All about men

Ladies, let's go vent about these monkeys.

I cancelled a date the other night because the guy kept talking about how expensive it was. He said "It's expensive, just right for you" and "Oh good, you don't drink (alcohol), the bill will be cheaper".

He did not understand why I didn't want to see him anymore. After I explained to him, the extreme tackiness of the situation, he said that he had "no idea that the restaurant was expensive!". I just blocked him on aim.

  1. He was 26, has a mba from univ. of chicago, nerdy computer guy. Went to cornell for undergrad.

  2. aim, yes but if you REALLY wanted to be specific it was pidgin, for the OTR (off the record encrypted) chats. :)

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

wow, hilarious thread. not only because the story is fictional, but on another level, too: the OP is a guy pretending to write about his life as a woman


DAN. I AM NOT A MAN! I AM A WOMAN. Don't believe me? PM me and I'll send you proof.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

I was about to make a thread on this issue earlier but forgot. I wanted to hear the guys opinions on whether they pick up the check or go dutch on dates.

I, for one, stopped picking up the check a long time ago. I insist on spliting the bill even if it's a cup of coffee.


atropolation, don't feed the troll (dan bush)

Seanc, LOL. For me, dutch versus picking up the check depends entirely on (my) intent :)


Oh come on, you've got to pick up the check unless you're both legitimately dirt poor. That's when you make sure the lady friend packs a bottle of dish soap in her purse; as soon as the waiter drops the check you take one look and say, "well hon, looks like we're washing dishes tonight."

But seriously though, take the check unless she makes more money than you do and you're comfortable being a tool. It's courteous to at least make a move for it, and chivalry would seem to demand it.


I've had a guy go dutch on me once, and that sent a strong message of "let's be friends.", so that was the end of the line for him ('cause I liked him more than just friends and didn't want to be an f-buddy)

Actually, speaking of uh...going dutch I once knew this guy and I was so nervous around him and didn't know if he liked me or not that I constantly picked up my half of the bill. LOL! Even though it was so clearly evident! Finally he offered to buy me lunch using the "chewbacca defense". And uh....that's the end of that story.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

If i actually invite a woman to dinner; of course I pay...I'd much rather meet for happy hour or apps or whatever where it's totally unassuming and you switch off paying for rounds...Why would you ever invite a woman out to a nice dinner unless it's like your 6th date?


OMG, this has been an interesting week regarding men...

About the issue of picking up a check or going Dutch... Seanc, if you really like a girl, just pick up the freakin' tab. Don't be cheap! If you're just kicking it with some chick, ok, go Dutch. Also, don't be lame and just get coffee. Do something fun for crying out loud.

Also, don't be lame and just get coffee. Do something fun for crying out loud.

Yes, us ladies silently judge you on everything. We are like cats. Men are, of course, (like) dogs. :)

I went on this date once, omg....this guy took me to the movies. We had gone on our first date, it went great, we went to some historic bar downtown that wasn't very crowded and everyone was real nice. He put me in a cab and we kissed, it was a great kiss and that was it. So we go on the second date. To the movies. "Little Miss Sunshine". He says, "lets get popcorn and soda". I say "cool". He gets the number one. The number one being the medium soda and large popcorn. He gets one straw. I guess you kissing a guy means that you can share a soda and straw. (Though I think it would've been classier to have gotten me a soda as well)

So, we get into our seats and I am holding onto the popcorn and he is holding onto the soda. I eat some popcorn and then after a while I say "hey, could I have the soda?". He gives it to me. 3/4 empty.

I'm like "WTF? What the HELL did I just get handed?" I SHAKE the soda, so confirm what I already know. That bastard drank almost all of the soda and the movie ahd just started! We still had a whole bunch of salty popcorn. Why didn't he get the number two if he was that thirsty? (Two med. sodas and one large popcorn). Man...

I take the soda, and drink what I can. He takes the popcorn.


KERNELS FLYING EVERYWHERE! If he were at a food eating contest, this kid would've won. He was shoving it down his mouth like it was an incinerator!


There went the popcorn. I sighed. At least the movie was good. I never saw him again.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
Also, don't be lame and just get coffee. Do something fun for crying out loud.

