Meet The 8,074 New York Transit Workers Who Earn More Than $100,000…

I thought this was relevant to the NYU loan/college education thread. Girl should move back to NYC and start driving a train.


the LIRR conductor made 239000 and the president of LIRR made 288000. At least you can't say that the executives aren't making 20 times the crew.

And yes, religious studies/photography girl should move here to drive a train.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?
How many people a day use NYC transit?

NYC is a world famous city, without great transit it would be hell. You people could not get to work without these people.....

Because it takes so much skill to press the throttle on a train? Be serious man - I understand EC101 can be challenging, but the MPL of NYC transit workers is not as high as this pay would imply - their political power is. You know what would make NYC transit more efficient (from an end-user perspective, I don't know about economic)? Higher K investment - I'd rather have clean stations, turnstiles that work, and trains that don't break than overpaid B&T drivers.

How many people a day use NYC transit?

NYC is a world famous city, without great transit it would be hell. You people could not get to work without these people.....

Because it takes so much skill to press the throttle on a train? Be serious man - I understand EC101 can be challenging, but the MPL of NYC transit workers is not as high as this pay would imply - their political power is. You know what would make NYC transit more efficient (from an end-user perspective, I don't know about economic)? Higher K investment - I'd rather have clean stations, turnstiles that work, and trains that don't break than overpaid B&T drivers.

LoL at the Economics 101 joke :). You can not as a banker sit there and say, bankers deserve extremely high salaries because they have specialized skills/advice and the major firms have a monopoly. And then say that MTA workers are overpaid because all they do is a press a button.

What do you think happens tomorrow if these people strike? They are getting those salaries because they have market power and a monopoly over a very important need (getting you to work everyday).

What do you think the top diversity officier at GS or an F50 firm makes? What about the Director of Finance of a F50?


I'd love to see what their hourly wage is compared to a banker's.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Instead of paying some bullshit diversity officer 150k they should lower the metro 25c. Seriously is that where last year's 25c price increase went?

Is affirmative action really smart when it comes to mass transportation? What if a minority subpar mechanic got the 600k job over a qualified non URM?

Anyone else agree?


My butt hole doesn't hurt because I don't live in the NYC, but you guys are getting raped.

They may control whether or not part of the city gets to work but that is a terrible justification. If they went on strike, you could fire them all and hire back new people for $50,000 each and have the trains up and running and a matter of days. Wouldn't be pretty, but they are certainly more replaceable than many other occupations.

Yeah and that $ per hour is probably crazy compared to bankers.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

God forbid those babies don't get a raise and they strike. In Philly we have the SEPTA and they went on strike a while ago and shit down the trains. It is basically a hostage situation. If I was Philly I would of trained a chicken to peck at a button that says go and says stop. Would of done a better job.

This is why the country is destined to be bankrupt. We have outrageously overpaid public workers with pensions and amazing benefits. These guys should make at most 50K. NYC wants to raise taxes on the rich, people who invest, buy, employ, produce while these losers are costing us, the tax payers, an arm and a leg. Total bullshit.

Only in a government position could someone do so little with no education and make so much with the benefits they have.


From Greenlight's David Einhorn in his most recent NYT op-ed:

"How different is the government today from what General Motors was a decade ago? Government employees are expensive and difficult to fire. Bloomberg News reported that from the last peak businesses have let go 8.5 million people, or 7.4 percent of the work force, while local governments have cut only 141,000 workers, or less than 1 percent....Public sector jobs used to offer greater job security but lower pay. Not anymore. In 2008, according to the Cato Institute, the average federal civilian salary with benefits was $119,982, compared with $59,909 for the average private sector worker; the disparity has grown enormously over the last decade."

Government employees are just as bad (or worse than) unions. Thank God I live in a state where we remain largely unpoisoned by such idiocy.


Here is my Dollar when no one asked me for 2 cents.

America needs to wake up and realize that all this bullshit UNIONS are bankrupting the country. The average NYC "sanitation man" (garbage man) makes $80,000.00 a year and they only work 1/2 day. they retire after 20 yrs. and have a full pay pension, get a job as a train "pilot" and make $75,000.00 on top of the $80,000.

Idiots in goverment keep raising taxes so they can pay this idiots that never graduated highschool and milk the system in whatever way possible.

This are the people hating on Wall street. give me a break! screw them all!

Lloyd Blankfein for president!

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood
Here is my Dollar when no one asked me for 2 cents.

America needs to wake up and realize that all this bullshit UNIONS are bankrupting the country. The average NYC "sanitation man" (garbage man) makes $80,000.00 a year and they only work 1/2 day. they retire after 20 yrs. and have a full pay pension, get a job as a train "pilot" and make $75,000.00 on top of the $80,000.

Idiots in goverment keep raising taxes so they can pay this idiots that never graduated highschool and milk the system in whatever way possible.

