San Francisco sucks

it's expensive as hell out here, like seriously, even fast food is at least a dollar more here than on the other side of the bay, and you have to pay a lot for a shitty place to live, parking sucks because you have to pay for it a lot of places, then there's a whole bunch of uptight SJW liberals, there's traffic, and there are a bunch of wierdos too.

Way too many insane/homeless people. San Francisco and the Bay Area seems to want to hoard as many as they can that it becomes ridiculous. City always smells like fucking piss and shit. i've seen homeless people shit and piss outside BART and MUNI stops. SF is losing its culture exponentially fast to to the tech boom.

This place is a steaming pile of horseshit. It is one of the most unwelcoming first-world places I've ever been. The culture is obnoxious and overbearing. nobody really cares about one another but they still walk around like they're morally superior to everyone else in the country. people are dicks but portray themselves as "liberals/progressives" to show off to their friends how "enlightened they are."

Everyone is uber-PC and obsessed with identity politics and is way too obnoxiously political and go to protests/demonstrations for no fucking reason and block up the traffic. You'll get fired for making a simple joke thanks to the rabid feminazis and their STEM beta orbiters.

If you love this place and feel like you belong, then you should re-evaluate what it is to be human. People are just inconsiderate jerks and prices are too damn high.

SF is fucking cold and windy all the time. If I'm gonna tolerate all those SJWs liberals, I need some nice weather like in LA. I'm originally from LA, and as shitty as LA is, SF is 10x worse. Driving in SF is the most stressful driving i have done (and i've fucking sat in the 405 in SoCal for 4 fucking hours), and the people in SF are extremely self centered and narcissistic. And all the sport fans are band wagoners. i blame the techies, but the NIMBY-ness of the residents is stupid as fuck. i saw residents throw piss and shit at a google bus lmao.

Also, stupid as fuck NIMBY residents keep housing/renting costs so fucking high bc they refuse to approve residential development and increase housing supply, in the name of combating "racist gentrification" lmao. Not surprised they don't get basic supply and demand, they're mostly communist SJW fucks who think Marxism is a gift from god.

SF is super crowded, parking is hell, and personal space is really uncomfortable.

Also SF is full of butt-ugly women. There are way too many men here especially from the south bay. Most are white or asian nerds who lack confidence. Too many artsy dues with no jobs. And so many extremely flamboyant, aggressive gays that turn off even most of my LGBT friends. Ratio is bad and even the ugly girls think they are hot in SF, when they wouldn't even get into a club in NYC or LA. Too many girls with tattoos, weird piercings, smokers, hippy type, etc. Too many fobs. Have you guys been to west oakland or chinatown? That place has the weirdest looking chinese people than the dirtiest part of flushing, NY.

I've heard from countless people about how much they don't like the nightlife in SF and want to move back to LA. It seems like SF is especially bad. as a girl, you can get into clubs dressed much worse than LA. It's not a secret that the women of the SF Bay Area up to the Pacific Northwest are mostly ugly, and have attitudes from hell. bc they are so ugly and can't get laid, they become super SJW/radical feminist and rail on how the "patriarchy" body-shames them lmao. i even met several "fat acceptance movement activists" there. Also SF takes being a sanctuary city to the extreme, with an extreme tolerance for illegal immigrants. People were in the streets cheering the kate steinle jury verdict lmao.

You'll get used to it eventually, and they become normal after a while, but whenever I visit my family back home in LA or cousins in Austin, TX, I think to myself "WHERE THE *** DID ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE COME FROM?" but in reality it's just because I'm used to ugliness...

You know what's sad though? A lot of the girls in SF are transplants, from bumfucked somewhere, and when they got here, they adopted that shit attitude too. A lot of them think that SF is the best thing there is (probably it's the ONLY thing that resembles a city comparing to where they came from). I doubt any of them has been anywhere else.

People say LA is superficial as fuck, but SF is more superficial, in a different, more nefarious way. People care too much about being "liberal" and "progressive" and hating on Republicans/anyone who even leans right of center. I'm not even that conservative -- I supported John Kasich during the 2016 primary. Even then, I'm treated like the second coming of Hitler because I'm not a hard-left Democrat. The engineers and venture snobs that just talk about each round of funding at every restaurant 24/7 all make six-figure salaries, so them being "liberal" is just for show. Fake as fuck.

The residents are hypocrites in their personal lives and fail to live up to their liberal ideals. All just virtue signaling. Pseudo-intellectual limousine liberal fucks who think they are smart for using big words. Fucking degenerates.

I can't fucking wait until I transfer out of California. My goal as of now is a metro area in Texas, With my fucking salary, I could afford a nice-ass house in Dallas or Houston instead of living in a fucking expensive-ass-shit box next to a "gender-fluid" freak.

Fuck the SF Bay Area.

Edit: Good comment by DeepLearning: "I hate the professional/tech culture in silicon valley/SF... 22 year old wannabe CEOs running around, overzealous use of the word 'disrupt,' etc.... You CANNOT avoid the constant tech culture insanity. People pitching or talking about their shitty startups or whatever. As a young professional, you are going to have interactions with these types of people."

Mod Note (Andy): top 50 posts of 2017, this one ranks #8 (based on # of silver bananas)


My goal as of now is a metro area in Texas,

I can't speak on SF as I've never lived there (I have enjoyed visiting) but I can confirm that Texas is the greatest state.


Also SF is full of butt-ugly women.

Haha, love the rant, especially this part, couldn't agree more.

“If you're afraid - don't do it, if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

Ok yes, there are protests everywhere and lots of pretty obscure SJW subcultures in SF, that's true. I don't really mind them. Also they're kinda easy to avoid? Not sure why artsy dudes with no jobs are bothering you. It's not like you are socializing with them?

