Don't Masturbate. Don't Look at Porn.

In fact, delete all your porn and your LatinaMilf links. I did a while back and it's helped my life immensely. Obviously, this is anecdotal evidence on my part, but if you want some real evidence:
There are also a bunch of great Ted Talks (Google it) on why porn is harmful to you in the long-term.

Why I stopped watching porn was because I began to see that there was a direct negative correlation between [time + frequency since I last watched porn] and [social prowess]. Basically, watching porn did something to my brain or my balls or my dick or the alignment of our moon with Jupiter that made me not be on my natural game.

I just didn't feel like a lion scoping out gazelles to prey on and weaker lions to subjugate to my will while walking through the Chicago Loop to work every morning, or at the supermarket, or anywhere. I didn't feel as outgoing.

I noticed this primarily with women. I was more timid to approach, more timid in my approaches, and subsequently, less successful in bedding women.
I noticed this at work. I didn't speak up in meetings. I wasn't as energetic. I just didn't feel that energy that I feel now from people drawing us together with me being the final arbiter of whether or not I want to build a relationship with that person.

I noticed changes in my diet and athleticism. I felt like a sloth. I would come home from class or work to drink beer and eat shitty Chinese food. I didn't feel motivated to run or work out. And when I did, I wasn't making progress like I am now and I wasn't getting as much fulfillment out of exercise.

Fake it 'til you make it, right? I've always thought that phrase is used inappropriately way too often, but I think it works in this context: Become the man you want to be today. You think your ancient ancestors managed to survive and reproduce for 200,000 years by sitting around with their dicks in their hands? No. Those guys probably existed, but their weak ass genes are no longer around.

But thanks to the society we live in, even the weakest of genes are getting passed on. Embrace your inner animal. Become the man you want to be. This isn't some self help shit. This is some live your fucking life to the fullest shit. Again, this is anecdotal evidence, but I feel fucking phenomenal. My life is great and I'm going places. I'm in great shape. My career trajectory is awesome and I have options. I have sex with sexy bitches on the regular. I travel all over the fucking world. Why live vicariously through Lex Luther's dick?

So delete all that shit now. This isn't some 30/60/90 day challenge. This is just how you live your life now. You're not a guy who watches people fuck on camera and jerks his dick to thoughts of being that guy any more. That puts fucked up thoughts of inferiority into your subconscious that manifest themselves in all areas of your life. And if you can't escape being that guy, I would rip your throat out in the wild and impregnate your girl. We like to pretend we aren't fucking animals with our shiney bullshit, but we are. And as a man, you should strive to be a dominant and well-developed (in several areas of life) Human specimen.

You're gonna see a surprising amount of free time open up. Use it productively. Personally, I read a lot of books, work on my music, and pursue a few other hobbies. You're gonna see your social anxiety (we all have it to some degree; some choose to deal with it like men and some choose to dull themselves with pills and liquor) dwindle. You're gonna see women act more flirty with you and you won't know why. They won't know why either; that's fine. That's just their brains' reaction to their subconscious picking up on subtle changes in your behavior, your body language, your vocal tone, your rate of speech, etc. Also, they literally smell your dominant phucking pheromones penetrating their delicate nostrils. And you're gonna gradually learn what to do about it instinctively.

Finally, there are online communities of guys out there doing "NoFap" challanges. Stay the fuck off them. This isn't a challenge; it's just how you live your life. You don't need support from those losers (good luck to them though, seriously). What kind of fucked up rationale is it to read about not jerking off while trying to avoid jerking off? Just delete that shit, put it out of your mind, and reap the benefits.



I couldn't but found myself addicted in masturbating. This happens for being single or if you are in a sexless marriage. Maybe I am stress all the time, It is our body and mental needs but it should alway be in moderation. Another thing is there are lots of sex toys over the market design for men and women. One tool I've been using is a pocket pussy, seriously this is way better than your hand. Well I am not encouraging you to used that but it's an alternative way to your old school style.


