Things MBA students like

It’s that time of the year again. In a couple of weeks, roughly two thousand of the world’s (arguably) best and brightest douchebags will descend upon the world’s most hallowed halls. I congratulate you. As you undoubtedly know, the next two years will take your douchebaggery to a whole new level and ensure your access to cash flow and top-notch pussy for life. Here’s my salute to you.

Things MBA students like:

  1. Abusing Career Services privileges. (“Hey guys... one shot of Jaeger every 60 seconds; first man down has to sign up for the AOL interview and post a public pic to Facebook of himself shaking hands with the recruiter.”)
  2. Taking an $18 cab to go someplace where the beers are fifty cents cheaper.
  3. Ridiculous costumes. Double points if worn in class when no one else is wearing one.
  4. Facebook status updates from the tops of prestigious mountains. (“I can’t believe I’ve got coverage at the summit of Mt. Everest! I
  5. Giving fond nicknames to prestigious mountains. (“Kili, I miss you already! See you again in only ten months. Oh, and total props to all the sherpas. You guys rock!”)
  6. If white: insinuating, but never actually stating, that their background is middle-class or lower.
  7. If not white: insinuating, but never actually stating, that their family is filthy rich.
  8. Not buying any textbooks or course packs. Ever.
  9. Buying multiple copies of Case in Point.
  10. Getting hammered, en masse, the night before a major final exam.
  11. Clubs with lots of vice president titles. (“I was VP of second-round admissions for the India club!” Translation: he organized a night out for six people.)
  12. Carrying their school supplies in a laptop bag.
  13. Leaving their laptops at home for team meetings. (“Sorry, guys... my laptop’s broken; I’ll just chime in with my suggestions instead of being the one to actually do the work.”)
  14. Pastel polo shirts. Anywhere a regular guy would wear a t-shirt, the MBA student wears a polo shirt.
  15. Being overdressed. For females, this includes wearing sequins in non-sequin environments.
  16. Corny eighties music (bonus points if it’s two straight guys crooning ballads to each other at karaoke.)
  17. Leaving witty insults on event signup sheets in Google Docs.
  18. Bringing rollaboards to class so they can go (ostentatiously) straight to the airport afterwards.
  19. Charity projects.
  20. Oktoberfest.
  21. Undergrads.
  22. Group photos.
  23. Going to Vietnam, Thailand, or India on the weekend.
  24. Cheating, but just a little bit.
  25. Racist humor. Extra points if it's racist penis humor.

oh god...

i've been dead set on going to business school since my junior year in college back in 08'. this is literally the first time i've reconsidered.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
oh god...

i've been dead set on going to business school since my junior year in college back in 08'. this is literally the first time i've reconsidered.

Different strokes for different folks right?

Bankerella: I love you.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Q: What happened to the chinese man who walked into a wall with a boner? A: He smashed his his nose.

(Im kidding Im kidding)

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/company/goldman-sachs><abbr title=Goldman Sachs&#10;>GS</abbr></a></span>:
Q: What happened to the chinese man who walked into a wall with a boner? A: He smashed his his nose.

(Im kidding Im kidding)

doesn't make sense, chinese have flat noses. i've heard this one before, except it was with a jew.

btw, i don't condone racist jokes. i love all people equally, especially chinese and jews.

Sigh , it's not a nose joke. Think again

I like the "top-notch pussy for life" comment.

You guys say what you want, but bankerella gives me a woody.

I was praying to god that was the one thing that wasn't said. I will give her credit for knowing the audience and what they would like to hear though.
Laughed at, "...first man down has to sign up for the AOL interview."

What is wrong with interviewing for the position of CEO and Chairman of the board at AOL?

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce...if you are truly a strong employee you don't need a bullshit degree to move up in the world.

I love it when we get a new crop of freshly hired MBAs who think they are hot shit and think they can run the world and then they realize that despite the fact that they are 2-4 years older than me and out $200K that I am more senior than them despite the fact that I didn't go to b-school and only have 4 years of experience post undergrad.

b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce...if you are truly a strong employee you don't need a bullshit degree to move up in the world.