I hate the professional/tech culture in silicon valley/SF way more. 22 year old wannabe CEOs running around, overzealous use of the word "disrupt", etc. Politics you can avoid in SF if you want to. You CANNOT avoid the constant tech culture insanity. People pitching or talking about their shitty startups or whatever. As a young professional, you are going to have more interactions with these types of people than you will communist SJWs.


I thought you lived in NYC? Yeah I also heard the same thing about venture snobs that just talk about each round of funding at every restaurant and everywhere else 24/7.

SF Does sounds pretty bad tbh! NYC far superior!


Isn’t the nazi culture from San Fran too? Every time I read a nazi profile it seems half are from San Fran. I guess if you have to deal with militant sjw then Radicalizing the reverse is fairly easy.

Isn’t the nazi culture from San Fran too? Every time I read a nazi profile it seems half are from San Fran. I guess if you have to deal with militant sjw then Radicalizing the reverse is fairly easy.

Yep. Fringe social movements and California are almost synonymous. It’s hilarious when the core base of the WSO crowd moves there (college republicans)

Get busy living

Whoever takes 2x year old CEOs seriously are laughably incompetent. The reason I'm not fond of the whole startup/tech culture is that they tend to skip "steps".

Skipping steps always have led to negative consequences for me. It's all about gradual learning and earning your position.


Seattle and SF are similar cities in this regard, except that SF has nicer weather and is more expensive.

  1. Seattle and SF are the worst major cities for single straight men, hands down. They are truly ugly cities in every regard.

  2. Tech attracts the most obnoxious people: self-righteous liberal SJWs and socially awkward engineers who think they are "transforming" the world. Tech people also aren't as interesting, worldly, and cosmopolitan as those in finance.

  3. Seattle and SF are run by incompetent socialists. They are becoming overrun by bums, Bernie loving freaks, transgenders, and aggressive gays (i.e., grown men walking around wearing a thong). The people represent the worst of the American Left: pretense of moral superiority, obsession with identity politics, and sheer hysteria.

2. socially awkward engineers who think they are "transforming" the world.

This is a solid point about tech people (independent of San Francisco). I detest people like Mark Zuckerberg who thinks (or pretends) he's changing the world--if he is then his greatest contribution to our world is a glorified ad machine where people bitch about politics and share pictures of their f^cking dinner. Or the people who created the f*cking "yo" app who receivd a f^cking $10 f&cking million valuation. The yo app creators and their invesors should literally be flogged and then drawn and quartered.

Dances with Dachshunds:
2. socially awkward engineers who think they are "transforming" the world.

This is a solid point about tech people (independent of San Francisco). I detest people like Mark Zuckerberg who thinks (or pretends) he's changing the world--if he is then his greatest contribution to our world is a glorified ad machine where people bitch about politics and share pictures of their f^cking dinner. Or the people who created the f*cking "yo" app who receivd a f^cking $10 f&cking million valuation. The yo app creators and their invesors should literally be flogged and then drawn and quartered.

Mark Zuckerberg has done more damage to society than anyone under the age of 35, in modern times.…


This has been a little sobering for me. Thanks for doing this, I've been looking for a new place to move to in the future, and all the points you bring up make a lot of sense. It's probably not going to get any better either.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.
This has been a little sobering for me. Thanks for doing this, I've been looking for a new place to move to in the future, and all the points you bring up make a lot of sense. It's probably not going to get any better either.




Am in SF... can confirm.

These hypocritical, faux-intelligent, virtue signaling, buzzword regurgitating and physically revolting packs of lemmings dunk omakase in soy sauce!!

"well thank god your feelings aren't a fucking priority here"

Unfortunately....most of this is true. I work in SF, live in the suburbs and have lived in the Bay Area for most of my life. SF was always liberal (and a little socialist) but the environment has become intensely hostile toward anyone unwilling to adopt their liberal and political ideology. In my office politics is a subject to avoid.

What once was a picturesque and beautiful city seems to now be morphing into a cesspool. Too many homeless, too much drugs and the streets are now filthy and smell. Buying a home in Lake Tahoe (on the Nevada side) is the plan for 2018 and transition there within the next 10 years.

Unfortunately....most of this is true. I work in SF, live in the suburbs and have lived in the Bay Area for most of my life. SF was always liberal (and a little socialist) but the environment has become intensely hostile toward anyone unwilling to adopt their liberal and political ideology. In my office politics is a subject to avoid.

What once was a picturesque and beautiful city seems to now be morphing into a cesspool. Too many homeless, too much drugs and the streets are now filthy and smell. Buying a home in Lake Tahoe (on the Nevada side) is the plan for 2018 and transition there within the next 10 years.

Liberals destroy everything they touch.


They're not "liberals." Just a stupid marketing term they give themselves to make themselves feel good about themselves while they price poor people out of the labor market with minimum wage laws and disincent hiring, keep poor minority kids in failing rundown schools by sticking up for the union thugs, and create government dependency by doling out welfare and forcing entire groups of people to vote for them to keep the programs running.

Libtards are the new plantation owners in this country. They're anything but liberal. They're flat out regressive, racist scum.

it's expensive as hell out here, like seriously, even fast food is at least a dollar more here than on the other side of the bay, and you have to pay a lot for a shitty place to live, parking sucks because you have to pay for it a lot of places, then there's a whole bunch of uptight SJW liberals, there's traffic, and there are a bunch of wierdos too.

Way too many insane/homeless people. San Francisco and the Bay Area seems to want to hoard as many as they can that it becomes ridiculous. City always smells like fucking piss and shit. its losing its culture exponentially fast to to the tech boom.

This place is a steaming pile of horseshit. It is one of the most unwelcoming first-world places I've ever been. The culture is obnoxious and overbearing. nobody really cares about one another but they still walk around like they're morally superior to everyone else in the country. people are dicks but portray themselves as "liberals/progressives" to show off to their friends how "enlightened they are." Everyone is uber-PC and obsessed with identity politics and is way too obnoxiously political and go to protests/demonstrations for no fucking reason and block up the traffic.