Yes, us ladies silently judge you on everything. We are like cats. Men are, of course, (like) dogs. :)

I went on this date once, omg....this guy took me to the movies. We had gone on our first date, it went great, we went to some historic bar downtown that wasn't very crowded and everyone was real nice. He put me in a cab and we kissed, it was a great kiss and that was it. So we go on the second date. To the movies. "Little Miss Sunshine". He says, "lets get popcorn and soda". I say "cool". He gets the number one. The number one being the medium soda and large popcorn. He gets one straw. I guess you kissing a guy means that you can share a soda and straw. (Though I think it would've been classier to have gotten me a soda as well)

So, we get into our seats and I am holding onto the popcorn and he is holding onto the soda. I eat some popcorn and then after a while I say "hey, could I have the soda?". He gives it to me. 3/4 empty.

I'm like "WTF? What the HELL did I just get handed?" I SHAKE the soda, so confirm what I already know. That bastard drank almost all of the soda and the movie ahd just started! We still had a whole bunch of salty popcorn. Why didn't he get the number two if he was that thirsty? (Two med. sodas and one large popcorn). Man...

I take the soda, and drink what I can. He takes the popcorn.


KERNELS FLYING EVERYWHERE! If he were at a food eating contest, this kid would've won. He was shoving it down his mouth like it was an incinerator!


There went the popcorn. I sighed. At least the movie was good. I never saw him again.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********


Best Response

LOL!!! What? He didn't get two sodas? Selfish bastard :-)

A friend I knew for years... friends in college, worked for same company, both left that company and started other jobs... time went by... lost touch... saw each other again a while later... friendship morphed into something else. Was looking pretty promising, until...

I invited this guy one day over for dinner. I wanted to cook for him. I like to cook. He shows up, brings nothing. At least bring a bottle of wine or something, anything! He brings nothing. It's a Sunday. Football is on. I'm sweating in the kitchen. He cops a squat in front of my TV. He watches football. He doesn't offer to help, to cut anything, to prepare anything. I had a vision of myself being married to this guy and washing dirty underwear and getting him a beer while he's a loaf sitting in front of the TV. Archie Bunker. Ugh.

I made paella. He loved. it. But the possibility of something more ended right there. Ok, I'm sure there were other issues, but I have no recollection what they were. I just remember him sitting there like a thug. It was so over. I wasted good saffron on this guy. Knucklehead.


Oh MAN!! That's TERRIBLE! I can already see him in my mind just sitting there! LOL!!!! Not a thought going through his little mind other than "Go team go!". LOL! I can't believe he didn't even offer to help! Wow.

I once broke up with a guy because he called me every night asking "what was new". LOL! Most of the time absolutely nothing was new. I thought it was rather cute and nice for the first week. Mildly irritating the second week, and quite frustrating the third. He would want to talk for a good half hour, even when my answer was "nothing, really...I ate, showered and slept, you?". Drove me nuts. My friends thought it was hilarious. I told him I needed space. I still haven't contacted him again!

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Honestly, both of you sound deranged.

Atrop, you kicked this guy to the curb because he didn't buy two sodas and ate most the popcorn ?? Is that the criteria you use to judge men on dates ? On how they ration the condiments ?

Pepsi, you're even worse. You say this guy has known you for years and yet you expect him to bring gifts over when you're watching a damn game together ?? No man on Earth could anticipate such a request. Hell, I've shown up to girls houses dozens of times and done much the same thing your friend did, was never castigated for it (not that I know of) and I barely even knew some of those girls lol.

Maybe both of you should move to Europe because you'll have a hard time finding men that fit your etiquette requirements here.

Honestly, both of you sound deranged.

Atrop, you kicked this guy to the curb because he didn't buy two sodas and ate most the popcorn ?? Is that the criteria you use to judge men on dates ? On how they ration the condiments ?

what did you expect? they'er girls. they like to pretend they're on sex and the city so that they can say stuff like "Oh, him? I dumped him bc he didnt share the drink!" when the truth is, she rather quickly realized that she doesn't like him because he plain sucks. she probably subonciously knew this even before the drink incident happened, but she (as a girl) is incapable of figuring out why she's attracted to this or that guy.


