Hot Girl...or her less Hot (but still hot) Friend

Random quesiton, I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about when you go to tenjune, marquee, home, pink elephant, etc. and you see beautiful girls dancing. Now my questions for all you is, do you go for the hottest (sexiest dancer included) girl in the crowd or her less hot (but still hot) friends?

I always tend to go for the less hot, because I feel the hot one is untouchable type. what are your thoughts all?

sorry i don't have that problem, the hottest girls come to me

Yeah, I'm the guy they are all dancing probably just couldn't see me.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Your question is answered in the movie A Beautiful Mind, about 20 minutes in when they are at the bar. The theory makes sense, but then again, why not go for the hot girl if you think you have a shot?

Your question is answered in the movie A Beautiful Mind, about 20 minutes in when they are at the bar. The theory makes sense, but then again, why not go for the hot girl if you think you have a shot?

+1 science always prevails.

Your question is answered in the movie A Beautiful Mind, about 20 minutes in when they are at the bar. The theory makes sense, but then again, why not go for the hot girl if you think you have a shot?

+1 science always prevails.

That movie amusingly enough got Nash Equilibrium all wrong. Someone has to bang the blond in a Nash Equilibrium in that scenario.

That always pissed me off.

Best Response

Here's my advice:

Approach the girls with confidence and show active disinterest in the true target (the hotter girl of the group). You need to show them social value (this does not mean money, it means you can't be like every other boring douche that approaches them, this also does not = money) and you need to make the target feel like SHE needs to validate herself to YOU. These girls know they are hot and pulling some shit like "hey, what are you drinking?" or "let me buy you a drink, you look great" will cause you to fail. Instead, approach, show active disinterest in the fine young philly you are targeting and occasionally put her down.

ie.) Entertain the friends, and occasionally, with careful arrogance, be a little rude to the target. When she tries to get attention, call her demanding, or ask her friends if she always acts this way. Remember, it's always about having HER fighting to win YOUR attention.

I've found that the more outright rude and arrogant I am, the better it works (note: as a caveat, this does not work for everyone, and you need to walk a fine line so that your arrogance is funny & entertaining, not ONLY rude).

So, don't worry about your "chances," make your own chances. Go for the hottest chick, just have confidence, look your best, and dominate the situation.

Here's my advice:

Approach the girls with confidence and show active disinterest in the true target (the hotter girl of the group). You need to show them social value (this does not mean money, it means you can't be like every other boring douche that approaches them, this also does not = money) and you need to make the target feel like SHE needs to validate herself to YOU. These girls know they are hot and pulling some shit like "hey, what are you drinking?" or "let me buy you a drink, you look great" will cause you to fail. Instead, approach, show active disinterest in the fine young philly you are targeting and occasionally put her down.

ie.) Entertain the friends, and occasionally, with careful arrogance, be a little rude to the target. When she tries to get attention, call her demanding, or ask her friends if she always acts this way. Remember, it's always about having HER fighting to win YOUR attention.

I've found that the more outright rude and arrogant I am, the better it works (note: as a caveat, this does not work for everyone, and you need to walk a fine line so that your arrogance is funny & entertaining, not ONLY rude).

So, don't worry about your "chances," make your own chances. Go for the hottest chick, just have confidence, look your best, and dominate the situation.

This seems like good advice, but difficult to pull off correctly.

Wish I had some sample dialogue / observations.


Bitch, please. Obviously shit like "can I buy you a drink" won't fly. Skills like these should come naturally. If you have to ask, you've already failed.


Haha, yeah, I've read the Game. It's a decent book, it mostly does a good job putting into words what dudes that already get girls already know.

Shit is on point though. I recommend the book to just about anyone as long as you don't take it too seriously. It's interesting to read it and compare it to your own game.

As for earlybird's comment, get the fuck out of here. These things come naturally to a degree, but there is always work that can be done. Not everyone has the natural inner-game to dominate the hos like you apparently do. Hahaha.


LOL at all of this (I'm a girl).

If I'm at a club and some guy hits on my friend instead of me, I'll just go for another guy. If the girl is actually hot why would she spend the night waiting for you - unless YOU are hot, in which case you don't have to do all this game playing as she'll want you anyway.


@fp175- every girl says the complete opposite of what actually works. No offense but females are so much more emotional that they themselves don't know what they want.

Girls don't want "nice guys" or guys who hold open the door and all that shit. No matter how much you may say otherwise I think every guy who gets any knows better... the bottom line is chicks want what they can't have and every girl wants to get fucked by the rockstar (different definitions of course).