If you love this place and feel like you belong, then you should re-evaluate what it is to be human. People are just inconsiderate jerks and prices are too damn high.

SF is fucking cold and windy all the time. If I'm gonna tolerate all those SJWs liberals, I need some nice weather like in LA. I'm originally from LA, and as shitty as LA is, SF is 10x worse. Driving in SF is the most stressful driving i have done, and the people in SF are extremely self centered and narcissistic. And all the sport fans are band wagoners. i blame the techies, but the NIMBY-ness of the residents is stupid as fuck. i saw residents throw piss and shit at a google bus lmao.

SF is super crowded, parking is hell, and personal space is really uncomfortable.

Also SF is full of butt-ugly women. There are way too many men here especially from the south bay. Most are white or asian nerds who lack confidence. Too many artsy dues with no jobs. And so many extremely flamboyant gays that turn off even most of my LGBT friends. Ratio is bad and even the ugly girls think they are hot in SF, when they wouldn't even get into a club in NYC or LA. Too many girls with tattoos, weird piercings, smokers, hippy type, etc. Too many fobs. Have you guys been to west oakland or chinatown? That place has the weirdest looking chinese people than the dirtiest part of flushing, NY.

I've heard from countless people about how much they don't like the nightlife in SF and want to move back to LA. It seems like SF is especially bad. as a girl, you can get into clubs dressed much worse than LA. It's not a secret that the women of the SF Bay Area up to the Pacific Northwest are mostly ugly, and have attitudes from hell. bc they are so ugly and can't get laid, they become super SJW/feminist and rail on how the "patriarchy" body-shames them lmao. i even met several "fat acceptance movement activists" there

You'll get used to it eventually, and they become normal after a while, but whenever I visit my family back home in LA or cousins in Austin, TX, I think to myself "WHERE THE *** DID ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE COME FROM?" but in reality it's just because I'm used to ugliness...

You know what's sad though? A lot of the girls in SF are transplants, from bumfucked somewhere, and when they got here, they adopted that shit attitude too. A lot of them think that SF is the best thing there is (probably it's the ONLY thing that resembles a city comparing to where they came from). I doubt any of them has been anywhere else.

People say LA is superficial as fuck, but SF is more superficial, in a different way. People care too much about being "liberal" and "progressive" and hating on Republicans/anyone who even leans right of center. I'm not even that conservative -- I supported John Kasich during the 2016 primary. Even then, I'm treated like the second coming of Hitler because I'm not a hard-left Democrat.

The residents are hypocrites in their personal lives and fail to live up to their liberal ideals. All just o virtue signaling. Pseudo-intellectual fucks who think they are smart for using big words.

I can't fucking wait until I transfer out of California. My goal as of now is a metro area in Texas,

Fuck the SF Bay Area.

Edit: Good comment by DeepLearning: "I hate the professional/tech culture in silicon valley/SF... 22 year old wannabe CEOs running around, overzealous use of the word 'disrupt, etc.... You CANNOT avoid the constant tech culture insanity. People pitching or talking about their shitty startups or whatever. As a young professional, you are going to have interactions with these types of people."

Ah, yes, yes.

Now tell me how you really feel.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Yankee Doodle:
Moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Chicago. I pay $1200/mo for a badass 1 br. apartment in Gold Coast with a view of the skyline.

I'm never looking back.

I miss Chicago. Along with NYC, the 2 greatest cities in America, and no other city comes close.


How can you stand the humidity though? I'm not sure about this year, but last year around August I think was brutal. I would love to live there otherwise.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Most of the country is humid. You just suck it up.

It's really only bad in late July and August. Rest of the year is either fine or cold. Neither are problems for me.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn
Where do you ski near Chicago? Asking because of your photo.

Thats the one good thing about SF bay area after battling all the SJWs: weekend drive distance to the mountains or the beach.

Chinese $$$ and NIMBYism is killing SF, thats for sure.

Fair point. After dealing with the obnoxious liberal SJWs, it's refreshing to enjoy the outdoors and clear your head.


I moved from Boston to SF earlier this year. I lived in NYC for a few months so I have some perspective.

SF isn't as expensive as I thought. My apartment is nice and in an area where I don't have to worry about being attacked by a 6'4'' transvestite high on glue, the place isn't terribly expensive.

The nightlife isn't as expensive as NYC or Boston. Drinks aren't that expensive which is nice because you need a lot of them.. brings me to my next point.

The girls are dogface. This is the most depressing thing. I am gradually re-equilibrating to the point where I turn around on the street to watch a tatted up 7 ripping a Juul walk by--its really unfortunate.

The food is better here than NYC/Bos.

The guys here are beta male geeks. Its just a low testosterone environment. If you are on the fringe of being an alpha male in NYC (test level in the 650-750 range) you should probably come here and enjoy an instant upgrade to alpha status. Some guys worry about the tech guys running the scene here but no, that isn't the case those guys are losers. I stole some chick from a group of startup nerds talking about bitcoin and they wouldn't even make eye contact while I ordered her and I drinks on their tab.

The homeless people are a disaster. Nothing else can be said of this, its truly appalling and a consequence of the communist rule in this town.

I actually sort of hate this city coming to think of it. Me and my rich as shit banker buddies pop down to LA and unwind at bungalow once a month to escape the libcuck feedback loop and get coked out with models like god intended for us to.

I moved from Boston to SF earlier this year. I lived in NYC for a few months so I have some perspective.

SF isn't as expensive as I thought. My apartment is nice and in an area where I don't have to worry about being attacked by a 6'4'' transvestite high on glue, the place isn't terribly expensive.

The nightlife isn't as expensive as NYC or Boston. Drinks aren't that expensive which is nice because you need a lot of them.. brings me to my next point.

