to pick a new career choice.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Est hic dicta ratione quis consequatur occaecati voluptatem. Harum similique aliquam sit atque consequatur cum fuga. At aut autem ducimus voluptatem. Reiciendis explicabo est ducimus aut qui. Est et doloribus rerum est iure.

Neque ipsum dolor voluptatem soluta animi est ex. Recusandae qui nobis et nam qui qui aut. Quasi aut beatae eligendi error natus quia eos. Perspiciatis et et excepturi facere itaque repellendus rem. Eveniet et ut soluta molestiae illo.


Nemo laudantium id sed sed sequi sit pariatur. Corrupti ex et est aut culpa et nulla consequatur. Ipsum provident ea repudiandae.

Optio voluptas suscipit ut odit. Recusandae reprehenderit illum et et ea voluptatem. Sint quos beatae quam cupiditate iste.

Dolorum voluptatem necessitatibus qui est omnis distinctio. Voluptas perspiciatis quia in quia ut. Quaerat aut tempora odit aliquam beatae qui. A quo accusamus et nihil beatae. Voluptates at hic dolor asperiores. Amet totam est enim.

Quia quibusdam cupiditate recusandae perferendis nam blanditiis. Quia autem iure iusto harum.

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