When my girlfiend and I started dating a few years back (when it was looking like I was going to be a techy computer geek, not a banker), we split everything 50/50. In fact, she often insisted on paying and it probably ended up being more of a 70/30 split, her paying more (and I don't mean the fake, "oh no hunny, let me get it," I mean the "slip my credit card out and hers in when I wasn't looking" type of insisting). I didn't start picking up every tab until I got my full time job. Now, to compensate, she randomly buys me presents nearly weekly. She'll show up and say: "Oh my god, I saw this shirt and I just had to get it for you!" Gifts range from misc. trinkets to picture frames to cologne to clothing. Heck, -I- get more presents than she does on her birthday! I just can't stop her! Now, she comes from a well-to-do family, but no more than I do.

On top of that, not that we're anywhere close to getting married (she made it very clear she wants to wait until mid to late 20s), but she insists of separate bank accounts. Oh and, she made it clear that she believes in pre-numptual agreements, and I certainly didn't prompt that conversation.

So, before any guy thinks they have to bend over backwards to impress a girl -- there are very special low maintenance ones out there! And before you start writing her off as desperate: yes, she is hot (not a model, but certainly not a brown-bagger).

Disclaimer: No, I'm not just sucking up all her sweetness and not giving anything back. She gets her own steady stream of flowers, cards, and gifts for no reason!

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:
Pepsi, you're even worse. You say this guy has known you for years and yet you expect him to bring gifts over when you're watching a damn game together ??

LOL!! Ouch :-)

Let's clarify something, yeah I knew him for years but plutonically. We weren't close chums or anything until much much much later. Also, this was the first time he came over for dinner. It was a "date" and I offered to cook because it was special. He SHOULD have at least brought a bottle of wine. A $5 bottle would have been better than nothing. A six pack of Pepsi would have been better than nothing. Heck, cupcakes are better than nothing. It's the gesture. Someone's going out of their way to cook for you, bring something. You go to a formal dinner at a friends house, bring something or offer to bring something at least. Common sense good manners. C'mon guys.

Also, yeah, I have plenty of friends that stop by just to chill, watch a movie or a game or listen to music or whatever. No big deal. What I was talking about was a first dinner, with a guy, at my place.

She'll show up and say: "Oh my god, I saw this shirt and I just had to get it for you!" Gifts range from misc. trinkets to picture frames to cologne to clothing. Heck, -I- get more presents than she does on her birthday! I just can't stop her!

I love to dote on guys. I've done all the above, bought shirts, cologne, massage certificates, CDs, sports tickets, concert tickets, socks you name it. One guy a dated had such a sweet tooth and I knew he loved these chocolate covered walnut things, I'd give him sheer boxes of the candies. I probably encouraged a few cavities. Another guy I knew absolutely loved vintage pens. I walked past an antique shop, saw a pen from the corner of my eye in the window, I bought it for this guy. Another guy had a cuff link fetish. The stranger, weirder, playful the cuff links the better. I was always scouting for cuff links that were different for this guy. C'mon I love to dote on men.

Also, keep in mind, Atrop and I are giving you guys our most absolute horrible experiences. I promise, I've known more generous, kind, playful, awesome guys than these knuckleheads we write about on the forum. Seriously. Some of you aren't too shabby :-)


One last thing... the guy wasn't invited over for dinner AND a gamewatch. The guy was invited for dinner. Here's what should have gone down - - -> The guy comes over, brings a bottle of wine or pepsi or cupcakes or tulips anything as a gesture to thank the "host" :-) Then he would have offered to help me prepare dinner or entertained me in conversation in the kitchen. During which time we could open the bottle of wine, chat, joke around, get to know each other better, perhaps he could have stood behind me, kissed my neck, given me lots hugs, that wouldn't have been bad either. Instead, the guy comes in, cops a squat, finds the remote, puts on a game and sits like a loaf on the couch until dinner is ready. That's not awful? What planet are you guys on???!!!???

One last thing... the guy wasn't invited over for dinner AND a gamewatch. The guy was invited for dinner. Here's what should have gone down - - -> The guy comes over, brings a bottle of wine or pepsi or cupcakes or tulips anything as a gesture to thank the "host" :-) Then he would have offered to help me prepare dinner or entertained me in conversation in the kitchen. During which time we could open the bottle of wine, chat, joke around, get to know each other better, perhaps he could have stood behind me, kissed my neck, given me lots hugs, that wouldn't have been bad either. Instead, the guy comes in, cops a squat, finds the remote, puts on a game and sits like a loaf on the couch until dinner is ready. That's not awful? What planet are you guys on???!!!???

