Last wave of Covid

Experts are saying Omicron is likely the last major wave of covid. Will we finally be back to normal in the summer? I suspect we will.


Well you're right that it's never going away, but I think the pandemic phase will be over within a month based on South Africa. (might vary slightly based on where you live)  After this all the idiots who refused to get vaccinated will either get it and have immunity or be dead.  I'm reasonably certain I got Omicron in early December, but I was asking for it partying maskless with 500 or so of my closest friends and sticking my tongue down a dozen or so throats.  I also might've gotten OG in March 2020.  I had something and had to cancel on a dinner Goldman was paying for at Nobu. 

What I had in 2020 was distinctly un-fun but my presumed omicron was just an annoying cold that lingered for a week. (2X Pfizer and a Moderna)

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

I hate that I even need to preface this by saying that I’m not an anti-vaxxer but:

”…After this all the idiots who refused to get vaccinated will either get it and have immunity or be dead”

Haven’t we yet learned that it doesn’t seem the vaccine makes a difference in transmission. I think it may be the case in some areas right now where the vaccine has negative efficacy as far as transmission. 


Depends on who you view as experts and where you want to look. There's enough out there across the board at this point for anyone of any persuasion to find someone credible to them that is saying what they're wanting to hear.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

What experts? I haven't heard this claim literally anywhere lol

VRUS<GO> You have a terminal, right?

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

Covid being over is like running in the special Olympics. Even when the race is over, you are still retarded.

Pio nono

Covid being over is like running in the special Olympics. Even when the race is over, you are still retarded.

LOL, this triggered memories.  Sorry to post this but while horrible it's funny: 

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

COVID could just keep mutating.  Some of many diseases we call the common cold are coronaviruses, and they mutate so quickly we cannot develop a vaccine or become naturally immune to them.  (No, COVID is not the same as a cold)  At that point the only solution is boosters and distancing only in the emergencies where hospitals are overfilled.


To the latter point- I view cost of education and insurance as a huge problem with healthcare, and further worsened by wealth inequality. Training more medical professionals is hard to do when admins get the fat checks, and the people who treat the sick are constantly getting shafted while working long hours and dealing with awful conditions. It’s a tough sell to a 18 year old to go into medicine unless they truly love it (or want to specialize as a specific type of advanced doctor to make lots of money). The nurses, cleaning staff, support staff, etc is becoming a less appealing role

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

My posting here is mostly focused on vaccines and conspiracy theories; unlike lockdowns, which have a negative economic impact, there are no downsides to vaccines.  You get the jab and your odds of being in a grave go down by a lot.  My posting of death counts was to disprove the fools who claim COVID is 'just the flu' or 'just a cold'.  I'm not a huge advocate for locking down.


Nowhere near. Higher number of cases and infections (regardless of mortality rate) lead to higher chances of mutations and new variants. The thing is that we don't know whether, biologically speaking, COVID-19's transmissibility has reached the peak. We could be close to it or many more variations away from it. Evolutionarily it makes a bit more sense for viruses to infect many hosts without killing them, so I strongly doubt we will get a variant with Ebola-like mortality, but we could get something much more infectious. For reference, early strains had R numbers of between 0.75-1.5. Omicron is anywhere between 3-5. But diseases like Measles, Chickenpox and Mumps are well above 10. If COVID-19 moves more towards their direction, we would see much large and longer lasting waves of infection.


Ebola seems to actually be highly survivable with good medical care. Of all the people flown to developed world hospitals in the last outbreak did anybody die?

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.
[Comment removed by mod team]

I’m not a virologist but everything I have read said viruses naturally get weaker over time as more and more get infected. It seems Delta and Omicron are outcompeting any potential stronger variants. 

I think this summer and even by April will look very normal. However, if you remember last year, starting in May, things really looked normal and the light was seen until Delta came in August.


No one really knows. Just speculation at this point. In many areas, masking is in the 95% rate even without a mask mandate. Despite overwhelming evidence now that cloth masks and mask mandates have no impact against Omicron, the evidence does not matter and people persist; with kids in schools, some places are doubling down with enhanced mask mandates (now N95s required). We have every reason to believe that many ugly elements of the Covid response will remain far beyond the end of the wave. The general public in many parts of the U.S. has lost its mind.


Agreed. Some places will never look the same (pre 2019) as they once did. Places like NYC can never let go of COVID because everyone is in a pissing match to show how safe they are even if it’s not yielding any benefits. 


The general public in many parts of the U.S. has lost its mind.

To the point where a doctor mentioned a very plausible root cause explanation of that effect (mass psychosis), that itself gets shut down by certain media outlets and therefore Streisand effect'ed, and now the fact checkers of the very organizaitons that the doctor proclaimed were part of instigating mass psychosis came out and said it's not possible because what he alluded to is all made up. Which of course is just going to reinforce people who have taken to the explanation the doctor laid out as being most likely, and those sticking with the media version of events digging their heels in too. Which just further illustrates yet another ongoing facet of the very point you made Memberberries.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

here's why you shouldn't spend time worrying if this is the last of it or not

not even scientists who've spend the past 2+yrs looking at covid can make reliably true predictions

preventative measures like masks, the vaccine, the sun, exercise, etc., are all readily available to the entire developed world (most of this forum)

even in some of the most restrictive places, there is still plenty you can do like go to the beach, restaurants, and so on. and if you get stir crazy, just fly somewhere

it's possible this becomes endemic like the 1957 flu which is still part of flu cases today, some years will be chill, others less so

we're all going to die anyway, and no amount of preventative measures will make you immortal. so I say take the precautions you feel are appropriate, realize you'll never be 100% safe (because there is risk everywhere), and then move the fuck on with your life