I love it when we get a new crop of freshly hired MBAs who think they are hot shit and think they can run the world and then they realize that despite the fact that they are 2-4 years older than me and out $200K that I am more senior than them despite the fact that I didn't go to b-school and only have 4 years of experience post undergrad.

Hey, Harvardgrad08, where'd you do your undergrad?

b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce...if you are truly a strong employee you don't need a bullshit degree to move up in the world.

I love it when we get a new crop of freshly hired MBAs who think they are hot shit and think they can run the world and then they realize that despite the fact that they are 2-4 years older than me and out $200K that I am more senior than them despite the fact that I didn't go to b-school and only have 4 years of experience post undergrad.

Hey, Harvardgrad08, where'd you do your undergrad?

Pretty obvious by my username...but that's besides the point. If you are good at what you do you don't need to go to b-school. I have a buddy from h.s. that went to a no name school and ended up at MS where he made VP at 27 without having to go to b-school. We have guys on my team that went to no name schools that are really strong and have moved up the ranks quickly b/c they have what it takes. The MBAs we've hired from top school are entitled assholes that generally aren't very good...must be pretty demoralizing though for those guys to join our team only to realize that they are less senior, less respected (although this is probably more industry specific as I work in tech and MBAs are seen in a pretty negative light), and lower compensated that guys that are younger than them that didn't have to go get a scam of a degree just to signal that they are halfway decent.

b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce...if you are truly a strong employee you don't need a bullshit degree to move up in the world.

I love it when we get a new crop of freshly hired MBAs who think they are hot shit and think they can run the world and then they realize that despite the fact that they are 2-4 years older than me and out $200K that I am more senior than them despite the fact that I didn't go to b-school and only have 4 years of experience post undergrad.

nerd status

b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce...if you are truly a strong employee you don't need a bullshit degree to move up in the world.

I love it when we get a new crop of freshly hired MBAs who think they are hot shit and think they can run the world and then they realize that despite the fact that they are 2-4 years older than me and out $200K that I am more senior than them despite the fact that I didn't go to b-school and only have 4 years of experience post undergrad.

Your first sentence reeks of ignorance. If an MBA is so useless why do top consulting firms, banks, private equity firms, send their associates to top b-schools en masse? Also, why do top firms hire so many MBAs if as you put it, "b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce?" I suppose McKinsey is a totally irrational actor who hires losers, right?

I think bankerella's posts are getting a lot of undeserved hate. Her rhetoric and tone may be a bit over the top, but her core argument is totally accurate: attending a top b-school is a truly transformational fun experience. Now, whether that's worth $200K+ is a personal decision. But don't deride some of the best and brightest who choose to attend these programs. It just makes you sound petty and envious.


Your first sentence reeks of ignorance. If an MBA is so useless why do top consulting firms, banks, private equity firms, send their associates to top b-schools en masse? Also, why do top firms hire so many MBAs if as you put it, "b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce?" I suppose McKinsey is a totally irrational actor who hires losers, right?

I think bankerella's posts are getting a lot of undeserved hate. Her rhetoric and tone may be a bit over the top, but her core argument is totally accurate: attending a top b-school is a truly transformational fun experience. Now, whether that's worth $200K+ is a personal decision. But don't deride some of the best and brightest who choose to attend these programs. It just makes you sound petty and envious.

Shh! Are you crazy? You can't diss this guy; didn't you know he went to Harvard?

Your first sentence reeks of ignorance. If an MBA is so useless why do top consulting firms, banks, private equity firms, send their associates to top b-schools en masse? Also, why do top firms hire so many MBAs if as you put it, "b-school is for people who can't hack it in the workforce?" I suppose McKinsey is a totally irrational actor who hires losers, right?

I think bankerella's posts are getting a lot of undeserved hate. Her rhetoric and tone may be a bit over the top, but her core argument is totally accurate: attending a top b-school is a truly transformational fun experience. Now, whether that's worth $200K+ is a personal decision. But don't deride some of the best and brightest who choose to attend these programs. It just makes you sound petty and envious.