Let me give you some insight on guys. We like watching sport. We don't like watching people cook. We like being cooked for or fed. We don't like cliched dates or contrived social etiquette.

You were doing what so many single girls do. You set up a social situation where several onerous and often ridiculous rules must obeyed in an extremely uncomfortable context to see whether your John is worthy. He identifies the situation and makes a choice; play the game for a chance at scoring or alternatively, opt out and label the girl high maintenance.

At no point in this first date scenario do you get to know anyone, rather you are both tip-toeing around a bullshit construct. If the guy opts to play along, he has another choice. He can continue to play along for obvious reasons or he can just not call when gets tired.

Do you see how this evolves? Because you never give the guy a chance to be himself, you continually test this guy, it very quickly becomes a pretty basic trade-off. Sex vs. the effort. Generally, the sex will win out in the short term, but rarely in the long term. Ever wondered why guys just 'change' one day? It's because you have become too much of a chore.

I can't stand it when women constantly try to 'educate' guys. It's not that we don't know, it's just we don't care. There are enough good looking women out there that aren't hung up with social conformity that most of us don't need to bother.

Let me give you some insight on guys. We like watching sport.

LOL, no duh Sherlock, c'mon you don't think we're clueless do you? :-)

You were doing what so many single girls do. You set up a social situation where several onerous and often ridiculous rules must obeyed in an extremely uncomfortable context to see whether your John is worthy. He identifies the situation and makes a choice; play the game for a chance at scoring or alternatively, opt out and label the girl high maintenance.

Look, it's innate in women to be nurturing. A dinner at home is not a "setup". It's not done on purpose to test a guy. It's just nice a gesture because you like someone. Anyway isn't the best behavior from most guys supposed in the beginning? If a guy is such a loaf that early in a relationship, that can't be good :-(

There are enough good looking women out there that aren't hung up with social conformity that most of us don't need to bother.

This is all making me think of that book "The Game"? ... LOL!!

One last thing... the guy wasn't invited over for dinner AND a gamewatch. The guy was invited for dinner. Here's what should have gone down - - -> The guy comes over, brings a bottle of wine or pepsi or cupcakes or tulips anything as a gesture to thank the "host" :-) Then he would have offered to help me prepare dinner or entertained me in conversation in the kitchen. During which time we could open the bottle of wine, chat, joke around, get to know each other better, perhaps he could have stood behind me, kissed my neck, given me lots hugs, that wouldn't have been bad either. Instead, the guy comes in, cops a squat, finds the remote, puts on a game and sits like a loaf on the couch until dinner is ready. That's not awful? What planet are you guys on???!!!???

Let me give you some insight on guys. We like watching sport. We don't like watching people cook. We like being cooked for or fed. We don't like cliched dates or contrived social etiquette.

You were doing what so many single girls do. You set up a social situation where several onerous and often ridiculous rules must obeyed in an extremely uncomfortable context to see whether your John is worthy. He identifies the situation and makes a choice; play the game for a chance at scoring or alternatively, opt out and label the girl high maintenance.

At no point in this first date scenario do you get to know anyone, rather you are both tip-toeing around a bullshit construct. If the guy opts to play along, he has another choice. He can continue to play along for obvious reasons or he can just not call when gets tired.

Do you see how this evolves? Because you never give the guy a chance to be himself, you continually test this guy, it very quickly becomes a pretty basic trade-off. Sex vs. the effort. Generally, the sex will win out in the short term, but rarely in the long term. Ever wondered why guys just 'change' one day? It's because you have become too much of a chore.

I can't stand it when women constantly try to 'educate' guys. It's not that we don't know, it's just we don't care. There are enough good looking women out there that aren't hung up with social conformity that most of us don't need to bother.

Sorry dude, pepsi's right on this one. And speak for yourself - some men can handle a romantic evening and actually enjoy it, ie. not a "chore" or a "game" or "social conformity." Good god. You're on a date. Paying attention to your date might be a minimum standard.

I mean, do you really think this is reasonable date behavior? Seriously - like she's going to stop cooking, come over to you and say - gee, wow, you look so hot watching the game all by yourself, you want to go into the other room....? That only happens in Viagra commercials.

