Q&A: M&A Vice President at Deutsche Bank - Ask me anything!! (AMA)


I would like to introduce myself to the WSO community. As a way of quick background.

  • Currently Vice President at a BB Bank, with 7+ years of experience leading M&A and IPO transactions 
  • Mainly worked within TMT and infra space 
  • Executed several multi-billion and crossborder deals
  • Led on-campus recruiting initiatives and served as a mentor to graduate analysts
  • Studied Telecom Engineering in top-ranked school and Grande Ecole in HEC Paris and executive program at Columbia

I act also as part of the intern and graduate recruiting program at EMEA and would be very happy to answer any questions around Investment Banking, M&A, the recruiting process, or DB in particular!!

Also, I am available as a mentor, so feel free to reach out to me.

WSO Mentor

Want to work with me? Check out my profile here.


Hi, thanks for taking time out to do this! I'd love to know can a US college student recruit for an internship in the UK or your respective EMEA office? Or is it very difficult to receive an offer in this instance?


Not at all - when I was part of the TMT team, there were several grads coming from the US. In regional offices is more difficult, unless you speak Spanish, Italia, French, etc but also doable (as has been the case this year for 1 candidate / -out of 2). What it is important is that your CV / cover letter is im perfect shape as will be scrutinized in detail (yes, I do read every single CV that gets into my mailbox).

Happy to have a one-to-one session with you on my mentoring program (you can look at my profile and book it through there).

More than happy to help!


Top 15MBA here and will be doing internship in PM at Big Tech company. How is a PM internship typically viewed come full time IB Associate recruiting? Could this provide any advantage vs the more traditional SA recruiting track?

Thanks for doing this - truly appreciated!


Sure. Not the typical route but I have seen everything, from ex-marines to doctors. I think the question is how you convey the messages and the motivation. If under your hobbies / certifications you have somethign that has to do with finance (on top of the MBA) then I think people would spend time looking at your CV and recommend you for the interview process - if they like what they see.

Happy to have a look into it on my mentoring sessions, and good luck!!


Thank you for taking the time. I sent you a PM about DB IBD. Also having a couple of other questions:

1.) Your favorite sub vertical business model and why?

2.) Over the course of your career what is the most memorable example of where you had to "jump in and figure it out" at work?

3.) A piece of feedback you received (at the time could have been difficult for you to accept) that accelerated your development/growth?

4.) In becoming a more senior person in banking, what aspect of the job do you think doesn't get the most "love" (underrated)?


1.) Your favorite sub vertical business model and why? TMT infra. A lot of things going on, interesting dynamics, love the industry (I have TMT engineering background...)

2.) Over the course of your career what is the most memorable example of where you had to "jump in and figure it out" at work? Haha 1st-year analyst... first project, running model and valuation with 3 different clients (consortium) on an infra asset (which are technically very difficult)... such a great experience

3.) A piece of feedback you received (at the time could have been difficult for you to accept) that accelerated your development/growth? My mentor is also a top-ranked banker, super detailed, super smart, so very difficult to meet expectations. A lot of times of stress which now I made me who I am now!

4.) In becoming a more senior person in banking, what aspect of the job do you think doesn't get the most "love" (underrated)? I guess at the higher levels, you will need not just to be good, but also to be a bit political, which does not match my personality...


Thanks for doing this! I wanted to understand your view on:

(a) Directly recruiting for EMEA FO teams (pre-MBA roles) at BBs (esp. London) with prior work ex at an Indian EB FO (have seen plenty of folks work for BB middle offices in India and lateral to London/ HK/ SG FO teams but rarely seen Indians recruit directly to BB FOs)

(b) Are BBs open to sponsoring visas for candidates that require this assistance? Esp when they are pre-MBA candidates?



(a) Directly recruiting for EMEA FO teams (pre-MBA roles) at BBs (esp. London) with prior work ex at an Indian EB FO (have seen plenty of folks work for BB middle offices in India and lateral to London/ HK/ SG FO teams but rarely seen Indians recruit directly to BB FOs).