The girls are dogface. This is the most depressing thing. I am gradually re-equilibrating to the point where I turn around on the street to watch a tatted up 7 ripping a Juul walk by--its really unfortunate.

The food is better here than NYC/Bos.

The guys here are beta male geeks. Its just a low testosterone environment. If you are on the fringe of being an alpha male in NYC (test level in the 650-750 range) you should probably come here and enjoy an instant upgrade to alpha status. Some guys worry about the tech guys running the scene here but no, that isn't the case those guys are losers. I stole some chick from a group of startup nerds talking about bitcoin and they wouldn't even make eye contact while I ordered her and I drinks on their tab.

The homeless people are a disaster. Nothing else can be said of this, its truly appalling and a consequence of the communist rule in this town.

I actually sort of hate this city coming to think of it. Me and my rich as shit banker buddies pop down to LA and unwind at bungalow once a month to escape the libcuck feedback loop and get coked out with models like god intended for us to.

You sir, are a GREAT American straight male, the embodiment of what has made this country great. Stay strong, brother. Don't let the America hating liberal SJW freaks get you down.


Fairly accurate description... Small exception being that the that most value to be gained from liberating women from lessers is the minor satisfaction of the win... not so much the prize. Those are all in LA.

Unless you have Raya. Raya is life.

"well thank god your feelings aren't a fucking priority here"

Here we go again a SoCal dissing the NoCal people, if you do not like the bay area you can simply move on, no need to rant about it. i have met plenty people from Socal, some moved to Colorado because they could no longer stand it there, you do have a choice.

I have lived in Texas and it simply is not for me but noway do I need to rant about what it is like (Dallas/Houston/San Antonio/Austin) I had a choice and moved. Personally, I think you should move to NY.

SafariJoe, wins again!
Did a couple months in SF and agree with everything in your post except this. Outside of UT's sorority stomping grounds, all the other women here are mediocre at best.
Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

TLDR; I agree, SF sucks and both LA and NYC are way better. It's like Barcelona (SF) and Madrid. The thing is, unless it becomes immediately obvious to you that SF is totally overrated, any in-depth explanation will likely be wasted on the person.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.
TLDR; I agree, SF sucks and both LA and NYC are way better. It's like Barcelona (SF) and Madrid. The thing is, unless it becomes immediately obvious to you that SF is totally overrated, any in-depth explanation will likely be wasted on the person.

Interesting. Can you expand on Madrid vs Barcelona


yeah I don't know. I guess to each his own. There are cities in Georgia with a 12% rate of college graduates per town. Alabama is for hicks and rednecks.

Manhattan is for snobs. San Francisco is for libs.

I don't know. Every part of the USA has its flavor.

I hate Los Angeles with a passion though. Most overrated city in the world in my opinion.


I'm from NYC which has its own homeless problem, not to mention a horrible smell that stretches from 5th Avenue to Port Authority, and I've STILL not seen more homeless running around than when I visited San Fran. Some of them had tents set up in the middle of the street! I was staying at a pretty nice hotel (Loews) but the minute I stepped outside...just a disgusting place.


this is great. I 100% agree with this. I will say though, SF proper is much worse than the greater bay area. For your own sanity until you move, if you need to bro out a little away from those SJW types, get a hobby that doesn't involve just going out and drinking in those terrible bars where you are surrounded by those folk. I spend zero social hours around those people by doing fun shit outside of expensive dinners and hoity toity bars.

this is great. I 100% agree with this. I will say though, SF proper is much worse than the greater bay area. For your own sanity until you move, if you need to bro out a little away from those SJW types, get a hobby that doesn't involve just going out and drinking in those terrible bars where you are surrounded by those folk. I spend zero social hours around those people by doing fun shit outside of expensive dinners and hoity toity bars.

In every social mixer I've attended, and even at work, these self-righteous SJW douchebags constantly bring up politics. It's unreal.


It's not that all liberal cities will give you a bad experience. LA votes overwhelmingly Democratic too, but people don't make politics a central part of their identity, and blabber about it 24/7. If you're a Republican, you'll be in the minority in LA, but outside of especially SJW places (like West Hollywood) people will mostly shrug and talk about something else. People aren't in your face about SJW liberal political protesting shit. LA is shallow, and materialistic, and people try to one-up each other with the best car, consumerism, going to soul cycle and pilates, etc. but at least people admit it. LA people are liberal, but care more about being in shape/wearing the best fashion/appearing hot than protesting to acknowledge 56 genders.

LA is left-wing, but more culturally libertarian, a live and let live atmosphere, than socially authoritarian like SF. I'd rather be with 9/10+ smoke shows obsessed with racking up instagram likes and tit jobs and wanting to surf at the beach than the landwhales in SF "showing the nipple."


Totally should repost to SF Gate.. All the bay area "bubble" people would come up with reasons why SF is so cool (their paper runs that piece about ever 2-3 weeks). "What's cool about SF".


Of all of the markets I cover, I loathe going to SF the most. Not even because of the culture, etc. but because I think it has now far outpaced even the shitshow that is LA traffic. It is painful to get around anywhere in the Bay Area now. When I first started going up there, I had never heard of Treasure Island before, and I took a wrong turn and it ended up taking me about 2 hours of extra drive time to course correct - a very costly error. The only place I could turn around on the bridge was Treasure Island, and I thought to myself 'oh man this should at least be cool'. Spoiler alert.... It was not cool.

My cousins live up there, and while I enjoy seeing them, I always make excuses not to go there if they ever host a holiday. I'd rather get a tooth pulled.

"Who am I? I'm the guy that does his job. You must be the other guy."

I had a marvelous time in SF. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly. However, I was only their for 2 days and this was in 09. We saw that giant fishing dock, went to haight ashbury and then partied with some locals at a couple different bars. I discusssed politics with one person and it was very civil agree to disagree. I can see how it would get old quick. Nothing there struck me as amazing or worth moving there. Nowadays it must be a complete shit show.