This are the people hating on Wall street. give me a break! screw them all!

Lloyd Blankfein for president!

Unions generate rents, just like bankers do. They are no different than other special interest groups, whether that is BP, GS or the AFL-CIO. You can not legitimately claim the "UNIONS" are bankrupting the country - the maths simply do not work. If America goes bankrupt, it will be due to demographics - the only reason Europe is faring worse is that immigration gives us a demographic edge (both in terms of age and skill factors, as immigrants tend to be younger and smarter than the median).

My numbers or maths may be off slightly, but the order of magnitude is such that the conclusion is indisputable.

2008 figures, all numbers in millions except per employee

Average Salary per Employee* - $74,403 Total Federal Employees* - 1.909 Total Federal Salary Expenditure - $142,035.5

Cash based Federal Surplus (Deficit) [ex-SS]** - $(454,800) Salaries as percent of Cash-based Federal Deficit - 31.23%

GAAP based Federal Surplus (Deficit) [ex-SS]** - $(1,009,000) Salaries as percent of GAAP-based Federal Deficit [ex-SS]- 14.07%

GAAP based Federal Surplus (Deficit) [w/ SS]** - $(5,100,000) Salaries as percent of GAAP-based Federal Deficit [w/ SS] - 2.78%

Federal salaries in 2008 constituted less than three percent of the Federal deficit - while salaries have increased since then, the deficit has grown faster. While I'm perfectly willing to argue that public sector salaries are significantly higher than they should be, arguing that they are the cause of our fiscal troubles is moronic, at least at the Federal level (which your argument implicitly did). 142bn is not a small amount, but it is not the biggest issue we face - I certainly think it should be addressed before some of what congress deals with, but you're not going to solve the deficit by eliminating it. Of course, 142bn also overstates the issue - you can't exactly pay Federal employees nothing. Even if we assume Federal employees are overpaid by 100%, you still have to cut the potential savings in half, which makes the potential savings all the more insignificant.

The state and local levels are significantly different, due to the nature of their expenditures.

I would also like to highlight that your grammar does your argument no favours.

[ex-SS] exclusive of Social Security accrual [w/ SS] inclusive of Social Security accrual * **


Here is another dollar! :)

By the way about the grammar deal, I'm sorry it hurts your eyes. I didnt know i was publishing a book here. Ohh and thank you for pulling up the numbers.

The whole union deal was meant to be looked at from a macro standpoint. for example:

While Ford motor co. pays $60.00 per hour to someone who installs door handles, someone in japan is getting paid $40.00 per hour to engineer better fuel efficiency.

It gets better...

While it used to take 5 union steelworkers @ $40.00 an hr back in the 70's to sandblast an overpass in 3 weeks, today it takes those 5 workers @ $60.00 an hr the same 3 weeks with sandblasters that would take a fraction of the time with only 2 men. Who pays for infrastructure? the tax payer! yay

Now its up to you to look this one up to believe me. The harsh truth is unions are for lazy people. The biggest corporations in America are non union and they thrive!

Listen I get what you are saying but please stop drinking the Union Kool-aid.

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood
Here is another dollar! :)

By the way about the grammar deal, I'm sorry it hurts your eyes. I didnt know i was publishing a book here. Ohh and thank you for pulling up the numbers.

The whole union deal was meant to be looked at from a macro standpoint. for example:

While Ford motor co. pays $60.00 per hour to someone who installs door handles, someone in japan is getting paid $40.00 per hour to engineer better fuel efficiency.

It gets better...

While it used to take 5 union steelworkers @ $40.00 an hr back in the 70's to sandblast an overpass in 3 weeks, today it takes those 5 workers @ $60.00 an hr the same 3 weeks with sandblasters that would take a fraction of the time with only 2 men. Who pays for infrastructure? the tax payer! yay

Now its up to you to look this one up to believe me. The harsh truth is unions are for lazy people. The biggest corporations in America are non union and they thrive!

Listen I get what you are saying but please stop drinking the Union Kool-aid.

Nothing in my post implied unions are socially efficient. Unions operate by artificially limiting the labour supply such that the paid wage is above their members' marginal productivity, and thus what they would earn in an efficient market, meaning they lower social welfare a priori. I'm fully aware of the flaws with unions, which are exacerbated in the public sector by the fact that unions are an efficient solution to the collective action problem, and thus have disproportionate political influence. My counterpoints are two-fold. A) While unions are socially inefficient, the effect is not as significant as much rhetoric would imply, especially when you are talking about the Federal government. B) Unions generate economic rents and benefit from excessive political influence, but so do those large American corporations you praise - Wal Mart operates as an effective monopoly at most local levels, and you can not pretend that the political influence of Wall Street is proportional to its influence in a pure democracy (Citizens United notwithstanding).