I sponsored someone with the background you mention 3 years ago, so it is possible.

(b) Are BBs open to sponsoring visas for candidates that require this assistance? Esp when they are pre-MBA candidates?

If we like the candidate, yes. One alternative is that such a person stays at a regional office till getting the VISA. 

Again, key to have everything perfect as everything will be scrutinized very carefully (CV, cover letter) - feel free to reach out ot me on my mentoring program.


Hi thanks for doing this! I was wondering how is the mobility around DB global offices? Say from APAC to EMEA. Have you heard/seen such move? Cheers!


Thanks for doing the AMA!

I’m keen to move into an investment banking role from corp dev and I’ve closed a couple of deals as well. I don’t tend to have much luck with recruiters since they tend to go for people which tend to be an easy sell so usually go with those already in banking.

Is there anything I can do to better position myself?

Is networking effective to get a position at the analyst/associate level in London?



Thanks for doing this Q and A! I’m an upcoming freshman into college, so I was wondering what’s the best advice you can give to be ahead of the game and prepared for entering the investment banking industry?


Bro you're a freshman in college. Forget about banking and just have fun. I'm sure this VP will tell you the same thing. Don't be a hardo chasing money, instead use this time to find yourself and what you're really interested in. Go get ass, go to parties and socialize. Go on wild trips with your boys. Just don't become another finance bro wannabe who once they break in realizes how absolutely shit, boring, and miserable IB/Finance actually is. Plus you're still young and will probably hop off the finance bandwagon early on and change career paths. That's fine and normal. Just focus on having fun and finding yourself and who you truly are as a person. Then you'll know the answers to nearly everything.


If you’re going to UT, you’re in a good place. Will have opps with all banks in Houston. Join the finance clubs and get a good position there if you want to stand out some more - the clubs are the real feeders out of many of these large public schools anyways. Without the clubs more networking will be needed, clubs might save you some time(or a lot) on that front.

Best thing at UT you can do is join the wall st for McCombs program, I guess it’s kinda similar to IU Kelly’s workshops but the placement is absolutely lights out to NYCs top offices. They take 25 kids and recruit in soph year so you have some time but getting into that should be your ultimate goal for a smooth sail into the industry. Good luck, but like others said, you don’t need to worry so soon but it’s good to just be aware of what needs to be done so props there.


Hi, thank you for taking the time to do this here. I am eager to pursue an Analyst position in the UK, preferably TMT or Industrials, but it seems very difficult to find something. Could it be because as a German citizen I no longer can freely work in the UK without a visa? I’d really appreciate any advice or insights you could give me.


I am going to be a college freshman at a T20 school in the US this fall. How can I get ahead and ensure I have good internships for sophomore and Junior summer and eventually get a full time offer for IBD?


Thanks so much for posting this. I am currently an intern in consulting with one semester left of my undergraduate degree. I am super passionate about breaking into banking and making a transition to a FT banking role post graduation. I am graduating a bit off cycle with my graduation set to be in December of 2021. This would mean I would be able to start work at the beginning of 2022 as opposed to the Fall of 2022. Do you have any tips or advice for someone in my position trying to make the jump from a non-IB internship to a FT investment banking role?


Hey, thanks for doing this!

In my country, I am a non-target MBA with multiple industries experience. Most recently, senior level risk management for commercial real estate underwriting.

Trying to bypass HR's gate keeping when applying to Real Estate IB roles. How have candidates approached your team in the past, outside of HR's referral? Also, who should I target VP or Director level. Actually fired off an email to a Director this morning in application to an open associate role. Curious to hear your thoughts!


I am a final year Chemical Engineering undergrad in India. Plan to do a MS Finance from the US and target IB.

What schools/programs you think should be good enough to position me favorably?


Just accepted an offer as Associate in BB corporate banking credit risk ($200mm+ loan values per client) - managing a portfolio of about 24 institutional clients, industry agnostic, and doing annual reviews of creditworthiness, contributing to new loan transaction underwriting, etc. Previously worked in middle market underwriting (at a different BB) doing the same thing but with lower loan values.