I haven't read the the game but have been told it is a pretty good framework for what most guys know instinctively. The author would make for a great consultant/case interviewee ;).

@fp175- every girl says the complete opposite of what actually works. No offense but females are so much more emotional that they themselves don't know what they want.

Girls don't want "nice guys" or guys who hold open the door and all that shit. No matter how much you may say otherwise I think every guy who gets any knows better... the bottom line is chicks want what they can't have and every girl wants to get fucked by the rockstar (different definitions of course).

I haven't read the the game but have been told it is a pretty good framework for what most guys know instinctively. The author would make for a great consultant/case interviewee ;).

Women do want someone to treat them well, they just put up shields and make you work to get in. Once you've got a chick, you can't have a relationship based on running game. It's the game that gets you in to begin with, that gets her defenses down so you can actually get to know her.


Women do want someone to treat them well, they just put up shields and make you work to get in. Once you've got a chick, you can't have a relationship based on running game. It's the game that gets you in to begin with, that gets her defenses down so you can actually get to know her.

and that's when you bring in special teams and go for the field goal

@fp175- every girl says the complete opposite of what actually works. No offense but females are so much more emotional that they themselves don't know what they want.

Girls don't want "nice guys" or guys who hold open the door and all that shit. No matter how much you may say otherwise I think every guy who gets any knows better... the bottom line is chicks want what they can't have and every girl wants to get fucked by the rockstar (different definitions of course).

I haven't read the the game but have been told it is a pretty good framework for what most guys know instinctively. The author would make for a great consultant/case interviewee ;).

Most girls at a club don't want a "nice guy" - they are drunk with their friends and want to find a guy to hook up with. In which case, given the male/female ratio at most clubs, the girl you are ignoring will end up finding another guy who actually just buys her a drink and takes her home, while you end up with the less attractive friend.

If we are talking about non-club situations then yes, maybe these kind of games work. But if you are trying to seal the deal with a random hottie on a night out, this makes no sense. She has more choices than you do.

And please don't speak to what all girls want. Maybe the ones in college want bad boys. I've had that phase - I'd love a 30 year old ready for a serious relationship to be honest.


Haha fp your response is classic. So many girls react in this fashion when they come across this material, but trust me, it's on point!

I used to be the "nice guy"/"friend zone" dude, till I read the game and David DeAngelo, and yeah those guys opened up my eyes to things I had long suspected.

I didnt believe it would work, but it does work! You become less hit and miss and more hit, hit, hit.

But fp, I'm interested to hear a females p.o.v. Lets do the opposite of what King says:

The guy comes up to you, tells you you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, proceeds to buy you all the drinks you want, and bows down to every whim of yours, and basically behaves like a spineless pussy and worships the ground you are on in that club. Will he get some?


Eh...I think it really depends on the kind of girl you're hitting on. If you're going after the same type of girl every time and using the same approach, you'll often get the same response. I've noticed my friends and I (guys and girls) all tend to hit on/respond well to our respective types (whether or not we think we have one) over and over again...

My guy friends that have read The Game have become significantly better at reading people. The change in their reception is not really attributable to being a total ass, but because they're a lot more perceptive about how well they're being perceived and by whom. For once they actually know how to tell if a girl is interested!

And you're all underestimating the creep factor. No matter what games you do or do not play some guys ooze sliminess and insincerity, which is oh so unattractive (not to mention sometimes a little frightening).

Eh...I think it really depends on the kind of girl you're hitting on. If you're going after the same type of girl every time and using the same approach, you'll often get the same response. I've noticed my friends and I (guys and girls) all tend to hit on/respond well to our respective types (whether or not we think we have one) over and over again...

That's pretty interesting.. what do you think determines those types?

I find that I usually find the same kind of girls attractive, but have dated a wide and quite diverse variety nonetheless.

The guy comes up to you, tells you you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, proceeds to buy you all the drinks you want, and bows down to every whim of yours, and basically behaves like a spineless pussy and worships the ground you are on in that club. Will he get some?

No he will not get a trickle of pussy. Guys like this exist all the time at clubs, buying tables, buying drinks. They're mid forties competing with the girls we (20-24) are going after. Beijing and Seoul in particular. Take it from someone who's clubbed 7 days a week. But who gets laid? College interns with no money but a lot of wit (conversation) and game (stop treating her like a fucking princess).

What do my girls tell me? "We only go because it's free and free drinks. Who cares." Fucking tools. Real game is on the dance floor. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife. Only bring money and buy drinks when you want hookers.