Finance bros talking about masturbation and porn. Over/Under on business insider finding this - 24 hours?

Dude, if they find it, they're finding my blog detailing my Tinder escapades and modeling out a FWB rotation acquisition schedule. My boss would probably find out about my alias, but he wouldn't even care.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Everything in moderation.

Including moderation

Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.

but what if you're matthew mccona-gay in Wolf of Wall Street?

This brings us to a good point: You probably know some guys who watch porn all the time and are successful in at least one area of life, show no noticeable anxiety, etc. Think Don Jon. But how many of those guys have abstained for a significant period of time? They could be even greater.

Ultimately, do you want to be the type of man who watches others have sex on film and fantasizes about sex with his genitals in his palm? Can you see the men you look up to spending their time that way?

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Stop watching porn. Lolz.

I watch porn because no girl without multiple venereal diseases would be willing to do the stuff that I enjoy watching.

Competition is a sin. -John D. Rockefeller

This has got to be one of the lamest "self help" guides I have ever read. Porn has nothing to do with being a loser. Do losers tend to watch more porn? Yes, however correlation does not equal causation. I could say that because I know several people who eat blackberries and are good at picking up girls, therefore eating blackberries will give you game. Idiotic.

The reason there seems to be a link between porn and being a shit covered slob, is that there is a cultural acceptance that girls don't watch porn. Which is total bullshit. The boost in self confidence that comes from giving up porn is tha it likely gives you time to actually do a couple of sets of pushups. Considering I doubt you would last much longer than that anyway.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

This has got to be one of the lamest "self help" guides I have ever read. Porn has nothing to do with being a loser. Do losers tend to watch more porn? Yes, however correlation does not equal causation. I could say that because I know several people who eat blackberries and are good at picking up girls, therefore eating blackberries will give you game. Idiotic.

The reason there seems to be a link between porn and being a shit covered slob, is that there is a cultural acceptance that girls don't watch porn. Which is total bullshit. The boost in self confidence that comes from giving up porn is tha it likely gives you time to actually do a couple of sets of pushups. Considering I doubt you would last much longer than that anyway.

I respectfully disagree. Andy asked me to post this. I posted it to my personal blog a few days ago.
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

This has got to be one of the lamest "self help" guides I have ever read. Porn has nothing to do with being a loser. Do losers tend to watch more porn? Yes, however correlation does not equal causation. I could say that because I know several people who eat blackberries and are good at picking up girls, therefore eating blackberries will give you game. Idiotic.

The reason there seems to be a link between porn and being a shit covered slob, is that there is a cultural acceptance that girls don't watch porn. Which is total bullshit. The boost in self confidence that comes from giving up porn is tha it likely gives you time to actually do a couple of sets of pushups. Considering I doubt you would last much longer than that anyway.

I respectfully disagree. Andy asked me to post this. I posted it to my personal blog a few days ago.

You respectfully disagree because you are too young to know any different. Its just like violent video games don't turn the masses into raging killers that go around shooting everyone. Porn doesn't affect the masses in a negative way. Are their exceptions? Sure, there are people who are psychologically predisposed to certain thought processes. But to say that "Porn is evil" is about as idiotic as saying that guns kill people. People kill people.
Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

The reason there seems to be a link between porn and being a shit covered slob, is that there is a cultural acceptance that girls don't watch porn. Which is total bullshit. The boost in self confidence that comes from giving up porn is tha it likely gives you time to actually do a couple of sets of pushups. Considering I doubt you would last much longer than that anyway.

Your entitled to your opinion. But like @"GoldenCinderblock" said, when your actually getting pussy (even once or twice a week) there is no need or desire to watch it. If you have to have stimulation 7 days a week; there is something fucked up with that persons mind and they just don't realize it.