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.
it's expensive as hell out here, like seriously, even fast food is at least a dollar more here than on the other side of the bay, and you have to pay a lot for a shitty place to live, parking sucks because you have to pay for it a lot of places, then there's a whole bunch of uptight SJW liberals, there's traffic, and there are a bunch of wierdos too.

Way too many insane/homeless people. San Francisco and the Bay Area seems to want to hoard as many as they can that it becomes ridiculous. City always smells like fucking piss and shit. i've seen homeless people shit and piss outside BART and MUNI stops. SF is losing its culture exponentially fast to to the tech boom.

This place is a steaming pile of horseshit. It is one of the most unwelcoming first-world places I've ever been. The culture is obnoxious and overbearing. nobody really cares about one another but they still walk around like they're morally superior to everyone else in the country. people are dicks but portray themselves as "liberals/progressives" to show off to their friends how "enlightened they are."

Everyone is uber-PC and obsessed with identity politics and is way too obnoxiously political and go to protests/demonstrations for no fucking reason and block up the traffic. You'll get fired for making a simple joke thanks to the rabid feminazis and their STEM beta orbiters.

If you love this place and feel like you belong, then you should re-evaluate what it is to be human. People are just inconsiderate jerks and prices are too damn high.

SF is fucking cold and windy all the time. If I'm gonna tolerate all those SJWs liberals, I need some nice weather like in LA. I'm originally from LA, and as shitty as LA is, SF is 10x worse. Driving in SF is the most stressful driving i have done (and i've fucking sat in the 405 in SoCal for 4 fucking hours), and the people in SF are extremely self centered and narcissistic. And all the sport fans are band wagoners. i blame the techies, but the NIMBY-ness of the residents is stupid as fuck. i saw residents throw piss and shit at a google bus lmao.

Also, stupid as fuck NIMBY residents keep housing/renting costs so fucking high bc they refuse to approve residential development and increase housing supply, in the name of combating "racist gentrification" lmao. Not surprised they don't get basic supply and demand, they're mostly communist SJW fucks who think Marxism is a gift from god.

SF is super crowded, parking is hell, and personal space is really uncomfortable.

Also SF is full of butt-ugly women. There are way too many men here especially from the south bay. Most are white or asian nerds who lack confidence. Too many artsy dues with no jobs. And so many extremely flamboyant, aggressive gays that turn off even most of my LGBT friends. Ratio is bad and even the ugly girls think they are hot in SF, when they wouldn't even get into a club in NYC or LA. Too many girls with tattoos, weird piercings, smokers, hippy type, etc. Too many fobs. Have you guys been to west oakland or chinatown? That place has the weirdest looking chinese people than the dirtiest part of flushing, NY.

I've heard from countless people about how much they don't like the nightlife in SF and want to move back to LA. It seems like SF is especially bad. as a girl, you can get into clubs dressed much worse than LA. It's not a secret that the women of the SF Bay Area up to the Pacific Northwest are mostly ugly, and have attitudes from hell. bc they are so ugly and can't get laid, they become super SJW/radical feminist and rail on how the "patriarchy" body-shames them lmao. i even met several "fat acceptance movement activists" there. Also SF takes being a sanctuary city to the extreme, with an extreme tolerance for illegal immigrants. People were in the streets cheering the kate steinle jury verdict lmao.

You'll get used to it eventually, and they become normal after a while, but whenever I visit my family back home in LA or cousins in Austin, TX, I think to myself "WHERE THE *** DID ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE COME FROM?" but in reality it's just because I'm used to ugliness...

You know what's sad though? A lot of the girls in SF are transplants, from bumfucked somewhere, and when they got here, they adopted that shit attitude too. A lot of them think that SF is the best thing there is (probably it's the ONLY thing that resembles a city comparing to where they came from). I doubt any of them has been anywhere else.

People say LA is superficial as fuck, but SF is more superficial, in a different, more nefarious way. People care too much about being "liberal" and "progressive" and hating on Republicans/anyone who even leans right of center. I'm not even that conservative -- I supported John Kasich during the 2016 primary. Even then, I'm treated like the second coming of Hitler because I'm not a hard-left Democrat. The engineers and venture snobs that just talk about each round of funding at every restaurant 24/7 all make six-figure salaries, so them being "liberal" is just for show. Fake as fuck.

The residents are hypocrites in their personal lives and fail to live up to their liberal ideals. All just virtue signaling. Pseudo-intellectual limousine liberal fucks who think they are smart for using big words. Fucking degenerates.

I can't fucking wait until I transfer out of California. My goal as of now is a metro area in Texas, With my fucking salary, I could afford a nice-ass house in Dallas or Houston instead of living in a fucking expensive-ass-shit box next to a "gender-fluid" freak.

Fuck the SF Bay Area.

Edit: Good comment by DeepLearning: "I hate the professional/tech culture in silicon valley/SF... 22 year old wannabe CEOs running around, overzealous use of the word 'disrupt,' etc.... You CANNOT avoid the constant tech culture insanity. People pitching or talking about their shitty startups or whatever. As a young professional, you are going to have interactions with these types of people."

I mostly agree with you, but sometimes you're exaggerating.

Get your writings done for an affordable price here

Although LA, probably isn't far from SF in terms of libtardedness, I agree LA is way better than SF. Place to be IMO, love socal

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

I figured the more people you have, the less your rent is going to be. One br in comparison is going to be more than a 2br with a roommate

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.

1) You're getting crushed by the recent tech liquidity (ZNGA, FB, LNKD, etc.) - it started in SoMA and has now made its way throughout your search area (which I'd agree with) 2) If you do find a place that works for your budget and suits your fancy, there are a lot of places here that are rent-controlled after the initial lease.

A year or two ago you could have gotten a 2br/1ba (or maybe even 2ba) for $2600, but now that's a very tall order. Sorry man.