How common is it for people to move over from this kind of corporate banking loan portfolio management role into an M&A function (especially since we as corporate bankers can be involved with the senior debt tranche of acquisitions)? Can this be done directly from this kind of middle office credit role? If not directly, do you have any recommendations for another stepping stone position (like perhaps client facing corporate banking) following a stint in credit risk?

I know this is a lot but thank you in advance for any feedback on this you can provide.


Does the cover letter actually matter? In the US I heard it’s not even sent because they don’t read it anyway 


How do you suggest I find a mentoring service? Money is a bit tight right now and while I know mentoring is far from a necessity, I love learning more about the different careers in finance. Also, how do you think a mentoring service differs from being able to network with a variety of active bankers ranging from first year analysts to managing directors? 


hi, thanks for doing this. I'm gonna be doing STEM at UCL this autumn and was wondering what sorta stuff helps someone really stand out for spring weeks/early schemes during interviews and CV. I've done some work experience with Jane Street related to trading and a lot of medical type of work experience and by the time i arrive hopefully I should have some extra finance things through SEO London and brokerage. I'm pretty clear on what I want to do (markets - probably research) and was wondering if showing that interest early would be good or if being more open minded would be preferable? Recruiting for London :)


Thanks for doing this AMA. I currently work in technical accounting after a couple of years in Big 4 Audit. My company provided resources for our team to learn financial modeling and I built financial models to determine whether goodwill was impaired. I want to eventually get into IB or Corp Dev. So i guess, my question is, do i have a decent work experience to make the switch, considering the fact that my experience is accounting heavy?


It is indeed a very interesting question... look, you can do very well in banking and. competition for good assets within PE houses are super difficult these days, a lot of stress, very small teams... I stay also because I love my team, peers, bosses... we do a lot of transactions, still, continue learning every day... so when things work, do not touch them!



I am a rising Senoir and I am a chemistry major. I originally intended to attend Nursing school but changed my career path while in college. I have the necessary experience as a Private Equity Summer Analyst for 2 summers. I was just wondering what I can do to help break into the field, especially, given the fact that I am not a traditional finance major (Although I have self studied alot of knowledge and learned alot through my internships).  Thanks!


Hi, thank you for your time.

I am an Indian and want to get into IB FO. I'm currently working in a BB IBD mid-office (India branch). In order to get into IB FO, I'm planning to do a master's from London (target uni for 2022 intake). By the time I join (if I join), I'll have a total work ex. of 3 years in IBD mid-office and another one year prior to that in an IT MNC (so total 4 years of exp.). I'm also a CFA Level 3 candidate. I have a couple of questions - 

a) is it too late to get into IB after 4 years of work ex as an IB Analyst? I'm currently 27 years old. What I mean to say is, do banks recruit people with 4 years of exp. as an analyst (even if the candidate is ready to start from scratch) or I'm too experienced or old? Since you've been part of recruitment, I think you might help here.

b) do banks sponsor visas to international students? Post Brexit, all EU students are also considered as international, so will it be the same for all non-UK candidates?

Many thanks :)


Hi there, 

I've received a position to join DB as an off-cycle analyst (Undergrad student from continental Europe)

Do you happen to know whether off-cycle analysts need a MSc degree if they want to convert to a full time analyst position? (In the case of students being from non-UK continental Europe). Or, does a BSc suffice? 

Thank you in advance!


First of all, congratulations! Re your question, no they don't. If you get an internship / off cycle, is because, with your current student path, you will be eligible for full-time position (and typically, if you do well, you will be given an offer). Keen to connect to you - you can send me your details in a private message and happy through the DB platform :)!


Let me answer you in another way. We just recruited a full-time analyst in the Madrid office who just business proficiency in Spanish (he is American). Think that 95% of all what we do is in English; there can be a case of a big family business whose documents are in Spanish / French, or that the management does not speak English for which you will need a local - but there will be plenty, so I would not worry for that.




Interviews is all about preparation, preparation, preparation. Personal section is sometimes subjective (but it can be mastered as well), but technical needs to be perfect - you need to read all the guides, books, and have mentoring sessions to prepare both intellectually and mentally. 

