
"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Yes, I use anti acne faceΒ washes, those scrubs that clean your pores and keep your skin looking really clean and stuff. On top of that I have some stuff that keep my skin from getting too oilyΒ and some more acne creams/moisturizer to keep hydrated. IveΒ never had bad acne but get breakouts on my noseΒ which sucks and looks disgusting so I keep that at bay best I can.


Physical exfoliants can be damaging to your skin (despite Patrick Bateman’s advice) and can prematurely age the skin. They’re fine to use in moderation (once a week or so) but I’d also consider using a chemical exfoliant like glycolic or lactic acid and SUNSCREEN on a daily basis. Your skin also changes as you age, so you may not need the acne products as much.


I exfoliate, use coca butter and drink lots of water. Never had an issue with acne or any skin blemishes.

My skin looks like smooth chocolate. I'm in my 30s but I also get mistaken for 25.


Yea I have a skincare routine. I like it mostly because it is a nice way to start my day and go to bed. Just went to dermalogica and said I wanted to start one. They set me up with a cleanser exfoliator and moisturizer and I’m pretty happy with it


My skincare routine consists of drinking a massive amount of water, having almond milk (dark chocolate), and eating avocados.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Dont eat shit and more healthy, wash ur face morning and night with a soap made for that. After u do it in the morning use a cream with sun protection


no. I had transformation commercial tier bad acne on my faceΒ backΒ when I was 13 though. get accutane if it gets really bad, that stuff works so well. it was like a miracle for me. a couple months on it and my acne went away and never came back. still have scars on my face and chest but not that big of a deal at all comparatively.


Drink lots of water during day. Rinse with tepid water in morning and before bed. Sometimes use an exfoliant scrub and moisturizer both from Aesop (less so now since I have been sporting a beard).

Not many skin issues to note but I appreciate it’s a pretty low maintenance routine and my skin doesn’t need much more. May not be enough for others




One of my female coworkers got me hooked on a skincare routine and have been following for almost a year and a half now. I've noticed minor improvement in my skin but apparently its more of a long-term play. Here's my current routine:Β 


  • Lightly wash my face with cold water to get overnight buildup removed
  • Apply The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
  • Supergoop sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays


  • Hot water wash with cleanser (I use Philosophy's one-step facial cleanser)
  • Cold water to close the pores back up
  • The Ordinary -Β  Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
  • The Ordinary - Buffet
  • The Ordinary - Retinol
  • The Ordinary - MoisturizerΒ 

The whole routine takes maybe 10 minutes, tops, each day and while it may be a placebo effect more than anything, I've found decent success in it.Β Β 


the ordinary niacinimide + zinc has been a lifesaver for me --- anyone with oily skin this works wonders


keep it simple kiddies


moisturizers that won't dry out the skin (natural oils are your friend)

good diet


I use this approach to skincare and made the switch about 2y ago with great results so far (maybe placebo, but it's cheaper to use less so whatever). the easiest way to think of it is this - if humans haven't been using it for hundreds/thousands of years, I don't use it. this will lead you to using castile soaps and moisturizers with stuff like shea, jojoba, and coconut oils.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Skin care is about playing long-ball and is primarily a function of avoiding sun damage. All of the exfoliators and creams in the world will do little to fight sun damage.

Get yourself some good sunglasses and sun lotion and stay the F out of the sun as much as possible, especially without sun protection.Β 


I'm really into skincare so hopefully, I can give some insight. All you need for a proper skincare routine is the following:Β 


1. gentle cleanser (if you have dry skin feel free to skip this step in morning only)

2. moisturizer

3. sunscreenΒ 


1. cleanser

2. any exfoliating acids IF you have acne or oily skin (2 - 3 x per week) --> skip this step if you have dry skin