1) You're getting crushed by the recent tech liquidity (ZNGA, FB, LNKD, etc.) - it started in SoMA and has now made its way throughout your search area (which I'd agree with)

^^^ I was floored by the amount of 20 somethings that were showing up to these open houses willing to write a rent check on the spot for all 12 months rent at the list price. I'm making money, but apparently not start up money. Trying to find a place is cutthroat

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.
1) You're getting crushed by the recent tech liquidity (ZNGA, FB, LNKD, etc.) - it started in SoMA and has now made its way throughout your search area (which I'd agree with)

^^^ I was floored by the amount of 20 somethings that were showing up to these open houses willing to write a rent check on the spot for all 12 months rent at the list price. I'm making money, but apparently not start up money. Trying to find a place is cutthroat

Yeah - already hearing that Zynga'ites who thought they had stock at $10, and now have at $3, are rethinking some of these recent purchases...
1) You're getting crushed by the recent tech liquidity (ZNGA, FB, LNKD, etc.) - it started in SoMA and has now made its way throughout your search area (which I'd agree with)

^^^ I was floored by the amount of 20 somethings that were showing up to these open houses willing to write a rent check on the spot for all 12 months rent at the list price. I'm making money, but apparently not start up money. Trying to find a place is cutthroat

Holy shit! My friend warned me about this. I can't believe there are people who are willing to prepay the year up front. SF is hot at the moment, but that's something else.


It's almost like you're two different people...

From your last post:

"I hate sports, for example. I like heavy metal/death metal music the most. I don't care about NFL, NBA, or whatever the fuck sales prospects always want to chat about. I don't care about the TV these people watch, I like Japanese anime and manga the most, and like to cosplay in my spare time. No one can relate to that in my field in sales. All my coworkers were the flashy, fratty bro types who were type-A jocks and popular kids in high school. I was always the geek, and am happy with that."


This is a superb thread. I’ve been trying to explain to my peers who want to lateral to the SF office that it is a horrible idea.

I’ve lived worked in SF, LA, and NY.

New York is the best option for a summer internship.

Los Angeles is the best for full-time experience.

San Francisco is cold all year long, smells like a public restroom at a dirty ass bar, the most expensive city in America, and the hobos are violent. I’ve had to restrain two and put them on their ass when they tried to lay hands on my 6/10 SF ex-gf.

Also my gf had a bubble mentality and thought she was entitled to the presidency of the USA. I had to let her go like putting down an aging dog after she joined ANTIFA.

What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent feat. Nickelback.
This is a superb thread. I’ve been trying to explain to my peers who want to lateral to the SF office that it is a horrible idea.

I’ve lived worked in SF, LA, and NY.

New York is the best option for a summer internship.

Los Angeles is the best for full-time experience.

San Francisco is cold all year long, smells like a public restroom at a dirty ass bar, the most expensive city in America, and the hobos are violent. I’ve had to restrain two and put them on their ass when they tried to lay hands on my 6/10 SF ex-gf.

Also my gf had a bubble mentality and thought she was entitled to the presidency of the USA. I had to let her go like putting down an aging dog after she joined ANTIFA.

Why is LA better than NYC for full-time? Yes, the weather is better, but the dating scene for guys is worse than it is in NYC. It's also hard to get around.


Los Angeles has a superb dating scene, it's just that in New York you have almost 9 million folks crammed into one-square foot. Sure there are more opportunities, but that's like saying sex is more prevalent on an overpopulated island.

Getting women in LA is easy as it is and no disrespect to women in NY, but women in LA tend to be more attractive b/c health is valued over money. Women in NY tend to age faster in appearance and body weight due to the surplus drinking, partying, eating out, and lack of time. Everyone believes it's a rat race and is stressing the fuck out, even the NYU grads who work as tour guides at the MET/MoMA are graying.

What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent feat. Nickelback.

Totally spot on and true. Hated the idea of carrying a jacket around in AUGUST. c'mon people..its SUMMER. Feel like that damn snowman in Frozen yearning for warm weather.

Agree with all of the above. Unfortunately you may need to checkout the listings on CL with people looking to fill a room.

Big risk man....its the smartest thing but know what you are "getting into"

Eventus stultorum magister.

This is one the best posts on this forum of all time, people have no idea how terrible San Francisco is until you actually go there. In no other city have I met a more disrespectful group of people than San Francisco, ever. The kind of disrespect, misery, and overall terrible attitudes shown in San Francisco is one that no other city on this planet can rival and really mean that. San Francisco is hands down without any question the worst city in the United States of America, I would rather live in a small town in the midwest and work from home rather than even toy with the idea of living in San Francisco.

I think that there is some degree of correlation between the amount of beautiful women a city has as well as how cool the guys there are to socialize with.

What I believe is that the women of San Francisco are so hideous and unattractive that the guys there are miserable and fed up, they take that misery out on others by being overall egregious human beings. I think a lot of the sadistic, condescending, and disrespectful attitudes you find in that city are due to the fact that guys there are about as frustrated as one of those weirdo social outcasts in college that can snap any minute.

I think what you see in the people of San Francisco is cries of frustration, there are no beautiful women in that city to look at so the guys are just frustrated and need something to take their frustration out on. A lot of these guys take their frustrations out on the world by acting better than everyone, trying to put others down, and treating others like trash because they need someone to feel better than after countless nights of being rejected by women who are no better than a 6.

I don't see how any American city can have such a massive lack of decent looking women, don't know what gives about San Francisco, I really don't. What I can say is that I truly feel for any man that has to live in that city, may he one day be rescued and move to a place like Austin or Miami or NYC.

What's scary is, I fear that San Francisco culture might spread in the US to the point that we have cities that are heavily lacking in beautiful women.

Also, in case you didn't get a chance to read it:…

Edmundo Braverman:




London? Is that a joke?