In the most restrictive places, no you can't just do anything. That's the point. In Hawai'i, for example, restaurants aggressively check your vaccine information against your gov't ID. Even if you are vaccinated (I'm 3x), this is an incredible violation of one's privacy. In places with mask mandates, you are forced by rule (not law) to wear a ridiculous symbol of the Democratic Party without any evidence whatsoever of their efficacy. Restaurants all over my area are closed because perfectly healthy people with no symptoms can't go to work because they tested positive for Covid, which every single person is going to get.

Once again, I reject your analysis.  


and once again, you've misread my comment. I didn't say "you can't just do anything." I said "there is still plenty you can do." nowhere within did I say that many of the restrictions are ridiculous and violations of one's privacy, I'm just saying it's pointless to wonder/worry if this is the last wave of covid because it's something over which none of us have control.

since this is the second time in the past week you've attempted to distort what I've written by putting words in my mouth, I have a nagging feeling that you enjoy being combative for some reason. I'm not interested in that, I simply want to share my idea that it's not logical to be worried/preoccupied about something outside of one's control (like whether or not this is the last variant) and instead offer a couple of ways to think about it productively (e.g. well I can't do X, so let's do Y, or better yet, let me travel somewhere I can do X). I'm against government overreach and I agree that covid restrictions are illogical and ridiculous as you mention here. I also think it's illogical and ridiculous to get wound up about it. so unless you have a specific question for me, let's just leave this here.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Yeah, I've never been confronted about not wearing a mask. Once I was vaccinated last May, the mask came off and no one has ever confronted me about it. But they outsource their need for control to the gov't, which 2 weeks ago imposed a mask mandate. Even now, I refuse to wear it, and people still won't say a word to me. For the most part, they just outsource to the state. 


Totally agree with you.

What makes it difficult is that for many of us its not so easy to just give up on all democratically controlled areas -



-other lifestyle preference (wanna live in NY/California? put on your mask!)

I am currently strongly considering whether my next job should be in NYC or if I should just be gunning for texas because people are more rational there and I dont want to be mandated + masked for the next 5 years... but the truth is I just prefer to live in NYC. it will suck if I have to move to texas just to avoid this shit


Omicron itself ignores a lot of the natural immunity from the last strains, and even the vaccine is not as effective against it.  So who's to say there won't be a new variant by the time we reach herd immunity with Omicron?


I work for biopharma, as I have stated before.

We don’t know when the end will be, as variants come up and people are still getting sick. It’s no joke, catching Covid. We are still studying the science of the damage it does to the human body, as there are long term effects and disabilities associated with it. The term, “long-Covid” is a real thing.

Do what you are in control of, and enjoy what we are available to do. Eat, exercise, socialize, and live your life despite the fear of things. Life goes on.


From someone running a business day-to-day, I can tell you that we are running full steam ahead with the assumption that Omicron peaks over the next couples weeks and has tapered off into irrelevance by mid-March. From my understanding, the belief comes from a handful of blue and red senators who are telling PE firms this.

I know 30+ CEOs that are operating on this assumption. I have signed off on all of my CMO's trade show budget spend from March onwards with the intention of traveling onsite to customers again around that time. We're also doing our annual kick-off in April as a company (initially was going to be in January until Omicron hit), our Q1 board meeting in-person late spring with fully approved business travel for vaccinated employees starting in the summer.


From someone running a business day-to-day, I can tell you that we are running full steam ahead with the assumption that Omicron peaks over the next couples weeks and has tapered off into irrelevance by mid-March.

Apparently MS released a note saying their prediction was peak Omicron should be in the next three weeks similar to South Africa. 

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Here's my hot take. I agree first of all with some of the above that covid is still largely an unknown given how little it has been with us and how little we have been able to study it's longer term effects. That being said, I do think that covid in it's Omicron edition is at least the start of it becoming endemic. With it's high transmissibility but low impact on those infected, basic virology dictates that it should theoretically help cause mass immunity and stop becoming a cause for concern for most, similar to the common cold or flu.

Now what I don't know is how those who are unvaccinated would be affected by omicron given what I've said above really applies to vaccinated folks.  And it's also unclear whether a new variant would come out being even more transmissible and/or more harmful. But it seems for now, that given the mutations in omicron, that those who get it are relatively immune for the time being from covid in general. That's why I think after the omicron wave, we will see a drastic decrease in covid cases and continue to return to life as we knew it barring any particularly nasty variant which is physically more harmful to those who get infected.


If the vaccinated get it and have mild symptoms, how do they now it's because of the vaccine and not because of the variant?

I'm unvaccinated and got it twice, both with mild symptoms that lasted exactly 24hours. Have a couple of friends in the same situation as me. 


N=+1 here. Not vaxxed as well and got Omicron because people in my office (all vaxxed) got it. I had no symptoms while all of them are out 3+ days.

It’s almost as if there’s a trend here…

Also red state, so they had the option


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