Silver banana for saying what others are afraid to say.

Remember, girls take shits too.

And if you don't have game or are too young, no problem. Wait till you're 32, then you can get 18-35. Study hard, get that money, do whatever YOU want. Don't worry it because age and double-standards are on your side, as they have been since the dawn of time.


Of course not, but neither will the guy purposely acting like a douche. You think you're the first fool to try that shit?

This kind of thing is like breathing-innate ability, not learned skill. Either you have it what the ladies are looking for, or you don't.

Of course not, but neither will the guy purposely acting like a douche. You think you're the first fool to try that shit?

This kind of thing is like breathing-innate ability, not learned skill. Either you have it what the ladies are looking for, or you don't.

First guy to try? No! But one cannot argue with results and thats all that matters, results. Not how the ideas don't work hypothetically.

I think every male has the ability, since it goes back to basic animal instincts. However, due to whatever cultural reasons/bs they were fed, they come up short. You also have many guys who do have "what it takes", but are too shy/nice, not outgoing enough. The game and other writing in the same vein helps those type of guys.

And yes as said above, nice guys do go home alone.

I tend to agree with earlybird. Either you have that natural charisma or you don't. Women can sense that instinct from a mile away too, that's why most dudes lose the battle even before it begins. And don't buy all this nice guy bs that women feed you. 90% of guys out there are nice guys, the same 90% that go home ALONE.


yes, AT A CLUB nice guys go home alone. If that is the only place you meet women I feel sorry for you. I assume most of you are in college or just recently out of it and just want to sleep with random girls. I assure you that there are plenty of married and seriously commited men who are nice and normal.

I'm not sure if the author of The Game is the same as that Mystery guy from the VH1 show. But it's important to note that guy is ugly and looks like a freak. Obviously if you look like that and think goggles are fashionable you will need tricks to get women.

yes, AT A CLUB nice guys go home alone. If that is the only place you meet women I feel sorry for you. I assume most of you are in college or just recently out of it and just want to sleep with random girls. I assure you that there are plenty of married and seriously commited men who are nice and normal.

I'm not sure if the author of The Game is the same as that Mystery guy from the VH1 show. But it's important to note that guy is ugly and looks like a freak. Obviously if you look like that and think goggles are fashionable you will need tricks to get women.

The fact that he is ugly and looks like a freak (and wears goggles) is even more proof that the "tricks" work.

I agree, some of this comes naturally to guys, but as his tv experiments show and some of the guys on here can attest to, this stuff does work. Woman are all over the place (for the most part). They take home the ass from the bar, though they claim they just want to meet a nice guy, the bar guy hangs around and they start to date and she makes him her boyfriend. She then wants to turn him from this stud at the bar, whom she turned into her bf, into her best friend who is going to listen to her emotional problems and carry her purse while she looks at clothes at the mall.

Most woman are needy. Look at fp157, she wants to find a guy that wants a serious relationship (nothing wrong with that)...what for? So you can have someone to be there for you, to listen to your complaints about the work day, your crazy sister/mom, etc.? So you can take what was really said and twist it to somehow mean the opposite? J/K, not really, you know that is what all girls do!

Anyways, this game shit works (just look at how Will Smith got Eva Mendes in Hitch) on the girls in their 20s at the club on Friday and Saturday night. Probably not the wisest thing to pull on some hippie chick at the corner coffee bar reading a novel, lol.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
thats all i have to tell them

AROUND.... (Sorry, just watched American Pie 2 for the first time in like 5 years last night haha)

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

This guy is talking about basic animal instincts? Darwinism dictates that the best suitors attract the best mates and its no different in a club scene...attractiveness and charisma are innate (but can certainly be cultivated over time) but I would always lean toward the nature side of this type of nature/nurture debate

"As soon as I step on the scene I'm hearing hoochies screamin, fienen for money and alcohol..." so luckily I don't have to try that hard


Definetly I agree, the best suitors attract the best mates. And while where you start on the continuum is definetly innate, the ability to improve and move up on that continuum is purely environmental (genes will dictate the ceiling however). So you can become a better suitor.

As my genetics professor always liked to quote, "genes load the gun and the environment pulls the trigger."

I think some of us also underestimate the power of the brain. If we can improve ourselves in all these other areas, why is it so hard to believe that one can't improve with the ladies? In whatever field, you may never reach the abilities of those fortunate enough to be born at 100%, but it is possible to go from 20/30/40% to 80/90%. Depending on the environment you are exposed to and how hard you work at it.