Now, I fully understand that simply because there is a more egregious offence, it does not mean we should countenance the first instance, but I do think you should at the very least be honest about the issues.

Additionally, your statement that unions are for "lazy people" is patently false. Are you implying it is rational to work an identical job at longer hours and higher effort levels for lower pay, when an alternative path is available (intrinsic satisfaction notwithstanding)? That, Sir, is surely ridiculous - we have only to turn to John Stuart Mills original definition of homo economicus to remember that one of man's two motivations is the avoidance of labour, for otherwise should he not work all the day, and rest not at all?

"It makes entire abstraction of every other human passion or motive; except those which may be regarded as perpetually antagonizing principles to the desire of wealth, namely, aversion to labour, and desire of the present enjoyment of costly indulgences. These it takes, to a certain extent, into its calculations, because these do not merely, like [our] 4 other desires, occasionally conflict with the pursuit of wealth, but accompany it always as a drag, or impediment, and are therefore inseparably mixed up in the consideration of it (Mill, 1836, pp. 321–22, from Morgan, 2006, p. 5)."

Best Response

Some of you are so far from reality.

We have threads on here that says "omg poor Macquaire bankers only got 20k for a bonus" or "you can not live on 80k/year in NYC".

Then you have the same people screaming at some sanitation worker who makes 80k/year after 20 years of picking up your garbage and is trying to raise a family in the same damn city where you think their salary is not enough for a single male first year analyst? Or I would train a chicken to press the button to make the train go?

So it is not enough that you make a great salary in one of the best cities in the world. Now your upset you have to pay the guy who cleans up your shit and gets you to work on time, a reasonable salary to have a sufficient life in your city?

If you went into any negotiation and told a union, "your flippin lazy go on strike" or "i will hire a chicken to take your place". It would not end pretty.

Man do you people even tip your doormen at Christmas?


man, I love this website...

@ Drexelalum11: you are the annoying SA at the office sporting a headset all day long to be more proficient at modeling aren't you? My man, you must be the guy who is telling the 3rd yr analyst how to do things... I can sense it in your posts. For some odd reason I find your posts fascinating.

@ Adehbone: You are absolutely right, unfortunately I pay for my own school and bust my ass to make ends meet while being very applied to my studies. According to my VP I am a hustler and I will get there soon enough.

The idiot that used to throw cheeseburgers at me in the lunch room in highschool picks up my "shit" and drives around in a truck for 5 hrs. everyday and makes 80k a year bc daddy got him in to the garage out of HS, that pisses me off... why? bc he should be topping out at around 50k. but I guess life is not fair is it? any idiot can pick up a black bag and toss it in a truck, just like you can train robot chicken to push the throttle in the train. get what im saying here?

By the way...the doorman and I are very good friends and I did tip him for Christmas.

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood
The idiot that used to throw cheeseburgers at me in the lunch room in highschool

Hahahaha. You put up with that?

it's the little details that explain everything...
"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

The idiot that used to throw cheeseburgers at me in the lunch room in highschool

Hahahaha. You put up with that?

lmao hey guy(s) dont be bitter.


Before we all get our panties in a bunch, let's remember that these people are in their mid-forties and have put in a good 15-20 years. However, some of those positions and their salaries are ridiculous. Can someone please explain the use of a 150k a year Diversity Officer?! His base pay alone could've hired 3 minorities. Administrative Manager sounds like fancy working for secretary, she should be making 65k tops. I am loving the irony of the Director of Budget Management making 200k a year. Other than those 3 jokers, the salaries seem normal given the size of the NY transit system.


In fugiat error adipisci voluptates. Nostrum exercitationem error dignissimos dicta dignissimos. Id eos suscipit voluptas reiciendis quisquam voluptatem sed. Accusantium unde odio tenetur dolorem est voluptas.

Omnis aut nulla nemo qui. Nihil earum a eaque laborum quibusdam. Laudantium modi ex sed sint occaecati magni. Cupiditate modi sit aut eos. Quia quos placeat in sit adipisci. Omnis dolores et animi velit.

Fuga pariatur tempora quos ad numquam. Quia voluptatem corrupti sint et voluptas ipsam qui quod.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Voluptas dolore sint ea vel quasi. Animi neque aut earum consequuntur explicabo quis totam. Earum autem commodi voluptatem quas quisquam. Provident iste in quasi.

Ab eligendi enim ab omnis consequuntur. Molestiae quas placeat nesciunt laudantium porro. Earum in eum qui fugiat. Nisi ab nulla voluptatem cumque laudantium placeat rerum.

Et accusamus libero autem delectus nostrum natus. Voluptas odit ex voluptas ducimus. Repellendus enim cumque corrupti neque non. Ipsam nisi ducimus odit deleniti. Facilis repudiandae quibusdam sapiente ipsum.

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