Dublin might be more what you're looking for:

share a two bedroom townhouse for only €1100 a month in the city center. rent is about the only thing in dublin that is cheap

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

A lot of hate on Seattle on here too but I have to say, even though it sucks, it is way better dating wise than San Francisco. Women in Seattle are actually approachable and quite down to earth compared to the things that pass for being a "woman" in San Francisco. San Francisco women are largely ugly but also have massive egos, Seattle women are plain but they're quite amiable and approachable compared to the 49ers (4s that see themselves as 9s) of San Francisco.

Also SF takes being a sanctuary city to the extreme, with an extreme tolerance for illegal immigrants. People were in the streets cheering the kate steinle jury verdict lmao.

If NK has to throw a nuke at an American city, I hope it is SF. The Kate Steinle verdict and the reaction was the worst thing I saw in 2017.


OP - as someone who lives out here, yes - rent is stupidly expensive. That being said, you can indeed find decent places to live, it just takes a bit of luck. I live in Portrero Hill right now in a 4BR place and we each pay a bit north of a grand a month.

Most of the finance types live in the Marina, but they pay for it. Super expensive, super nice, super fratty. Nob Hill, Russian Hill, North Beach are all solid too, but in general the rent decreases as you move South East in the city. PM me if you want more info/have more questions.

Also SF takes being a sanctuary city to the extreme, with an extreme tolerance for illegal immigrants. People were in the streets cheering the kate steinle jury verdict lmao.

If NK has to throw a nuke at an American city, I hope it is SF. The Kate Steinle verdict and the reaction was the worst thing I saw in 2017.

I have said this before, and I will say it again. If North Korea nuked SF or Seattle, my anger on a scale of 1-10 will be a 7. If they nuked pretty much anywhere else, it would be a 10.


@Eddie you ever been to Chiotras grocery? That's exactly what the owner there was telling me. It seems only in the past 10 years or so that the neighborhood has really gentrified.

Hell, watch the movie "The Game" w/Michael Douglass. Takes place in SF and the "scary area" they go to is in Portrero Hill - set in 1995.


When I fist moved to SF I went out to dinner with my roommate and his parents. This lady sitting a few tables away kept giving me mean looks. A few minutes later she comes up to our table and tells my roommate, "hey I think you're very cute." Worst part about this story is the lady turned out to actually be a man.

When I fist moved to SF I went out to dinner with my roommate and his parents. This lady sitting a few tables away kept giving me mean looks. A few minutes later she comes up to our table and tells my roommate, "hey I think you're very cute." Worst part about this story is the lady turned out to actually be a man.

I would be surprised if the percentage of biological men and women in SF in any given point in time is greater than 80%.


Recent SF transplant myself and struggling to find a suitable apartment that wouldn't force me to significantly downgrade my lifestyle. I initially checked out Marina, Russian Hill, Pac Heights, Hayes Valley, etc. Of course, I was floored to realize that a 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Russian Hill will easily run you $3200+ ($3600 realistically). So you essentially have two options. (1) Live in the East Bay (Oakland/Emeryville/Berkeley), where you can probably snag a 2 bedroom for $2400, OR (2) Live in Richmond District/Sunset, which is just as far from the Financial District as living the East Bay.

this is hilarious

I loved the ending: "You can't stop consenting adults from being stupid," Marler said. "But we should at least try."


SF is ridiculous. You have the fratty / finance / parent-writing checks for me snapping up inventory in the Marina, anything that ends in -Hill up north, and then there are the hipster / recently rich tech types snapping up inventory in Mission, Noe, Potrero.

Any budget-minded person is basically relegated to trying to get a massive house and share among 4-5 people or move out west to the Richmond / Sunset.


I was in San Francisco the other day (live in Chicago now), and decided to look at the financial district, and it was paltry.

The other thing I noticed is that for supposedly one of the wealthiest cities in the country, it was absolutely filthy. The stench emanating from Chinatown was unbearable. And Union Square doesn't hold a candle to Michigan Avenue.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn
Yankee Doodle:
I was in San Francisco the other day (live in Chicago now), and decided to look at the financial district, and it was paltry.

The other thing I noticed is that for supposedly one of the wealthiest cities in the country, it was absolutely filthy. The stench emanating from Chinatown was unbearable. And Union Square doesn't hold a candle to Michigan Avenue.

Chicago's urban core is stunning, unsurpassed by any other U.S. city. Lake Michigan, Millennium Park, Grant Park, Oak Street beach, North Avenue beach, outdoor festivals, Michigan Avenue, clean streets. Wow. What a fantastic city. Holy shit, I miss it so much. I still get emotional thinking about Chicago.


Agree -- FiDi (as the locals call it) is an absolutely crap hole. And the Montgomery street bart station? be prepared to see some serious homeless action going on there. Market street is absolute filth.

Oh and the stench is best around 5:30 am...that's when public works is hosing down the sidewalks for the day....


OP- Fellow 3rd year analyst here in SF too, my jaw dropped when looking for a place due to the heavy competition. I am currently renting a studio, 3 blocks south of market for 2200 a month (with company discount). I feel your pain when searching, because all these prospective tenants come out then becommming a bidding war; and regarding craigslist that is a joke (come on guys looking for roomates on CL in San Francisco) the potential roomate "interviews" I had was fucking rediculous, these two girls asked me 3 questions: 1. If you could order Thaii anywhere in the city where would it be? (just moved to the city, which they kne) 2. If you could only live with one condiment for the rest of your life what would it be? 3. What is your favorite show on tv, not counting New Girl

Needless to say, I was "approved" but that is the cooky insight of people here in the bay area. My advise is be patient or do continuous sublet available on CL, because typically they are cheaper than the 1 year commit, plus once you find something you like/afford you can have a clean break.

Best of luck!