What I read definitely helped me. Game can certainly be groomed and developed. I was awkward with girls in high school, but you'd never know that now. Yes, it's best to just be natural about it, but I don't buy this BS that you're stuck with what you're born with. Guys who are 'naturals' simply started younger and got comfortable with girls. I had to go out and keep trying until I developed the confidence and charisma needed to be successful.


Charisma is something some people are blessed with. It can be cultivated to a degree, but you can't fake it.

At the end of the day, you can't emulate others, you need to have a strong sense of personal identity and work from there. Some people just haven't discovered / come to grips with who they really are and thus will fail.


I can't believe some guys actually purposely try to act aloof/jerky. I've had guys do that to me where I thought it was rude/weird. It was a total turn-off.

How about just starting a normal conversation? I don't date anyone I meet at the club, so if you are looking for a nice girl, keep in mind she might not want to date anyone she meets at these places.

I think the guys that were the most impressive were mature and good conversationalists. I hate the ones that pull tricks on me.


I wrote this long response to this thread, and decided to delete it.

As a guy I have found that you can make fun of a girl in a nice way, but you cannot be a dick to her or she will just tell you to fuck off. Yea you can be a dick to her after the first date, when she is your girl friend, and she is the masochistic type, but in no other circumstances. To the OP, the less hot friend is probably also the one that is less demanding and will require less work. The best thing is to go with a buddy, and grab both girls. This way none will cock block you (the hotter one cock blocks as well...) If I wasn't forced into clubs every week end by my friends, I'd rather hit on girls at the library. You can actually have a conversation without shouting, and you have more chance of landing a girl friend if that is what you are after.

Remember, you will always be a salesman, no matter how fancy your title is. - My ex girlfriend

I can't believe some guys actually purposely try to act aloof/jerky. I've had guys do that to me where I thought it was rude/weird.

Don't be ridiculous. Women do something similar to attract men. Women, however, call it "hard to get."

I can't believe some guys actually purposely try to act aloof/jerky. I've had guys do that to me where I thought it was rude/weird.

Don't be ridiculous. Women do something similar to attract men. Women, however, call it "hard to get."

Mature people do not play games. I don't jump at a guy if I think he's cute, but I don't act "hard to get" either. Maybe you haven't met the right type of girls. There are plenty who are down to earth and they aren't shabby-looking either.

I can't believe some guys actually purposely try to act aloof/jerky. I've had guys do that to me where I thought it was rude/weird. It was a total turn-off.

Then they don't have game.

I don't date anyone I meet at the club, so if you are looking for a nice girl, keep in mind she might not want to date anyone she meets at these places.

Then you're rejecting people for no good reason. If you go to clubs, why automatically cross out guys who do too?

I think the guys that were the most impressive were mature and good conversationalists. I hate the ones that pull tricks on me.

That's called having game versus not having game. The mature men who were good conversationalists simply had enough game to realize how to play you. Are you married to one of them? No? Case in point.


i think thats a big prob with NYC life. meeting a girl to bring home isnt that hard at club/bars but id say its close to impossible to find "gf material" while you are pounding jager shots and screaming into each others ears

  1. Never take a woman's advice about women.

  2. Treat a girl like dirt and she'll stick to you like mud.

  3. 10% of guys get 90% of the pussy.


This is the most pathetically desperate discussion to ever grace


See you all have it all wrong. You go for them both. Problem solved.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

In a new environment, I've used it on girls outside of school and outside of the bar scene. Results: The Game works. I kept paying attention to one of the other girls and ignored the target girl until we naturally started talking. Anything else, guys come off as needy/naggy/wussy. Girls prefer real and a jerk to fake and super nice.

Results: The Game works.

This douchebaggery has got to stop. I cringed at this sentence.

I kept paying attention to one of the other girls and ignored the target girl until we naturally started talking. Anything else, guys come off as needy/naggy/wussy. Girls prefer real and a jerk to fake and super nice.

Listen to yourself, kid. You think that's "real"? That's fake as hell, purposefully ignoring the only girl you're interested in and trying to have a conversation with someone you don't care about. Also, I won't deny that it works, but that is not the ONLY way and it is not true that "anything else comes off as needy/naggy/wussy." Stop acting like an expert, because you're clearly young and have a long way to go.


I just got my hands on a copy. Going to read it by the summer so I can avoid people like you. ..that, or so I won't ever fall victim to some tricks pulled straight out of the book like I did on at least one occasion.