The guy didn't make a decision that she's high maintenance, he was just completely clueless.


lol- maybe he thought you should have had the dinner ready before he came and he was being gracious by waiting patiently and entertaining himself while you finished up.

...he def should have brought something though- flowers or wine.


While I don't take it to that extreme, I agree with beaker's main point that the "social etiquette" game is quite a joke. If I can't be myself around a girl, I don't want the relationship to last. Of course, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure the girl is happy, but she can't expect to read my mind. If she says something along the lines of "hunny, can you help me with XYZ?" I will definitely do it with a smile. But come on girls, you have to ASK! Of course, this excludes things such as: "Can you bring me flowers on my b'day?" But seriously, if you would like to go see 'little miss sunshine' instead of 'I now pronounce you chuck and larry', that's great! But please tell us, don't agree to go along and then don't call back because you hated the movie choice!

Oh, just another note to women: We don't care if you need to look your best if it means we're going to be late to the movie! I've missed an entire saturday night out because my g/f spent so long trying to decide what to wear and we weren't interested when she was done!

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

Okay, yes, pepsi brought up a wonderful note, these are the most horrible extreme versions. If the guy was going to eat and drink that much on my date, then I would've expected him to get enough condiments. How much do condiments cost?

It's NOT THAT MUCH! Why? Because on dates where I really liked the guy, I'VE BOUGHT ENOUGH CONDIMENTS FOR THE BOTH OF US! Even if he said he wasn't that hungry, I know what "not that hungry" means in guy talk. I've bought plenty of things for guys, cooked for them, cleaned up for them...etc. Oh yeah, I'm always on time as well. :)

SECOND of all, we're not obsessed with sex and the city. I think that show is a little ridiculous sometimes, it has it's funny moments, but I am more of a "House md" and "Lost" kinda gal.

Actually, speaking of LOST, I am so obsessed with that show that I constantly read the spoilers and what not, that when people try to talk to me about LOST who aren't such avid viewers I get frustrated. :/

Ok, let's talk about some good dates huh?

I can barely remember the good dates I'm usually so entranced by the men. I usually say something stupid and just look at him. All I can think about is his tie....hanging....around his neck like a calling card. Fantasies of us making out in a hotel elevator come floating into my mind, him wearing a suit, me wearing a dress. Wondering how a gal like me got on a date with someone so spectacular. Thinking about why this guy is still single. How I can get from first date point a, to a long lasting relationship point b. Curling up in bed. Massaging his back. Making him breakfast. The smell of him. His hair, his eyes.

Etc. etc. etc.

Though on a more negative note, I hate those guys who cheat on their girlfriends. There is NOTHING that I dislike more than that. I once dated this guy who was dating another girl at the same time. I didn't know, when I found out I stopped talking to the guy. How did I find out? The girl introduced herself as his gf. A few months later I was hanging out at a friends house for a bday party. We started talking. I felt so low for some reason, but I didn't say anything and she didn't know. She finally found out and stopped talking or hanging out with our mutual friend when I was around, leading to some awkward experiences and one of us not getting invited to something. I never wanted to get involved with something like that.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Well, I just wanted to be polite. I know I'm not fat. :)

Ok, and second of all, who doesn't order by number? One is more apt to say "I want a number one", than "I'll have the medium popcorn and medium soda.".

Like, seriously, what was I going to do?

XXX: What do you want? Me: Popcorn is good. XXX: What about to drink? How's coke? Me: Coke's great! Attendant: Can I help you? XXX: We'll have the number one. Attendant: That'll be 10.00 (These are nyc prices I am estimating)

What was I going to say? Something like this?

Me: Let's get another coke, maybe a bigger popcorn, this isn't going to be enough for the both of us. XXX:Uh ok.

I find that a little too demanding on a second date. I don't know. I feel uncomfortable with that. It doesn't sound lady-like. He should just use his head and think to himself if that's going to be enough. Let's face it, a medium popcorn and a medium soda are not enough for two people. Especially if one of those is a man. Just this past weekend I had moving guys and fed them. Four guys and me put down three large pizzas and two bottles of two liter coca-colas. Men eat a lot. I knew this. That is why I ordered that much pizza and soda. Why do men not know this? I once went food shopping with a man. We bought more meat than I had ever bought. I was in awe, I did not say anything though. This is because I knew that these were men eating.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
I find that a little too demanding on a second date. I don't know. I feel uncomfortable with that. It doesn't sound lady-like. He should just use his head and think to himself if that's going to be enough.

