I am a Greek citizen Ask me anything

I was born in Greece and I am currently studying in Greece. I try to keep up with current events. I imagine many of you have questions about what is going on, so ask away and be specific. I'b be happy to give you some insight.


Why do 7 % of Greek voters vote for an outspoken neo-nazi party? Unlike other far right parties, Golden Dawn doesn't seem to care about "disguising" it (look at for example their party symbol).

Do you perhaps, as a none greek, get an unfair and biased description of Greek politics?

I'm curious to hear from someone that actually lives in Greece.


Why do 7 % of Greek voters vote for an outspoken neo-nazi party? Unlike other far right parties, Golden Dawn doesn't seem to care about "disguising" it (look at for example their party symbol).

Do you perhaps, as a none greek, get an unfair and biased description of Greek politics?

I'm curious to hear from someone that actually lives in Greece.

I maybe forgot to mention that I am Greek too. Keep in mind that when people are desperate and mostly uneducated (more that 7% actually) they will blame anyone else but themselves, in this case it's the minority of immigrants (legal or illegal). These people (greeks with little education, no job, no income and no prospects) as any other try to survive. Golden Dawn gives food, provides safety (this 7% lives in really shitty neighbourhoods) and a sense of belonging to these people. I believe that is why they vote for them

Why do 7 % of Greek voters vote for an outspoken neo-nazi party? Unlike other far right parties, Golden Dawn doesn't seem to care about "disguising" it (look at for example their party symbol).

Do you perhaps, as a none greek, get an unfair and biased description of Greek politics?

I'm curious to hear from someone that actually lives in Greece.

Naziism is a leftist movement, not a "far right" movement.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Why do 7 % of Greek voters vote for an outspoken neo-nazi party? Unlike other far right parties, Golden Dawn doesn't seem to care about "disguising" it (look at for example their party symbol).
Do you perhaps, as a none greek, get an unfair and biased description of Greek politics?
I'm curious to hear from someone that actually lives in Greece.

Naziism is a leftist movement, not a "far right" movement.

lol Naziism is the complete opposite of communism (srs). Facism throughout history, has always arisen to stop worker's unions demands and more economic equality, by uniting peoples of different economic backgrounds (either through race, religion, etc) and has been a comprise between capitalism and communism whenever the rich people sense a public outcry do to large scale economic inequality (regardless of whether it is deserved or not). Naziism is a "passing of the buck onto" or a "scapegoating" of some minority group, in order to distract the public and dodge socialist/communist demands. Authoritarianism encompasses communism and facism or naziism, and is universally agreed as the worst form of governance.

Best Response

Why do 7 % of Greek voters vote for an outspoken neo-nazi party? Unlike other far right parties, Golden Dawn doesn't seem to care about "disguising" it (look at for example their party symbol).
Do you perhaps, as a none greek, get an unfair and biased description of Greek politics?
I'm curious to hear from someone that actually lives in Greece.

Naziism is a leftist movement, not a "far right" movement.

lol Naziism is the complete opposite of communism (srs). Facism throughout history, has always arisen to stop worker's unions demands and more economic equality, by uniting peoples of different economic backgrounds (either through race, religion, etc) and has been a comprise between capitalism and communism whenever the rich people sense a public outcry do to large scale economic inequality (regardless of whether it is deserved or not). Naziism is a "passing of the buck onto" or a "scapegoating" of some minority group, in order to distract the public and dodge socialist/communist demands. Authoritarianism encompasses communism and facism or naziism, and is universally agreed as the worst form of governance.

Negative. Leftism is characterized by state control of industry, central planning and a roll back of individual liberties. They supported strict gun ownership laws and had a general preference for the rights of the government and people as a whole as opposed to individuals.

I mean, the Nazi party was called the "Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party". People often say right wing politics is the haven of genocidal tendencies, but I think that if you look at the actual practices of communists and nazies and fascists through out history, youll see that pretty much all the major regimes (under mao, hitler, stalin, pol pot etc) singled out ethnic groups for genocide in order to consolidate the leading tribe/peoples status as the dominant tribe.

Leftism, fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism and naziism are all derivatives of the progressive movement and are all very much of the same assumptions and characteristics. Its a common misconception that speaks more to the people teaching the subject matter and their political ideology (the teachers unions in America for example) than anything else.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Why do you think so many people hate the German chancellor? I mean, it is understandable if you disagree with rules/regulations imposed upon you but pissing off countries that try to help you out seems like a bad tactic.


