Taconic Capital Salaries

4 total salary submissions

Average Taconic Capital Salary

Total Median Pay
Median Base Pay
Median Bonus Pay

How much does Taconic Capital pay?

Base range:
$57,600 - $150,000

For this salary and bonus range, Low is the 10th Percentile and High is the 90th Percentile. These ranges are from employer specific salaries submitted by WSO members.

Bonus range:
$150,000 - $150,000

There's a wide range between what the company pays the top 20 percent and the bottom 20 percent of earners. This is largely dependent on seniority and location. Taconic Capital pays the highest-paid employees over $300,000 a year, while the lowest-paid employees are paid less than $80,000. Taconic Capital employees in different groups or divisions tend to have different salaries as well.For example, employees in the Event Driven sector earn an average yearly salary of $300,000.While employees in the Event Driven sector earn an average yearly salary of $300,000.

Taconic Capital Salaries

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Highest Paying Jobs at Taconic Capital

Job Title
Pay Rate/Type
Investment Analyst
Year 2016
Job Title Investment Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location Hong Kong
Pay Rate/Type
Investment Analyst
Year 2016
Job Title Investment Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location Hong Kong
Pay Rate/Type
2nd Year Analyst
Year 2013
Job Title 2nd Year Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location New York
Pay Rate/Type

Taconic Capital Salaries by Department

Salaries at Taconic Capital depend on the group, division, department or function. Employees who work in the Event Driven group tend to get paid the most at at Taconic Capital, earning an average yearly salary of $300,000. Employees in the receive relatively high salaries as well, where wages average $0 per year. A division that does not pay as well at Taconic Capital includes the Event Driven group, with employees earning $300,000 on average.

Average Pay
Average Hourly Pay
Event Driven
Rank 1
Department Event Driven
Average Pay $300,000
Average Hourly Pay $150/hr

Recently Added Taconic Capital Salaries

Job Title
Pay Rate/Type
Year 2019
Job Title Intern
Group/Division Research
Location New York
Pay Rate/Type
Investment Analyst
Year 2016
Job Title Investment Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location Hong Kong
Pay Rate/Type
Investment Analyst
Year 2016
Job Title Investment Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location Hong Kong
Pay Rate/Type
2nd Year Analyst
Year 2013
Job Title 2nd Year Analyst
Group/Division Event Driven
Location New York
Pay Rate/Type
Est Annual Revenue

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