Exactly what I'm talking about.

How come when you ran out of soda and popcorn, you didn't ask him to get you more? Or alternatively, why didn't you go and get some more?

Man, it's a slow day at work...


You guys are all leaving out the "fake anorexia" card. The one where the guy orders enough for both of you and the girl claims she isn't hungry and leaves all her food.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

I don't blame the birds for that one though. It's disgusting to watch a woman stuff her face. anything more than a salad is a turnoff.

I don't blame the birds for that one though. It's disgusting to watch a woman stuff her face. anything more than a salad is a turnoff.

Never eat on a date. Meet them out.

BTW, Seanc = atrop = Misind = pepsi = dan bush is a xxx

Have the guy who runs this site do an IP check or something. Or wait, you think I run this site too ? You must be crazy if you think I have that much time on my hands.


It was rude! It was rude! I can't believe that you guys are actually blaming the girls on this one. It's not like we don't out any effort into getting to know the guys! Omg. What kind of girls do you think we are? We're not anorexic, we're not clueless, we're not obsessed with "sex and the city". Plus, everyone judges everyone anyway.

Let's ask this question.....what is your idea of a good date?

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Let's ask this question.....what is your idea of a good date?

a date where the bitch i'm with isn't focused on manners, customs, being judgmental, and pouting because she doesnt have the balls to ask for more food. a date where the girl actually gives a fuck about getting know the guy, instead of just being a typical new york cunt.


And Dan, how many dates do you go on? I'm sure that the "bitch" (v. the repulsive "cunt")you're on a date with is completely enamored with your shining personality and the fact that she doesn't have to worry about manners! What a breeze. She can burp, fart and pick at her teeth all she wants. She can eat and stuff her face as much as possible, and will even ask for a doggy bag for that extra entree she ordered "for tomorrow night". Later, when the two of you are in bed, she wouldn't have done the complimentary "washing of the privates" so that when you went down on her, she'd be stinky. It's alright though, you didn't wash either and the two of you can share one another's filth as you sixty-nine one another.

etc. etc. etc.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
And Dan, how many dates do you go on? I'm sure that the "bitch" (v. the repulsive "cunt")you're on a date with is completely enamored with your shining personality...

you're on the right track. focus on the guy's personality for once.

She can burp, fart and pick at her teeth all she wants. She can eat and stuff her face as much as possible, and will even ask for a doggy bag for that extra entree she ordered "for tomorrow night". Later, when the two of you are in bed, she wouldn't have done the complimentary "washing of the privates" so that when you went down on her, she'd be stinky. It's alright though, you didn't wash either and the two of you can share one another's filth as you sixty-nine one another.

i don't care if you eat a lot (not sure what your point was about the extra entree...if you want to buy extra food, go ahead. no reason to try to convince me you're anorexic). i don't care if you fucking pick your teeth. obviously burping and farting are kind of ridiculous, but hey - i dont do that shit either. there is a limit, and you are taking what i said to the extreme like a ditzy high school debater.

face it: you're a bourgeois flake who is obsessed with manners. you are obsesesed with status but you don't realize that upper-class people refuse to say shit like "Pardon me." i'd rather kill myself than end up in a relationship with someone like you.


How about this for comparison: A girl has beef curtains. You stop seeing her because of this. Is this not the same thing?

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

That's a horrible comparison. How is a woman having beef curtains analogous to a guy sharing a soda with you ??

Face it, both you and Pepsi need to reevaluate your own personalities. It's no wonder you two can't hold down a decent relationship. I don't blame you entirely though, it's the culture we'r living in today, women trying to emulate the "Sex & the City" lifestyle.


Seanc, lol, stop giving me a hard time. It's to show how everyone judges one another on inane things.

And how do you know if we can't hold down a decent relationship? I've had a few. Like when I dated that videostore clerk when I was younger. Wow, was I in love with that guy. I cleaned for him, I gave him back massages andd we had some good times together. He even used to cook for me. True, it was with the george foreman grill, but nevertheless, the thought was there. Then he moved away and it all went to pot, but we have a good friendship now.

