How to Have Coffee with Elon Musk

I will be relocating to Santa Clara for grad school and was wondering how someone like myself would be able to meet Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla (founder of Paypal and Space X too). He is someone who has the ambition, vision, leadership, guts, intelligence to make a biig impact on this earth. The real Tony Stark of this age; and someone to learn a lot from.

Since Tesla is headquartered in Palo alto, which is 20 min away from Santa Clara, it would be pretty feasible to somehow cross paths with this guy... with enough effort.

i was thinking of getting his email address somehow and emailing a personable email to him, if no response, have send a follow up periodically. Maybe call up his secretary and connect with his right hand man or something, with the interest of an interview, which I can post on my (credible) finance website or something like that.

Anyway, do you guys have creative ideas of meeting/talking to someone who is way up top of superstardom? i think Tim Ferris (author of 4 hour work week), has done it before and contacted CEOs and celebs. I know it is why not?

Best Response

Since you're posting this in the "Get a Job forum" I am going to assume that you want to work there... Don't bother trying to contact the CEO's of major companies looking to break in. Your email will go through 10 screens and likely be weeded out before it even gets to the secretary. If you want a job, look up Bankerella and find her write-up on getting a high level exec to read your resume and follow through with that. Best of luck


Since you're posting this in the "Get a Job forum" I am going to assume that you want to work there... Don't bother trying to contact the CEO's of major companies looking to break in. Your email will go through 10 screens and likely be weeded out before it even gets to the secretary. If you want a job, look up Bankerella and find her write-up on getting a high level exec to read your resume and follow through with that. Best of luck

This may be stupid but I couldn't find it. Can you post a like by any chance? thanks


There is a section on the 4 hour work week that tells you how to reach out to these upper echelon people. I'll see if I can brainstorm some ideas.

also on the list of people to meet: Robert Kiyosaki from rich dad, poor dad.

If you network only for the sake of getting a job, you are taking all the fun out of it. Might as well go big and try to have a worth while story at the end of the day. 90% of people will try to aim for a mediocre goal, and since most people will be aiming low, the competition is INTENSE. Forget that, Im going straight to the top, think big!

My finance blog: Twitter @samleefinance
<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:

I would recommend letting it cool down a bit first so you don't burn your tongue. A few morsels of sugar *might* be okay, but obviously no milk or cream.

Ambition is priceless its something in you veins, the vast majority don't have it....

My finance blog: Twitter @samleefinance

My dad's good buds with his brother Kimbal so I've actually met the guy a few times--almost got to go skiing with them last winter but couldn't get the time off. They go to burning man every/most years believe it or not... in spite of how smart and innovative he is, he's a shockingly normal and down to earth dude. Bragging aside, if you somehow managed to get in front of him, I'm sure you'd get some good stuff; just not really sure how you'd do it other than finding him at a public event or pretending to be a potential investor.... Between TSLA, space x, and solarcity, dude prob doesn't have time to grab coffee with every aspiring entrepreneur in california


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