Just saw this on the news: "San Francisco has been plagued by auto burglaries, with a record of more than 30,000 reported last year, a 24 percent increase over 2016."


Don't live in Sunset. Spent my SA out there. You do NOT want to ride in on a standing-room only MUNI car for 35 minutes going off 3 hours of sleep. I was nearly passed out from the heat/smell/sleep deprivation Weds-Fri. It was inhumane.

Don't care how much I pay, I'll be within walking distance of work for FT, thankyouverymuch.


Omg hahaha this post is just absolute gold. It's so true!!!! I started my career in SF bay area and holy shit was I glad to get out to a cheaper COL of city. Omg I'm laughing the whole time because this is so true. I'm liberal but there it's just so down your throat, "i'm enlightened" over the top bullshit like you mentioned. The women are ugly, that's completely true. The hottest woman in the room in SF is usually just average in a night club in other cities. And about the COL, needless to say I have a newly constructed house for less than my rent payment there. God I don't miss driving around the city, fucking highway 101.... I hope you get out of that awful place to live OP, so glad I did! Cheers!

"You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right." -Warren Buffett

Dude, 280 is no better, unless you get up before the crows (i.e. 5am or before).

And how's that Magdelana exit treating ya south of palo alto? Don't even get going about passing through shittown cupertino either.


People in SF love to talk about changing the world, but they can't seem to fix any of the problems in their own shitty city.


Having just moved from this $anctuary $hithole city; I can absolutely relate. This blog post was right on the money. Spot on in fact. Couple of points (almost a top ten list if you will):

  • When a region as a whole goes ape$hit for a burnt out 1300 sq ft house going for 800K and calls it a "steal"; we have a problem.

  • When 106K is considered "low income"; we have a problem

  • When you have to hop over $hit; piss, sleeping bums; we have a problem

  • When people disrupt caltrain by stepping in front of it; we have a problem.

  • When people disrupt BART (see above statement); we have a problem.

Ok, so I don't feel like going all the way to 10, but y'all get the picture. This area is going to IMPLODE one day, and its not going to be pretty.

We need an earthquake to "disrupt" the bay area, that might wake some of these narcissistic folks up.

Don't get me wrong, the area has some of the most gorgeous regions I've ever seen (Hello Napa, Pacifica, half moon bay), but the infrastructure and housing and yes, the people make it hideous.


Cupiditate voluptates officia placeat omnis. Sequi quia quidem maxime a aut odit soluta. Vel cum nam illum ad. Libero et provident saepe quis optio impedit. Eveniet praesentium dolor laudantium velit. Eos facere voluptate voluptatibus molestiae quam. Quo sequi et consequatur repellendus omnis ex facilis.

Eius ut dolorem fugiat nobis. Alias dolorem at id veritatis in molestiae a. Molestiae non dolorem occaecati impedit quia sed. Et harum aliquid exercitationem et dolores qui.


Qui minus qui repellendus a quae aliquam quis. Sed voluptatibus atque unde odio quos pariatur non.

Impedit corrupti veritatis dolorum. Excepturi sint molestias et molestiae. Magni dolorum non consequatur quod. Expedita quidem consequatur recusandae corporis aut cum tempore mollitia. Asperiores similique dolorem excepturi earum a harum dolore. Ducimus voluptatem commodi sed cum.

Aperiam ut cupiditate aut tempora. Ea rerum earum id qui. Asperiores a consequatur reiciendis eveniet accusamus autem est. Dolore commodi iure non et et eligendi placeat. Qui aperiam odio eum. Rerum labore omnis ex velit quisquam.


Ipsam ut esse amet atque laboriosam sunt. Et consequatur modi ut praesentium reiciendis dignissimos. Accusantium nostrum corporis aut esse molestiae est. Necessitatibus laudantium doloribus ipsum.

Earum ut voluptas nihil hic exercitationem alias. Recusandae beatae explicabo maxime quia et amet commodi. Quaerat dicta neque temporibus. Illo nostrum qui neque rerum dicta quasi eligendi assumenda.

Temporibus veritatis commodi nesciunt officia non ea. Accusamus nesciunt ut quia quia.

Voluptatem laudantium similique nihil perferendis facilis nulla labore. Nobis similique aut possimus id id tenetur commodi. Explicabo rerum qui qui. Nulla beatae aut earum quo.

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Blanditiis minima veritatis at sit. Nostrum dolorem quaerat id aut culpa repellendus eveniet. Et nostrum maiores voluptatem voluptatibus sequi.

Minus aut voluptatem quo et suscipit numquam. Non enim libero eos adipisci dolores. Laborum odit blanditiis aut et explicabo. Non consequuntur eligendi nihil harum non tempore rerum. Tempore ea dolorem eligendi quo a quis qui laborum.

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

Dicta ullam hic unde et autem quasi nihil. Quas ea voluptatem praesentium corrupti eveniet occaecati. Libero eveniet aut aut.

Aut molestias earum cupiditate id perferendis. Eaque exercitationem non ullam dolorum sit consequatur sint. Voluptas qui suscipit odio temporibus est sint.

Aperiam ex eum quam libero autem molestiae. Fugit aliquam ut amet dolorum rerum. Aspernatur officiis dignissimos amet eaque est in.

Porro repellendus autem excepturi. Laborum dolores corrupti quod cum sit provident maxime. Sequi vitae sint doloremque quo qui officiis fuga. Nulla iste illo est.


Et est esse vel sint minima a. Cum omnis est qui rerum. Ut ut cupiditate ab dolore. Minus maiores recusandae dolores odit qui omnis molestiae omnis.

Omnis quis distinctio ratione. Voluptatum qui et quae veritatis consectetur placeat iste. Error rerum nam a sunt magni.

Aut illum ab sequi maxime ut. Facilis culpa vel delectus natus deleniti omnis porro. Qui voluptatem iste magnam aut distinctio omnis.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
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