I remember one time this guy that I knew came up to me and said "Atrop, I want to take you out to dinner.". So off to dinner we went, and it was really nice. Then we went back to his place and danced to jazz. That was a great night. Great date idea! He ended up getting really creepy though, so I stopped talking to him.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
Seanc, lol, stop giving me a hard time. It's to show how everyone judges one another on inane things.

And how do you know if we can't hold down a decent relationship? I've had a few. Like when I dated that videostore clerk when I was younger. Wow, was I in love with that guy. I cleaned for him, I gave him back massages andd we had some good times together. He even used to cook for me. True, it was with the george foreman grill, but nevertheless, the thought was there. Then he moved away and it all went to pot, but we have a good friendship now.

I remember one time this guy that I knew came up to me and said "Atrop, I want to take you out to dinner.". So off to dinner we went, and it was really nice. Then we went back to his place and danced to jazz. That was a great night. Great date idea! He ended up getting really creepy though, so I stopped talking to him.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Heh, I call bullshit, but funny post none the less.


Oh shush beaker.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

It's true... we all judge people all the time. However, some people are taking things a bit to the extreme. Both sides should be themselves and do whatever makes them comfortable (without impeding on the other). If you wait until date #5 to start being yourself, that's 5 dates you wasted instead of 1 if it doesn't work out.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

i always pay for dinner...but i've gotta say, if after the second date the girl doesn't make at least some offer to pay (which I decline) it bothers me.



Hahaha yeah that show is hilarious. You are the first person to get that quote. I took out the "especially those little white ones" line that comes after she says the below quote. LOL!

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

This makes me think of even more funny SWC quotes:

Jerry Blank: Is that how they say hi in whoreville?

JB: "I'm not adopted and I'm not an Indian. It's just a coincidence that I have a love of gambling and booze and a knack for catching syphilis."

-"Orlando, you can't be a pilgrim. The pilgrims had snowy white skin to match their pure Christian souls. They didn't sacrifice coconuts to their monkey gods."

-"It makes me as damp as a cellar down there. All mildewy. Enter if you dare."

-"How's it going, Susie? Nice camel toe."

-"You don't wanna beat me or screw me!? What kind of marriage is this? Bring a book."


********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Restructure this, are you single?

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
Restructure this, are you single?

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Hmmm, that depends. Do you like to cook? :-)


Hahhahaha I'm terrible. I know how to make chicken, steak, cookies, brownies, cake and pancakes. :/ Oh, and varenyky.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
Hahhahaha I'm terrible. I know how to make chicken, steak, cookies, brownies, cake and pancakes. :/ Oh, and varenyky.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Oh, wow, those are great. They are actually hard to make aren't they? Lots of dough work, and it's hard to make them stick together. My mom never had the patience.


I just got this email from this dating site I'm on. (No, you can't find me on it, I have a different sn)

For some background info, on this site, I have that one of my favorite TV shows is "Star Trek:TNG"

To this statement, I get the following email.

"that's hot. i had the biggest crush on the borg chick. she was hot. you're fun."

Pepsi, I have a feeling you'd get a kick out of that. The guy can't even capitalize his letters! Never mind the fact that 7 of 9 was on "Voyager". :/

/end nerdy rant

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********
"that's hot. i had the biggest crush on the borg chick. she was hot. you're fun."

Pepsi, I have a feeling you'd get a kick out of that. The guy can't even capitalize his letters! Never mind the fact that 7 of 9 was on "Voyager". :/

Yup, not using initial caps is a travesty :-)

BTW, LOTS of guys in banking use or something of the sort. I certainly don't use it, I meet enough freaks on my own, thank you very much. I would say at least 2/3 of the guys I work with are having some romance online.


what you're ukranian then? My gf is Hungarian I figure that's kind of the same thing.

just wondering then- if you're such a hottie, why do you use online dating? I thought that was just for desperate guys and mail-order brides.

what you're ukranian then? My gf is Hungarian I figure that's kind of the same thing.

just wondering then- if you're such a hottie, why do you use online dating? I thought that was just for desperate guys and mail-order brides.