These firms hire MBAs because they are sales companies at heart. It's easier to tell a story to a client that you are pitching when you can say "oh all of my employees are Ivy, etc." Despite the fact that a guy who is top 10% at Michigan or Texas, etc. is probably better than the average guy at HYP undergrad. At the end of the day, finance and consulting are nothing more than glorified sales jobs. A banker is no better than a residential real estate broker except the thing they are selling is on a larger scale. It's not that a firm like McK is's just hiring from these schools helps their sales pitch.

While I agree with your point that an MBA is a fun experience it is definitely not most fields if you go and spend those two years doing an MBA or if you don't go and just keep getting promoted for those two years at the end of the day you are probably going to end up in the same place.


Ella ella ella some bullshit once again from bankerella, ella, ella, eh eh eh eh eheh

"Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old"

Finally have enough credits to throw monkey feces at you, bankerella. Resistance is futile.

I was taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of evolution so far, but I think it's a very poor scheme for survival.

Harvard dropout checking in, sup bros.

@Brady -- the comment about only the top 10% of undergrads comparing to Booth/Wharton MBAs is completely ridiculous.

Harvard dropout checking in, sup bros.

@Brady -- the comment about only the top 10% of undergrads comparing to Booth/Wharton MBAs is completely ridiculous.

Sup bro. Are you struggling with reading comprehension? I explicitly compared the AVERAGE Booth/Wharton MBA to the AVERAGE Harvard undergrad and said that the former is smarter and more impressive. I admit that the top 10% at harvard undergrad is pretty fucking solid.

Harvard dropout checking in, sup bros.

@Brady -- the comment about only the top 10% of undergrads comparing to Booth/Wharton MBAs is completely ridiculous.

Sup bro. Are you struggling with reading comprehension? I explicitly compared the AVERAGE Booth/Wharton MBA to the AVERAGE Harvard undergrad and said that the former is smarter and more impressive. I admit that the top 10% at harvard undergrad is pretty fucking solid.

They're very tough to compare I guess.

I'd still argue that the average H undergrad student interested in finance is more impressive than your average student at Booth.

Harvard dropout checking in, sup bros.

@Brady -- the comment about only the top 10% of undergrads comparing to Booth/Wharton MBAs is completely ridiculous.

Shit, Brady. Blood's in the water now; there's more than one of them here. I gotta ditch you, dude. I know you'll understand. Just play dead, it'll hurt less.


Loved the Chinese penis joke too.

Thank God , SOMEONE GOT IT , and didn't start arguing about how chinese people have small noses. Sometimes I wonder where we find these people


I was taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of evolution so far, but I think it's a very poor scheme for survival.

This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.

People who say that dick measuring contests are immature are 100% correct.

They also tend to be the ones with small dicks.

This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.

People who say that dick measuring contests are immature are 100% correct.

They also tend to be the ones with small dicks.

Was that profound platitude in your 200 thousand dollar jizz rag of a notebook, too?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.
Seriously? Brady is 30? My mind is blown.

I completely agree with you, by the way.

This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.

Just having a little fun with harvardgrad08, who was making nonsensical claims. You seem really mad though. Having a bad day, or does your pussy hurt?

Haha, the guy that would beat it with sandpaper just to have the privilege of some HBS dudes doin some bukake on his grill tells me I have a pussy. Awesome.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
This school dick measuring horseshit is beyond ridiculous. Brady you are like 30 still pissing in the wind about grad v undergrad quality. Grow up.

Just having a little fun with harvardgrad08, who was making nonsensical claims. You seem really mad though. Having a bad day, or does your pussy hurt?

Skillfully executed, sir.


As soon as I read the harvard dudes 1st post I knew he was gonna get gang-banged. Sigh. People on here are pretty smart and can pick up on insecurity, immaturity and pretentiousness pretty quickly. Please harvarddouche08, just stop.


came into thread expecting an irrelevant shit-show

left satisfied

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

How many Freudians does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to screw in the bulb and the other one to hold the penis, ER - ladder!


Bankerella is so hot right now.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
Bankerella, is this you?

Will you be that guy?

Bankerella, is this you?

Will you be that guy?

Guys, I've said it before: if that chick truly has never been shit on, then she's never been a junior banker. Hell, up until about a year ago I was still getting shit on regularly. It's part of the gig.