But before, you need to have a perfect CV. My personal experience is that 8 out of 10 candidates have mistakes (and trust me, bankers have a clinic eye when it comes to attention to detail) - for that, you need a senior banker to review that has review thousands of them...


Hey! Thank you for doing this!

I'm a math undergrad / Quant. Fin Master based in Frankfurt. I did an internship at DWS while I was in my bachelors and they told my "I was the best intern in 30 years" (sry if it sounds like bragging) and offered me a job. Since I was in the middle of studying I declined, but I was wondering if this internship could help me get into DB at all.

I'm afraid that my application will just get thrown away like thousand others. 

Looking forward to your reply!


Congrats, I am sure you are being honest with your comment about your internship - and indeed, bankers need to be a bit flashy, so you are on the right path.

The question as you point out is making sure that such a message gets across to the HR / Bankers, which is not easy. I would need to hear the rest of your background to understand how to portrait such a strong message... but there is always a way. Happy to help here of course.



Hey - thanks for the reply!

It wasn't even meant flashy.. just thought this is an anonymous forum and I tried to make my point so theres that :)!

I'll gladly accept any help - would you mind if I DM you?


Labore maiores optio officia rerum consectetur. Eum accusamus libero numquam iure. Nihil ullam veniam est labore eius omnis. Et est illo aliquam assumenda dolores non. Possimus consequatur quisquam accusantium repudiandae ad. Aliquid accusamus qui id odit nemo ea.


Ex rerum dolorum quia reprehenderit voluptatem. Sed sit molestiae illo qui cumque in. Officia alias iusto eveniet laudantium. Quibusdam qui vel magni voluptatibus. Dignissimos et aperiam eos magnam omnis.

Necessitatibus aut aperiam accusamus porro. Quas dicta neque modi ut quia quasi. Nihil aspernatur quis voluptatem est. A vero porro fugit ad ut nam esse saepe. Quia ea nostrum aut illum inventore et qui. In necessitatibus voluptates et ut provident. Expedita velit repellat veritatis expedita omnis eum aut.

Ab omnis quo et voluptas ut. Qui illum iure maxime blanditiis iure voluptatem. Dolor voluptas id laborum commodi est saepe. Velit laboriosam molestiae omnis non qui pariatur et.

Aspernatur et quos pariatur consequatur voluptatem enim laudantium sequi. Et eligendi qui quidem ducimus ad. Ut aut nam occaecati ipsam.


Incidunt maiores aut autem qui magnam. Aut expedita porro qui reiciendis eaque voluptatem. Error numquam voluptatibus nesciunt quis ipsam aut.

Quia recusandae praesentium sint id voluptatibus aspernatur quisquam quaerat. Officia rem aut commodi repudiandae nemo aut aspernatur quaerat. Ut sint similique alias repellat.

Voluptatem debitis sit sed quia omnis voluptatem. Aperiam nostrum voluptatibus non earum culpa quo. Ad debitis earum accusantium perspiciatis.

Exercitationem et sit non est est rerum vitae. Quia voluptas blanditiis qui reprehenderit voluptates vel. Placeat et rerum soluta ut molestiae quia. Voluptatibus adipisci minima qui et eos nesciunt quia occaecati.


Harum aut minus voluptas dolores. Expedita quibusdam sed nulla omnis. Illo culpa et sit porro. Officiis quisquam minima animi occaecati repellendus harum harum dolore.

Vero consequatur harum aut debitis est aut. Iusto magni porro ad ullam ex ea dolorem. Eveniet dolorem magnam omnis soluta quasi blanditiis sed rerum. Quia occaecati minima quia soluta vel aut. Ut rem architecto quia.

Minus deserunt dolore qui dignissimos. Occaecati non officiis velit vel. Quaerat veniam commodi ipsam ut dolor rerum. Quisquam dolores aliquid quasi porro unde necessitatibus amet. Nihil magnam voluptas accusamus architecto non et nihil.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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