Minority Equity Investment / Convertible Preferred Security

What is the correct way to model a minority position in a company, financed with a combination of new leverage and convertible preferred securities? For example:

Assume the founder of the business owns 51% and a sponsor owns 49%. With new leverage and sponsor equity, the new sponsor would purchase the 49% stake and take out any existing debt. The capital would be invested as a convertible preferred security.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated Thanks!



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Cash would decrease in line with liabilities

Company A only owns 60% of Company B

Comp A Pre-remaining 40% acquired: Cash: 100 Liabilities: 40 Equity: 60

Comp A Post-remaining 40% acquired: Cash: 60 Liabilities: 0 Equity: 60

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Best Response

Cash would decrease in line with liabilities

Company A only owns 60% of Company B

Comp A Pre-remaining 40% acquired:
Cash: 100
Liabilities: 40
Equity: 60

Comp A Post-remaining 40% acquired:
Cash: 60
Liabilities: 0
Equity: 60

Never open your mouth until you know what the shot is.

On Day 1, Company A owns 60% of Company B. Therefore, all of Company B's assets and liabilities are consolidated on Company A's balance sheet, with 40% showing up as "Minority Interest". Post-transaction, the Assets and Liabilities on the Balance Sheet won't really change (except to reflect financing of the transaction) and what was previously Minority Interest now just goes into Common Equity.


Before Acquisition Cash 100 Total Assets:100

Liabilities 50 Minority Interest 20 Equity 30 Total: 100

Post Acquisition Cash 80 ( reduced by 20 for acquisition of minority interest) Total Assets: 80

Liabilities:50 Minority Interest: 0 (reduced by 20 for acquisition) Equity: 50 (increased by 20 for acquisition) Total: 100

Where do you allocate the missing 20 under total Assets?


Your equity does not change upon this acquisition. No goodwill as you are paying 20 for 20. Simply cash down 20 and MI down 20. That's it.


Voluptatem provident reiciendis maxime quidem a aut. Alias cum porro omnis doloribus nihil. Minima vitae illum fugiat aut sunt.

Et hic quam ratione optio. Sit magni dolor omnis ipsa autem rerum veritatis.

Rerum enim laboriosam quasi tempore magnam. Dolores quis aut quos voluptas necessitatibus esse. Aut et optio corporis. Tenetur est voluptatem voluptatem commodi expedita quia.

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July 2024 Private Equity

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  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
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  • 1st Year Associate (390) $229
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  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
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