Who are you to say something is wrong with those people? Who are doctors to even say there is something wrong with those people. People are different, its plain an simple. Some people like different things. I could say that all of you that are/want to work on wall street have fucked up minds for wanting to slave your life away behind a desk for 100 hours a week. You must obviously have something wrong that you need to spend 14 hours a day at work. Whats wrong with your home life? Did your parents molest you as a child?

Your assumptions are based on your own experiences. You could only manage to get laid once a week, therefore that is a lot in your case. Guess what, I can manage to get laid everyday if I wanted to. So your entire anecdotal evidence is useless.

I just love how people on here assume that their point of view is the only point of view.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Call me old fashioned, but amateurs or bust. (no pun intended)

As someone who used to have 60 gigs of porn videos alone separated by ethnicity and several other unspeakable metrics, I couldn't get behind the production quality; or lack thereof.

Anything with good quality isn't truly amateaur. Yeah buddy, that's totally her first anal.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Bill Clinton, is that you?

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

Golden boy do not back out of your point of view because a few people have different views. There is undoubtable evidence that about what you say porn does to the brain. It slowly and surely numbs yourself to the sexual desires and in turn makes your fantasies and desires more intense, which is why some men seek violent types of sex. Choosing to not look at porn whether because of religion, peronsal choice or whatever it may be is your choice. It is inevitable that men will look at porn because of the difficulty to stray from it. Good luck with your pursuit. It's not an easy choice.


Golden boy do not back out of your point of view because a few people have different views. There is undoubtable evidence that about what you say porn does to the brain. It slowly and surely numbs yourself to the sexual desires and in turn makes your fantasies and desires more intense, which is why some men seek violent types of sex. Choosing to not look at porn whether because of religion, peronsal choice or whatever it may be is your choice. It is inevitable that men will look at porn because of the difficulty to stray from it. Good luck with your pursuit. It's not an easy choice.

I'm not backing out at all. Heister says you can be perfectly healthy and view porn. I agree. I'm saying you can be healthier without it. Or at least I am.

It's actually surprisingly easy. Like, I don't remember when I even looked at porn last and I have no desire to. I have done "no fap challenges" before and it was very difficult. Once you commit to this no longer being a part of who you are and internalize that it makes you a better man, it's very simple. Getting laid helps too.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Golden boy do not back out of your point of view because a few people have different views. There is undoubtable evidence that about what you say porn does to the brain. It slowly and surely numbs yourself to the sexual desires and in turn makes your fantasies and desires more intense, which is why some men seek violent types of sex. Choosing to not look at porn whether because of religion, peronsal choice or whatever it may be is your choice. It is inevitable that men will look at porn because of the difficulty to stray from it. Good luck with your pursuit. It's not an easy choice.

You know that people have been into the crazy fetishes for thousands of years. Pretty sure porn recordings weren't around in the Roman empire days.
Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Golden boy do not back out of your point of view because a few people have different views. There is undoubtable evidence that about what you say porn does to the brain. It slowly and surely numbs yourself to the sexual desires and in turn makes your fantasies and desires more intense, which is why some men seek violent types of sex. Choosing to not look at porn whether because of religion, peronsal choice or whatever it may be is your choice. It is inevitable that men will look at porn because of the difficulty to stray from it. Good luck with your pursuit. It's not an easy choice.

You know that people have been into the crazy fetishes for thousands of years. Pretty sure porn recordings weren't around in the Roman empire days.

Heister, what type of porn are you into? Bukkake, DP, DV? You seem very angry on this topic? My friend who's getting a PhD in Psych, told me that porn CAN have a negative affect on a persons mind, but as you stated before correlation doesn't equal causation. Hell one of my friend who watches porn everyday told me he cant get erected without watching porn during sex with his girl.

So each their own, they should try the no fap and see if it makes any difference for them. I tried no fap and failed after a week. I'll try again soon and see if it makes any difference.