So good luck finding any female banker to be a virgin venue for your steamers. She'll be like, "9.1 technique, 8.8 artistic component. I feel like you phoned it in this time. Next time, let's see you bring the heat."


Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?
IZ U Makin funn of BSkool brah? Does ur puss hert or sumfin?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

Did you ever end up writing that post in which you bash b-schools? It was supposed to be a mix of truth and sarcasm.

And it was!

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

Did you ever end up writing that post in which you bash b-schools? It was supposed to be a mix of truth and sarcasm.

Ha, I was looking forward to that as well.

Just curious, but are you applying early/round1 anywhere this year? (@Brady)

Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

Kilos? Fuck that, get your analyst to run that model. I don't speak European.

But utility in thousands obviously depends on your performance ratios, risk tolerance, and the curvature of your personal utility function (remember, all utility functions are logarithmic). Including the whole MBA business schools ">M7 will dilute average NPV of utility bump from b-school. Taking it down a couple notches, because there are some really crappy schools in the MBA business schools ">M7, my model says mean net utility bump would be $2,573,460.24 at a 7% discount rate. 10x return, not shabby.

Best Response
Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

Kilos? Fuck that, get your analyst to run that model. I don't speak European.

But utility in thousands obviously depends on your performance ratios, risk tolerance, and the curvature of your personal utility function (remember, all utility functions are logarithmic). Including the whole MBA business schools ">M7 will dilute average NPV of utility bump from b-school. Taking it down a couple notches, because there are some really crappy schools in the MBA business schools ">M7, my model says mean net utility bump would be $2,573,460.24 at a 7% discount rate. 10x return, not shabby.

I have a feeling if I got two Four Lokos in you and bought you a slice from Pinnochio's I could have you gawking at the curvature of my personal utility function within the hour.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Exactly how much pussy (in kilograms) will I get if I attend a prefteejus MBA business schools ">M7 business school? And subsequently, how many utils (in thousands) will I acquire during my 730 days of b-school?

Kilos? Fuck that, get your analyst to run that model. I don't speak European.

But utility in thousands obviously depends on your performance ratios, risk tolerance, and the curvature of your personal utility function (remember, all utility functions are logarithmic). Including the whole MBA business schools ">M7 will dilute average NPV of utility bump from b-school. Taking it down a couple notches, because there are some really crappy schools in the MBA business schools ">M7, my model says mean net utility bump would be $2,573,460.24 at a 7% discount rate. 10x return, not shabby.

This is a quality start. Pls provide support for disc rate. Mult of util seems a bit high, pls dbl check.

Also would like to see side by side comp vs. other M7s. Pls. action and leave copy for my chair. Will revert any add'l comments AM. Many thx.


Yep, European. Mocking the language of global science... one needs to wisely choose his battles Ms.

Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. - Tacitus Dr. Nick Riviera: Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!

....every single thread Bankerella creates 50+ comments of all bullshit. CNBC will probable find a way to make this an article also.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
OP received 29 MS's in this thread.

It is 4:54 pm.

Keep 'em coming, you still have time!

I concur. I know you guys can squeeze a few more out. Put your backs into it. Couple more would pay for the cup of coffee.…

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
OP received 29 MS's in this thread.

It is 4:54 pm.

Keep 'em coming, you still have time!

I concur. I know you guys can squeeze a few more out. Put your backs into it. Couple more would pay for the cup of coffee.

have one on me honey


WOW i've counted 29 monkey shits thrown at bankerella on this post, net of any silver bannanas she may have recieved, of course. this has to be some sort of record.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
WOW i've counted 29 monkey shits thrown at bankerella on this post, net of any silver bannanas she may have recieved, of course. this has to be some sort of record.

I think jerome marrow beat that record w/ his pakistani girl thread.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

I thought I would learn something about people with an MBA, but when I looked at the person who posted it I went directly to read comments about it because it was not worth my time to read this nonsense.

The Four E's of investment "The greatest Enemies of the Equity investor are Expenses and Emotions."- Warren Buffet

I discovered this site recently and can already tell Bankerella is the worst.