I just got my hands on a copy. Going to read it by the summer so I can avoid people like you. ..that, or so I won't ever fall victim to some tricks pulled straight out of the book like I did on at least one occasion.

What's the exact title of the book? Would like to read it as well for the same reasons...

I just got my hands on a copy. Going to read it by the summer so I can avoid people like you. ..that, or so I won't ever fall victim to some tricks pulled straight out of the book like I did on at least one occasion.

What's the exact title of the book? Would like to read it as well for the same reasons...

Haha, after this thread it doesn't seem like a bad idea...


Hilarious. The discussion rages on!

For those ladies that want to have a read:

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss David DeAngelo: Double your Dating

An interesting thing happens when girls come across this stuff. The friends who I've shown this stuff say it just made them better at spotting which guys "got it" and which guys didnt. i.e. They got better with the eject button.

Mark Klein, whats your problem Mr Aggressive? Obviously the guy found what works for him and he's happy. That is all its down to, whatever works for the individual. Not what some nobody on the internet thinks. The idea of Uniformity failed a long time ago, each to their own.

Guys have to use whatever tools they are given to achieve their goal, if a man can use his money to pull, if he can use his natural born killer looks, if he can use the aforementioned 14 inch cock, why is it such a jump to use this approach? I'd argue that any of the above can just be as fake as the next approach, so that "it's fake" argument doesn't fly.

Rather, dontchaknow probably realized that this hot girl he likes is approached by dozens of guys each week trying to suck up and that she has an automatic eject mechanism. It's all about making yourself distinct in one way or another... peacock feathers?

For those guys out there reading, who like me, don't feel they've got it all figured out, and are curious to learn more, I definitely recommend the books above. In an age where internet dating is becoming mainstream, I feel anything goes because that is the zenith of lameness... unless it works for you haha.

Mark Klein, whats your problem Mr Aggressive? Obviously the guy found what works for him and he's happy. That is all its down to, whatever works for the individual. Not what some nobody on the internet thinks. The idea of Uniformity failed a long time ago, each to their own.

This is exactly why his post is so stupid. He said, "anything else, guys come off as needy/naggy/wussy." He didn't say "Anything else, I come off as needy/naggy/wussy," you douchebag.

As for the girls saying they plan on picking up the book to find out what our "secrets" are: It probably won't help much in the way you're describing. Very few guys even know that the book exists, much less are familiar with the whole "pickup artist" world. I've read it, though, and it's a great book aside from that.


I don't know if this has been said yet but you need to watch A Beautiful Mind and learn your way around game theory and a Nash equilibrium.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Yo, the game works. From a club-going female, I can tell you there is NOTHING more unattractive than some guy that comes up to you and drools all over you from the first second. EVEN if the male in question is in fact, quite cute with pros in his favour. Why? It's real easy: a. guys are physical b. girls are emotional

drool = acknowledging her physical attractiveness = self esteem boost to her, BUT =/= she makes a connection to you, in fact, defences come up. chatting/being a jerk = forcing her to divert her attention to your personality = she makes a connection, even if that connection is "likeable jerk".

Oh, and never use "Can I buy you a drink" as an opener. I'm shocked at how many guys haven't figured this out. I mean, seriously, if she accepted because she likes you, she'll feel obliged to make conversation, which is mad awkward; if she doesn't then you just brought someone a free drink. Why don't you just say hi and start chatting to her?! Of course, she might ignore you, but this is where you can show off that "charm". Feel free to buy her drinks once you two start talking though. (I do think this is covered in The Game, yes?)

I read it when I was younger and more innocent and thought "what a load of crap". Then I realised the alternatives...

Hope this is a small contribution to less awkward moments in clubs worldwide.


so cacambo my question is being familar with the tactics how do you respond to it?

I think the game has its pros and cons like anything else and definitely there are places it is hands down the best way to use it. I do not have to game a chick in a coffee shop because I am an interesting enough person that will be able to get her interest. In a bar or club however there is nothing better than using the game.

Now as a "club going male" im going to have to say as always pics or you dont exist.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
so cacambo my question is being familar with the tactics how do you respond to it?

Well, I appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into developing it! Then the usual standards of judgement comes in of course. The Game really just provides an "in" right? Put it another way, if you've really got game, you don't need The Game.

Now as a "club going male" im going to have to say as always pics or you dont exist.

You know the standard answer to that.

their fucking stupid and dont know what they want. if they knew what they wanted theyd be called men.

In my very humble experience, men don't know what they want either.

note cacambo, seems to be an exception to statement above, then again given that this is an anonymous forum she might be a dude.