Great thread GoldenCinderblock. I am try no fap going forward next week or the week after.


what if you're a pokemon trainer you're around pokemon 24/7 and stink of pikachu droppings even after showering? plus 99% trainers are male so no point in even trying

serious crimes for taking advantage of pokemon, amirite?

speed boost blaze

what if you're a pokemon trainer you're around pokemon 24/7 and stink of pikachu droppings even after showering? plus 99% trainers are male so no point in even trying

serious crimes for taking advantage of pokemon, amirite?

Ever seen Splice?
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

what if you're a pokemon trainer you're around pokemon 24/7 and stink of pikachu droppings even after showering? plus 99% trainers are male so no point in even trying

serious crimes for taking advantage of pokemon, amirite?

Ever seen Splice?

disgusting movie lol

speed boost blaze

Ok guys, I think this has been over complicated.

If you're horny, go get laid. If you can't, then fap, but don't let fapping become a replacement for chasing tail.

If someone has such little self control that they find themselves addicted to porn, and it starts negatively affecting their life in anyway, there is an issue greater than just porn addiction going on.

Going Concern:

Some nice Don Jon ish going on in here...looks like someone forgot to go to church and let it all out (no pun intended)

My child you have sinned. As penance you have to say 10 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers while working out.
Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.
brandon st randy:
Going Concern:

Some nice Don Jon ish going on in here...looks like someone forgot to go to church and let it all out (no pun intended)

My child you have sinned. As penance you have to say 10 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers while working out.

My child you have sinned. As penance you have fap 10 times to Fatties and 10 times to Furries while wearing lululemon stretch boxers and eating chipotle rice bowls.

Going Concern:


I have no idea who this is, but by brother showed me one of his videos the other day and told me he was me. I watched 10 seconds and called him a faggot and left.
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.
Going Concern:


I have no idea who this is, but by brother showed me one of his videos the other day and told me he was me. I watched 10 seconds and called him a faggot and left.

It looks like someone has some repressed homosexuality coursing through their veins.
Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

This is a great post.

"You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right." -Warren Buffett

Great post. Not sure where all the hate is coming from. If you follow the links it shows some pretty compelling evidence that it is in fact fcking up your brain. Will it fck up your life? Who knows. Not sure I could completely give up some Brandi Love and Asa Akira, but you've inspired me to consider it. Of course, not sure how helpful it would be when still participating in some Emperors Club-like activites on the regular. Damn you readily available hot women!!


i think the real problem here is that he actually had to save his porn links

Remember, once you're inside you're on your own. Oh, you mean I can't count on you? No. Good!

first time ive seen this thread, i just pressed backspace and went on to read something else

not watching porn makes u feel like a lion bro? you dont perform in bed because you watch porn..? wat? you are bad at work because you watch porn?

listen, everything should be done in moderation, any abuse is bad, but i am so thankful that there is porn, because i learned so much about the sex in the early age i explored my sexuality i learned what actually like - what types of girls etc. i got so much confidence and it helped me in many other ways

sure my girls criteria went up, and i might have gained interest in some stuff that i would otherwise not have considered, but it helped me develop into a person with more realistic views of the world you need to be retarded not to realize that those girls are acting, that they are full of plastic, that they are 150cm high and that those dudes are pros you are sad that your dick is too small? use porn to learn how to use it.. what are you going to do about your lack of self confidence? hope "she" never slept with more than a few guys..? find a virgin and marry her? you are starting to become racist because of mandingo lol? some of parts of the post, specifically those talks, do make sense, but there are other perspectives as well and many benefits to the porn

now you might get into a period, when you are still a noob, and you jerk off like 10 times a day or do it for a whole week after some time you realize that it is bad etc. and you dont do it again, it feels like shit and you are probably being depressed but it is good to actually have been there and know what you want and what you dont want - great learning experience if you are that type of person who gets lost in it, you will probably develop some other addiction like food/gambling/alcohol etc. - it is just a type of the person you are