3. moisturizer (ideally thicker than one used in morning)Β 

if you want you can also add in niacinamide, vitamin C serum (morning only), retinols, etc.Β but that's getting into some fancier shit I have a feeling you don't want. They KEY when buying products is looking at your skin type, and purchasing products good for that type of skin. For example, If you have oil buildup anywhere on your face you probably have oily or combination skin, which means when looking at cleansers you want something with salicylic acid, rather than the ultra-gentle hydratingΒ cleansers. Also you MUST wear sunscreen. If you don't wear a daily face sunscreen, you're just asking to look 50 at 35 (even when you're inside all day sitting at your desk bc UV rays get in through the windows). Some good, easy brandsΒ for skincareΒ you can order on amazon:Β 

Cerave:Β https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cerave+all+products&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvvKBBhCXARIsACTePW-Hnt68pdeQzN5qsBUGCmyp-_yrp4YhA8cm6uYsISTfSHC4vFE5fQ0aAlnFEALw_wcB&hvadid=459466977319&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9031024&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=11841672904310507559&hvtargid=kwd-593106377940&hydadcr=27862_11861917&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_64i6a0314j_b

La Roche Posay:Β https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/F8D97D30-EF2E-4F3C-A14A-3857DC6EE302/?_encoding=UTF8&store_ref=SB_A02175643MYAZDXES5GT1&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=NtzzMSF.IyKFkTo1fOginQ&hsa_cr_id=8054334390401&lp_asins=B00TBJWR0M%2CB01NCWV3KM%2CB002P3L99G&lp_mat_key=la%20roche%20posay&lp_query=la%20roche%20posay&lp_slot=auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_td_hl&pd_rd_w=0JQR7&pf_rd_p=9c8c2cb0-5e2b-4d3c-ab9c-9390e77a1435&pd_rd_wg=ScP5F&pf_rd_r=PZEBX9ETAB3AYNZCGAWZ&pd_rd_r=ad6775a5-5f0e-41d5-86c2-891c7da3872a

Skincare is one of my passions and I'm always trying new products so if you need any more specific recs or have random questions about what you should be buying at different price points feel free to DM me.Β 


Also when I say face sunscreen please don't stroll into the office wearing Hawaiian tropic and smelling like a summer day. There are specific sunscreens made for every day facial wear that are non greasy/ won't make you break out/ have no scent, some of which I've listed below. Also would recommend looking at korean sunscreens (second one down, Etude house is my favorite and it's not that expensive), just because they're cheaper and better produced. I've tried everything from Goop to Tatcha and the korean/japanese sunscreens hit different.


Ok I guess you're calling me out on my slightly humorous exaggeration but it is that way especially for some men so I thought I'd add it in. Generally speaking, skincare is aimed at keeping skin looking healthy, clear, and youthful. Whether it's a cleanser, serums, sunscreenΒ -- it all kind of points towards that same goal. Speak to any dermatologist and the biggest thing they will tell you to do to prevent premature signs of aging is to wear sunscreen daily, because it's always easier to prevent aging than to try and rewind the clock. There's also been a lot of different studies that show how our skin takes a ton of sunlight, even sitting inside of a room with windows, so it's necessary to wear it all the time if you don't want your skin to get damaged (which is just fundamentally what the sun does to our skin, even with a very small amount of exposure).Β 

Most Helpful

I'm curious - where are the studies that show a small amount of sunscreen without protection will lead to damage you wouldn't have otherwise experienced? and within those studies that show your skin takes in a lot of sunlight even if indoors, is there a conclusion reached like "wear sunscreen daily"Β that's been corroborated elsewhere? why do some cultures who do not regularly use sunscreen not have these aging issues? are your claims adjusted for pre existing melanin or do you believe someone who's from sri lanka would also benefit from this?Β 

I grew up at the beach, have spent countless hours in the sun (mostly protected, but not daily), am around 35, and just got carded yesterday buying booze, so that's why I called you out. one anecdote does not mean your point has zero truth in it, but I do think you reached too far with your claim. maybe what you say is true for 90% of light skinned people, but I have a really hard time believing it's true for everyone, though you may show me some study/meta-analysis I'm unaware of.

