Detecon International GmbH Overview

Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

Detecon USA provides innovation, growth and digital technology advise to a range of clients from startups to global enterprises. Our core expertise includes growth advisory based on OKRs, innovation empowerment and connectivity services. We assist our clients to harness the latest technologies, agile frameworks and business models to drive step change performance improvements. Detecon Inc. is part of the Detecon Group.

The Detecon Group is a 1,100 person strong innovation-consulting powerhouse of Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile and pioneer in digital strategy advisory. Detecon supports companies from all domains to adapt their business models and operational processes to the competitive conditions and customer requirements of the digitalized, globalized economy with state-of-the-art communication and information technology.


33 New Montgomery St., 94105 CA
United States

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