experiment with yourself to find out how much you should watch the xxx i have thankfully excellent sex life and everything, but if i do not watch porn/masturbate/have sex every now and then i start getting those xxx dreams, etc. when i get those thoughts, i cant concentrate properly, i find it hard to think about other stuffi do not really try to fight it. my time is precious. if my partner is not around or if it is not a good time, i can visit some tube and get it over with

i dont really get it - you want to go to the bathroom, squeeze your eyes and masturbate to faint images of some random girls instead of watching some quality porn. 2nd feels much better, thank god i have unlimited variety and access

its funny you blame porn for all the bad stuff in your life. lemme tell you - you are depressed if quitting porn works for you - excellent, fill your head with whatever works for your problems

and good luck when you meet a nice girl after million years of hunting and then you cant perform for more than a few minutes ;)

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:

They should definitely merge WSO Monkey Around and BB Misc

There's a joke circulating the internet that men who like prude women must be from (this odiously does not including @"Stryfe"; it's a wonder he hasn't been band). Take it for what it's worth. Most of the guys seem very licentious; it must be some kind of double standard.

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

^ has a much higher chump percentage imo

Also, I can't quote for some reason

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

^ has a much higher chump percentage imo

Also, I can't quote for some reason

It also has a much higher ban percentage. Did you see what Patrick Arnold got banned for?

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]
Tony Snark:

^ has a much higher chump percentage imo

Also, I can't quote for some reason

It also has a much higher ban percentage. Did you see what Patrick Arnold got banned for?

no because I'm not a fag who goes to
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

^different kinds of bros and different types of chumps much internal conflict much name calling and shit flinging and half those guys don't even eat bananas so and the other half take bananas way too seriously

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

@"henriqueruschels" wait is that you in the pic? the lady not the chimp

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

I wish I knew at 13 what I know now. I wish I'd never watched so much porn. I feel like porn significantly desensitized me to real women and real sex. These days It's hard for me to get aroused unless a girl is acting like a porn star or there are more than one of them. Most times I can't finish at all and end up watching porn after they leave. It's really quite sad. I've tried to quit more times than I can count but I've always failed. If anyone knows of any programs or solutions I'd be very open to hearing about them. As for the rest of you I have to say .. be careful. Porn is like alcohol. Some people can handle it and be totally fine, but some of us can become addicted and it can mess with your life.


@"spinner" I think performance issues would provide ample motivation for me to stop jerking the dragon. Get your shit together. Tough love, son

Start by deleting the LatinaMilf links and wiping that external hard drive. And that Google drive folder. And the other one. You know the one. It's not technically porn, but we're going all-in bro

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Blah Blah Blah you are all missing the point. Bottom line the man is encouraging you all to be the man you want to be today. Right now. No one can hear that message enough. Whether that is the beta-male with is dick in his hands or the Alpha-male going out and winning life is simply your respective choice. I liked it. Whether or not this may have been a coke/addy fueled post is another topic. Great post none the less.

Benjamin A Gilman Scholar Economics & Finance, Mandarin Chinese & Japanese Small Business VP

The main problem with that stuff is that you'll one day find yourself to be one of those sad, strange monkeys who's mind has been warped to the point of watch fat chicks because nothing else is novel/satisfies enough.

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

Speaking of kinky, does anyone remember the Dr. Seuss Foot Book?

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

I used to respect you because of the persona you portrayed from previous posts. Hope the guilt didn't eat you up and leave you in tears.

Tip: Porn is what you do to calm down after a long day of grinding. If you spend time during the day thinking about porn, you're clearly not working hard enough (unless you're already rich of course).

Absolute truths don't exist... celebrated opinions do.

so confused by this post, who are you and why are you bumping 2 y/o threads

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Damn. someone bumped it and i forgot to check the dates lol

it was in the most recent section, my bad

Absolute truths don't exist... celebrated opinions do.

Jesus Christ another one of these posts smh

How old are you guys that post this stuff?