I also think that too low of a vitamin D level has way worse effects than looking slightly aged (brittle bones, weakened immunity, etc.) so balance is key.




If you don't wear a daily face sunscreen, you're just asking to look 50 at 35 (even when you're inside all day sitting at your desk bc UV rays get in through the windows).

what's your basis for this claim?

That seems like a weird claim.Β  If you are using a moisturizer, isn't that like using a sunscreen.Β  I have no idea if the moisturizers work but I keep using them just in case they do work.Β  This might sound kind of girly but I use St Ives collagen moisturizer and then a retinol based moisturizer as well.Β  I started using castile soap as a shampoo about 1 year ago.Β Β 


For a light-skinned individual how much damage is the sun really going to do while you are indoors? Maybe if you are sitting with sun glaring through window in front of you but otherwise i Think its pretty healthy levels


1. Cleanse with just water in the morning, lukewarm/cold.Β 

2. Apply toner/skin to even out the skin.Β 

3. Apply moisturiser.Β 

4. Apply sunscreen.Β 

5. In the evening, cleanser and exfoliation (2-3 times a week depending on skin type)Β 

6. Sometimes toner/skin but mostly just moisturiser.Β 

Guarantee your skin will not look too shabby.Β 


Yea got into skincare because of my esthe exΒ gf. lmao


- Wash face with no cleanser

- Apply Toner

-Apply serum (for whichever issue I want to address:Β brightening/irritated skin relief/anti-aging)

- Moisturizer

- Sunscreen


- Wash face withΒ cleanser

- Apply Toner

-Apply serum (for whichever issue I want to addressΒ brightening/irritated skin relief/anti-aging)

- Moisturizer


-A lot of this shit is down to luck (genetics) so don't fall for uber expensive products that will most likely not move the needle that much.

- Lifestyle/diet changes may or may not affect your skin's appearance - it obviously varies.Β 

- Get tret prescription if you want the gold standard for antiaging or have bad acne scars

- If you have the funds and time, do chemical peels and microneedling. Both are highly effective in improving skin appearance over time.Β 

Brands I like: La Roche Posay (some of the best sunscreens but other good stuff), Paula's Choice (for serums and actives like AHA/BHA), theordinary (cost-effective, generally goodΒ formulations),Β Stratia, Bioderma


Men should absolutely have an everyday skincare routine that goes past applying a smidgen of cleanser to their face when they're in the shower. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, however, removing a couple of moments from your day to deal with your skin will do some amazing things over the long haul.


Cleanser and moisturizer twice a day, with occasional vitamin C serum + exfoliation. The most important thing is putting on sunscreen every morning, without fail, even if you don't go outside


If you have sensitive skin and overact to products, look into skin cycling. Effectively allows your skin barrier to repair before applying more product. See below for my routine.

Skin Cycling

Day 1: Exfoliate

Morningβ€”Cleanseβ€”Vitamin C / Serumβ€”Moisturizer β€”Sunscreen

Evening β€”Cleanse β€”Chemical exfoliantβ€”Moisturizer

Day 2: Retinoid

Morningβ€”Cleanseβ€”Vitamin C / Serumβ€”Moisturizer β€”Sunscreen

Evening β€”Cleanse β€”Moisturizer β€”Retinolβ€”Moisturizer

Day 3: Recovery

Morningβ€”Cleanseβ€”Vitamin C / Serumβ€”Moisturizer β€”Sunscreen

Evening β€”Cleanse β€”Moisturizer β€”Vaseline / Snail Mucin / B5 Cicaplast

Day 4: Recovery

Morningβ€”Cleanseβ€”Vitamin C / Serumβ€”Moisturizer β€”Sunscreen

Evening β€”Cleanse β€”Moisturizer β€”Vaseline / Snail Mucin / B5 Cicaplast



I was looking for face serums, but I am not sure what is good. I got some advices from my friend that 24K goldΒ nicotinamide essence is good for repairing skin and anti-aging. What do you think of this or do you have any suggestion on this?


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Career Advancement Opportunities

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June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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