Why thank you. But I assure you I am, and always have been, female.


I cant believe you guys are arguing with women about what works on them or doesnt.

their fucking stupid and dont know what they want. if they knew what they wanted theyd be called men. MANkind screwed up bigtime when in the 1960s we actually started taking female opinion seriously :(

note cacambo, seems to be an exception to statement above, then again given that this is an anonymous forum she might be a dude.

I cant believe you guys are arguing with women about what works on them or doesnt.

their fucking stupid and dont know what they want. if they knew what they wanted theyd be called men. MANkind screwed up bigtime when in the 1960s we actually started taking female opinion seriously :(

note cacambo, seems to be an exception to statement above, then again given that this is an anonymous forum she might be a dude.

I'm playing a game with my girl friend, and we're talking about ex-es. I tell her I dated a younger girl. We're pretty drunk now, and she grabs me by neck and gives me the best advice I have heard in my entire fucking life.

  1. "Girls 18-24 don't know what the fuck they want. Get it?" Then she passes out.

  2. My best friend grabbed this by the tailend, "Do you know what pretty girls think about all the time?" "What they're not doing."

Hope this carries well with you guys. Listen to that Coolio song below, I heard it at a club. Stop listening to fucking Maroon 5.

"I like girls"

You're welcome


I'm only 15, but if all these girls are dancing around waiting for me to buy them drinks, how the fuck will they make me my sandwich?


what amazes me is how much in denial of evidence women are in regards to this topic lol. how the fuck can people be that oblivious to reality, the power of rationalization is strong in those without logical thinking I guess?


out of curiosity, do you guys ever start a relationship with girls from clubs? i haven't had too much experience, so some veteran info. on what kind of girls they actually are would be appreciated. (i don't judge, that's why i want to know - are these girls even looking for a relationship? what happens after breakfast?)


Neque rem doloremque et nisi. Molestias porro delectus excepturi ut commodi alias. Quod consequatur voluptatem quo ducimus voluptatem cum. Rerum qui modi dolorem qui eaque consequatur ratione.

Suscipit velit nisi voluptate velit voluptatibus sunt quia pariatur. Earum deserunt est est et et autem. Qui dolor voluptas rem. Qui itaque hic ut sint deserunt. Quas ex voluptatibus excepturi quia quia architecto. Id temporibus sapiente nostrum dolor perspiciatis dolores.

Harum in ducimus doloremque sit architecto nisi. Quibusdam qui dignissimos placeat consequatur dolores ut laboriosam. Eius quia sit iste sapiente voluptas qui. Beatae itaque aut accusamus porro.


Eos temporibus aut id accusamus rerum velit et maxime. Et quaerat autem quaerat consectetur soluta minus suscipit. Labore et eos omnis voluptates quo minus. Impedit animi sapiente recusandae et non dolore excepturi et. Optio voluptate nulla dignissimos qui sunt. Numquam nihil aspernatur totam nihil non aut reprehenderit ut.

Expedita sit sunt consequatur sit autem excepturi earum nihil. Autem vel laudantium incidunt autem accusantium aut. Non nisi ducimus est eius possimus.

Nemo consequuntur quos pariatur itaque dolor mollitia id. Dolorem ex unde illo maxime officiis. In quis ut natus in dolores. Non ut neque impedit ut labore nihil itaque.

Rerum et laboriosam sunt ipsam nemo fugiat quisquam. Ut rem omnis id rerum quisquam. Ipsa sit et possimus molestiae placeat maiores nemo.

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

Sint porro neque consectetur culpa. Omnis placeat incidunt voluptates rerum eligendi distinctio. Neque quam voluptas velit aut ratione. Facere in consequatur omnis.

Quae qui dolorum autem ut. Veniam rem similique ad debitis.

Nemo praesentium officia consequatur voluptas qui iste. Neque pariatur eum nostrum aut eius nulla.

Pariatur optio consectetur amet illo ducimus tenetur esse alias. Quia totam fugiat autem et at. Enim amet dolorem sunt aperiam sit cumque impedit. Laborum laboriosam omnis distinctio eos omnis fuga consequatur. Expedita quaerat hic aut cumque. Non eos quibusdam vitae voluptatem.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Praesentium repellendus cupiditate et autem. At autem unde et et provident perferendis officiis quod. Est non et est. Neque reprehenderit exercitationem optio ducimus.

Mollitia in perferendis quaerat rerum dolorem. Et voluptas quod officia omnis modi. Harum culpa ut est consequatur.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 18 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”