I thought your relationship/sex article made it clear you have no free time. How are you able to spend all day in this comment section?

I discovered this site recently and can already tell Bankerella is the worst.

I thought your relationship/sex article made it clear you have no free time. How are you able to spend all day in this comment section?

Don't you know that she paid $250k for her b-school? They teach them multi-tasking.

While she's typing comments, she's banging a trader, shorting facebook, manipulating LIBOR and eating her tuna sandwich while fixing some model on excel.

I discovered this site recently and can already tell Bankerella is the worst.

I thought your relationship/sex article made it clear you have no free time. How are you able to spend all day in this comment section?

Don't you know that she paid $250k for her b-school? They teach them multi-tasking.

While she's typing comments, she's banging a trader, shorting facebook, manipulating LIBOR and eating her tuna sandwich while fixing some model on excel.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
I discovered this site recently and can already tell Bankerella is the worst.

I thought your relationship/sex article made it clear you have no free time. How are you able to spend all day in this comment section?

The advice I give to early-career people working long hours is pretty different from what I do in my own life right now. I'm pretty much free to do as I please at this point, as long as we keep making money.

Will Bankerella find love or menopause first?

You don't find menopause. Menopause finds you.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Cookies With Milken:

+1 SB

hypothetical scenario, you get into the joint, but you still can't buy bottles with STAR-WOOD-POINTS!

Free on nights and weekends, with no discernable skill--not sure if you're a consultant or MY CELL PHONE BILL.

Metal. Music. Life.
  • Facebook status updates from the tops of prestigious mountains. (“I can’t believe I’ve got coverage at the summit of Mt. Everest! I
  • Giving fond nicknames to prestigious mountains. (“Kili, I miss you already! See you again in only ten months. Oh, and total props to all the sherpas. You guys rock!”)
  • I know your just joking around and writing nonsense for the sake of it bankerella, but stop pretending you and your MBA buddies are anything other than fat, over-worked, and unhealthy pieces of shit.

    As someone more involved in the outdoor world, I can tell you the conditions on any mountain worth climbing don't allow for fucking status updates every five minutes, and real climbers don't say "You guys rock!" to Sherpas.

    And thinking about it a bit deeper, no-one climbing Kilimanjaro would use the word "Sherpa" anyway, if they're not from Nepal/Tibet you call them "porters".

    My friend, I don't need to make shit up when the truth is this fucking funny.

    A personal friend of mine has referred to them as "sherpas" upon returning from her fave summit, "Kili". I have also seen numerous updates from summits, as well as less frequent updates from the path up. And I have seen people using social media to try to give shout-outs to people who will never own a smartphone or have a Facebook account. I am utterly serious. This happens.

    These are the people you will go to b-school with, if you go.

    This can't be what people who go to top business schools are really like, is it? Maybe I don't want to do this after all! Are there normal people too?

    Yes, there are. They tend to fly under the radar, but if you flash them the sign, they'll flash it back.


    Being half-drunk and reading through this thread gave me the same feeling in my gut that I get when I'm at a party and a fight is about to break out. And this is the internet.

    To say that MBAs from top schools are generally assholes is a little unnecessary considering the fact that it is implied by everything bankerella has posted about them on WSO. In fact, I think that she is trying to capitalize on the disparity between what kind of assholes these assholes actually are, and the kind of assholes that the uninitiated assume these assholes to be. Perhaps she is simply trying to embrace these fucking assholes and celebrate the confounding lack of maturity in some otherwise serious individuals. Either way, bankerella (if I may address you personally--I was talking to the group but then I turned my head in your direction and you are looking up at me with those eyes, eager and captivating, yet soft and surrendering, hanging on every word I say) . . . . Either way, you are doubtless one of these assholes. So regardless of your intent, whether you meant to communicate irony or to brag or whatever, you cannot escape who you are: an MBA asshole, which is fine by me.

    Being half-drunk and reading through this thread gave me the same feeling in my gut that I get when I'm at a party and a fight is about to break out. And this is the internet.