Yes, half Ukrainian. I go on online dating because I can never meet smart guys except for the guys I work with. I am either working or sleeping! When I do go out, it's with friends and I have no intention of meeting someone in a bar or club. Obviously the work guys are off limits. Plus it's super easy. Click click here, click click there. It's kind of fun! I don't depend on it for relationships though, actually. All of the people I have dated, I first met in real life.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Varenyky are pretty easy actually.....dough...potato...pepper....some other ingredients. Pretty basic stuff. Tell her she should go to a Ukrainian church. There should be someone there who can direct her to some classes. Especially before major holidays.

Seanc: Some TV shows that I enjoy. -Lost, House md, Star Trek:The next generation, Strangers with Candy, WifeSwap, CSI:NY, Law and Order, Traveler, COPS, America's Most Wanted, Law and Order:SVU....that's about it. Oh, and XENA of course.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Seanc: Some TV shows that I enjoy. -Lost, House md, Star Trek:The next generation, Strangers with Candy, WifeSwap, CSI:NY, Law and Order, Traveler, COPS, America's Most Wanted, Law and Order:SVU....that's about it. Oh, and XENA of course.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Hmmmm you are a geek..


Seanc: Some TV shows that I enjoy. -Lost, House md, Star Trek:The next generation, Strangers with Candy, WifeSwap, CSI:NY, Law and Order, Traveler, COPS, America's Most Wanted, Law and Order:SVU....that's about it. Oh, and XENA of course.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Hmmmm you are a geek..

stop hitting on her, you tool. seriously, could you sink any further?


Seanc is already taken.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Oh man, name calling on internet forums ...

I think online dating services are very legit, although I've never used one. I know some very normal people who do and they find other normal people. Sure, it isn't as romantic as meeting someone walking their dog at the park, but we'll save that scenario for the movies.

The truth is, online dating is a great way to set up two people who are interested in getting to know one another. You don't sign marriage papers before you meet them, and you aren't obligated to go on a date at all. So honestly, what is the problem? If you aren't compatible, you go different ways or become friends. If you are, you keep going. This isn't any different than any sort of normal romantic behavior. Sure, you met online prior to meeting in person, but it isn't like the other person is digital and you're banging a non-existant cyber chick. The other person is human, just like you.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

Omnis optio cumque molestias cum cum neque. Dolor assumenda necessitatibus ipsam hic placeat. Velit iure corporis commodi officiis. Et sint eum sed iste consectetur molestiae neque laboriosam. Porro quis est sunt voluptas. Possimus sed earum ea et.

Ratione est quisquam dolorum eligendi unde. Beatae sit debitis perferendis inventore. Repudiandae et odio error et et. Dolores aut aliquam non nisi nihil quia eum.

Harum molestias porro voluptatum autem eligendi. Sunt maxime natus ut nobis temporibus iusto vitae.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Alias repellat nulla tempora ut fugit expedita. Odio quo et eveniet et. Illo commodi ipsam sit qui sapiente autem atque. Velit quia velit veritatis rem voluptatem.

Blanditiis et ratione et qui. Pariatur similique nisi rerum ut qui.

Ea repellat et hic eum. Similique quia consequuntur nesciunt quae. Veniam hic aut nulla ut maiores velit at. Sunt quia qui beatae voluptatibus. Voluptatem sit qui necessitatibus tempore fuga aspernatur dicta.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Voluptatem qui aut sed placeat odio porro a ratione. Id odio est incidunt aspernatur.

Reiciendis velit dolorem et quo sunt pariatur quibusdam. Non amet earum dolores enim amet facere. Placeat nesciunt iure maxime vitae dolor qui. Sed dolorum eos quae dolor officiis suscipit reprehenderit ea. Tempora laudantium praesentium animi est. Et labore ea tempore nesciunt iusto vel omnis.

Velit consequuntur nam sed ut qui qui. Labore autem sapiente sit libero quis.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

Provident voluptas molestiae explicabo itaque non. Blanditiis quidem rerum et ut in et esse. Sit in assumenda provident sunt omnis. Quas cupiditate consequuntur et.

Odio fugiat sed sed pariatur alias saepe. A qui perferendis laudantium doloremque et eaque. Ex tenetur rerum harum voluptatem ex nulla. Nisi voluptatem et quam et exercitationem. Culpa eum aut molestias omnis. Esse iure quis vero quo porro et perspiciatis facere.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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