Et id ipsam porro occaecati ut nulla in. Sed ea fugiat non assumenda sit. Tempora quaerat libero inventore natus. Ut neque id maiores qui et voluptas. Quasi tempora eveniet consequatur nesciunt dolore autem deleniti odio. Magnam quia dolor asperiores vero sunt voluptatibus dolores. Rerum aut quas unde omnis.

Sunt iure debitis enim alias vel. Ipsum veritatis cumque et quia porro. Aspernatur ut perferendis accusantium sequi enim et quia tempore.

Est dolorem alias qui quia veniam numquam commodi facilis. Laboriosam beatae ut alias ratione. Ducimus cupiditate quam quibusdam aut voluptate. Voluptatem nihil dignissimos maxime fuga. Vero est aspernatur rerum unde facilis doloribus dicta deserunt.

Voluptas blanditiis velit veritatis quisquam dolore. Cupiditate nemo architecto ducimus quia labore et odio. Et vitae voluptatem dolore est. Quis corporis maxime sit natus dolores iste fugiat. Tempora aut ad enim ratione modi.


Aut fugiat dicta quia quod. Vero asperiores quaerat ad molestiae doloribus sit non quis. Harum qui voluptate accusantium iste fuga nobis excepturi voluptas. Soluta qui qui voluptatem. Quae quibusdam illo accusamus molestiae quas. Molestias perspiciatis repudiandae omnis eum sed placeat rerum.

Laborum cupiditate perferendis similique laboriosam ut ratione. Aut distinctio facere sed voluptate et ea. Veniam voluptatem omnis maiores consequuntur accusamus quo. Earum rerum in esse ipsam.

Assumenda eveniet qui aspernatur sapiente. Nostrum qui aut laudantium nam voluptatum et omnis adipisci. Tenetur ea sapiente assumenda dolor dolor. Quo praesentium ut aperiam deleniti repudiandae dolorem eligendi. Laborum et ut earum. Officia aut molestiae pariatur voluptatibus sit veniam libero sit.


Saepe totam quibusdam quis aut. Facere eum et voluptatum temporibus ut dicta. Quae numquam doloremque fugiat animi et est esse.

Beatae cum quam modi enim. Dolor officia minima ea repudiandae laboriosam. Quo voluptas ea sequi enim odio aut provident.

Aut deleniti voluptate dolor ipsam numquam quibusdam. Atque et odio eveniet vero voluptas. Asperiores rem repudiandae repudiandae vel magnam aut. Rerum perspiciatis quia est officiis. Magnam maiores tempore architecto dolorem qui. Ipsam consequatur et dignissimos qui.


Qui unde amet quis doloremque alias dolorem quia aut. Expedita unde porro tempore saepe excepturi tempore. Modi illo et autem dolorem hic. Blanditiis maxime repellendus soluta ut velit facilis qui. Quos non eius fugiat. Minima odit impedit ea minus et aliquid et.

Voluptas enim quia impedit ullam corporis aut nemo. Enim ab expedita est omnis molestiae.

Asperiores laudantium nostrum voluptatem enim doloribus optio. Laudantium dolore sed qui reiciendis temporibus blanditiis possimus.


Accusamus aut molestiae voluptatibus sunt ipsum voluptates quaerat. Sunt iste est quam velit aut.

Molestias nihil incidunt reiciendis modi temporibus fuga nihil sint. Maxime distinctio ea voluptate quod eum molestiae. Voluptate ut aut quos saepe error animi esse. Accusantium veritatis ut esse nostrum ea explicabo est. Laborum voluptatibus fugiat numquam totam. Voluptatem alias temporibus possimus porro ducimus.

Sunt quia vel id architecto. Autem quia esse veniam numquam dolor illo. Voluptatem quia eveniet nostrum aliquid dolorem maxime eum. Veniam ullam quod ex dicta sed porro.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”