    To say that MBAs from top schools are generally assholes is a little unnecessary considering the fact that it is implied by everything bankerella has posted about them on WSO. In fact, I think that she is trying to capitalize on the disparity between what kind of assholes these assholes actually are, and the kind of assholes that the uninitiated assume these assholes to be. Perhaps she is simply trying to embrace these fucking assholes and celebrate the confounding lack of maturity in some otherwise serious individuals. Either way, bankerella (if I may address you personally--I was talking to the group but then I turned my head in your direction and you are looking up at me with those eyes, eager and captivating, yet soft and surrendering, hanging on every word I say) . . . . Either way, you are doubtless one of these assholes. So regardless of your intent, whether you meant to communicate irony or to brag or whatever, you cannot escape who you are: an MBA asshole, which is fine by me.

    I concur ;) How do I drop a SB on your chest?

    Being half-drunk and reading through this thread gave me the same feeling in my gut that I get when I'm at a party and a fight is about to break out. And this is the internet.

    To say that MBAs from top schools are generally assholes is a little unnecessary considering the fact that it is implied by everything bankerella has posted about them on WSO. In fact, I think that she is trying to capitalize on the disparity between what kind of assholes these assholes actually are, and the kind of assholes that the uninitiated assume these assholes to be. Perhaps she is simply trying to embrace these fucking assholes and celebrate the confounding lack of maturity in some otherwise serious individuals. Either way, bankerella (if I may address you personally--I was talking to the group but then I turned my head in your direction and you are looking up at me with those eyes, eager and captivating, yet soft and surrendering, hanging on every word I say) . . . . Either way, you are doubtless one of these assholes. So regardless of your intent, whether you meant to communicate irony or to brag or whatever, you cannot escape who you are: an MBA asshole, which is fine by me.

    I also concur. But it's boring when people agree, don't you find?



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    ST Monkey:
    We all know black guys have a big anaconda in his pants, but I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised to experience my lightening quick Chinese cobra.

    I wouldn't advertise quick if I were you


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    Fugit quo libero sequi. Et sequi et eligendi voluptatem at dolorem. Ad tempora maiores et amet. Est ut ipsa ullam consequatur non eum. Cumque et eveniet provident rerum iusto tenetur in nobis.

    Vitae perspiciatis architecto quis et error aut. Magni porro explicabo aut sit ea optio id. Ab minus eum aut amet numquam impedit ab eum. Sunt ipsum ducimus magnam adipisci non. Iste ut dolor et et veritatis.

    Sint et sunt dolorum deserunt. Autem ratione unde sint eaque. Minima nemo voluptas non eaque iusto voluptas et et. Et quia ad quia nostrum eos est dolores.

    SafariJoe, wins again!

    Veritatis necessitatibus quia ab id sed sint ab. Architecto et cupiditate assumenda. Nostrum quia non eum eos.

    Blanditiis esse nisi et voluptates repudiandae quasi. Voluptatem rerum laborum ipsum itaque in exercitationem. Illum dolorum voluptas optio corrupti corporis sit nam. Libero qui adipisci consequatur ut quia quidem culpa. Rem ea sapiente nobis veniam reprehenderit et distinctio.

    Voluptas laborum adipisci non vitae. Aut dolores pariatur sit quia molestiae non. Voluptatem sed sed sed nihil ut. Sunt nam omnis aliquid rerum. Et magnam sunt hic ut vel.

    Tenetur sit et saepe corporis facere. Ad omnis dolorum maiores ut. Illum voluptatum et repellat dignissimos aperiam et consequatur suscipit. Cumque accusantium a sunt minus aperiam quia. Suscipit non natus non sit.


    Career Advancement Opportunities

    June 2024 Investment Banking

    • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
    • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
    • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
    • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
    • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

    Overall Employee Satisfaction

    June 2024 Investment Banking

    • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
    • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
    • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
    • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
    • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

    Professional Growth Opportunities

    June 2024 Investment Banking

    • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
    • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
    • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
    • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
    • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

    Total Avg Compensation

    June 2024 Investment Banking

    • Director/MD (5) $648
    • Vice President (21) $373
    • Associates (92) $259
    • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
    • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
    • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
    • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
    • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
    16 IB Interviews Notes

    “... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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