Why do you think so many people hate the German chancellor? I mean, it is understandable if you disagree with rules/regulations imposed upon you but pissing off countries that try to help you out seems like a bad tactic.

I think you are reffering to the middle class, the guys that get their info from the mainstream media. The media always derects the publics anger towards something or someone, in the case of the greek public it is directed to the German chancellor and in the case of the german public it is directed towards the the greek people who are portrayed as lazy thieves (which is not the case). Again I am pointing at the middle class who are mostly ingnorant and misinformed. The best thing to do in order to avoid confusion is to inform yourself from many different sources and after careful analysis come up with your own opinion ( not the case for 80% o the population)

Where's my money bro?

It surely didn't go into the pockets of the greek people, they are much much poorer than you

Are vacations cheap now since Greece is as poor as Somalia?

Cheaper than they used to be for sure and still a great place to visit. Make you visit at least once in your lifetime. The situation in the islands at summer has nothing to do with what you hear happening in the mainland (riots,strikes etc)

Are vacations cheap now since Greece is as poor as Somalia?

Cheaper than they used to be for sure and still a great place to visit. Make you visit at least once in your lifetime. The situation in the islands at summer has nothing to do with what you hear happening in the mainland (riots,strikes etc)

Mykonos here I come (unless you have another island favorite?)


Are vacations cheap now since Greece is as poor as Somalia?

Cheaper than they used to be for sure and still a great place to visit. Make you visit at least once in your lifetime. The situation in the islands at summer has nothing to do with what you hear happening in the mainland (riots,strikes etc)

how much can i rent a one bedroom apartment for per month in Crete?, sometime around march-june or september-november (before or after high season)

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How is Greek yogurt really different than other yogurts?

And is the reason it is more expensive than regular yogurt the reason Greece is in the situation in the first place? Correlation equals causation

"I am not sure who this 'Anonymous' person is - one thing is for certain, they have been one hell of a prolific writer" - Anonymous

How is Greek yogurt really different than other yogurts?

Haha that's a tough one. I think it is different because it's made for goat milk and not cow milk.

How is Greek yogurt really different than other yogurts?

Haha that's a tough one. I think it is different because it's made for goat milk and not cow milk.

Nah dude, its made with cow or sheeps milk. And the difference is that its strained to remove the whey, making it sour and giving it a higher protein per unit and lower fat.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

How is Greek yogurt really different than other yogurts?

Haha that's a tough one. I think it is different because it's made for goat milk and not cow milk.

well thats a big difference, i wasnt sure about it thx


How does employment look like after your studies within Greece? Are thinking of working in another country instead?


How does employment look like after your studies within Greece? Are thinking of working in another country instead?

The unemplyment rates here are massive(27% I think) and for the average student it's really tought to find a job if he majored in something not so industry specific. A degree that will most certainly get you ajob here is something like Naval Arichtecture & Marine Engineering ( which I am currently pursuing) due to that fact that Greece has a strong shipping sector.

How does employment look like after your studies within Greece? Are thinking of working in another country instead?

The unemplyment rates here are massive(27% I think) and for the average student it's really tought to find a job if he majored in something not so industry specific. A degree that will most certainly get you ajob here is something like Naval Arichtecture & Marine Engineering ( which I am currently pursuing) due to that fact that Greece has a strong shipping sector.

Hasn't the shipping sector taken a major hit since the recession? I know several Greek shippers went bankrupt and several others are in big trouble fiscally (i.e. DRYS, EXM).


Are things really as bad as the media portrays it in Greece? ~30% unemployment, +50% youth unemployment, kids going hungry...and do you blame the euro for the economic condition of Greece?

"And the last thing, how much do you charge for a career consultation and would you accept a check?"

Are things really as bad as the media portrays it in Greece? ~30% unemployment, +50% youth unemployment, kids going hungry...and do you blame the euro for the economic condition of Greece?

The facts about unemployment rates are accurate and yes there are kids going hungry and people looking for food in trash cans (something that you rarely saw before). I would not blame the euro for what happened. The lack for fiscal and political consolidation in the Eurozone is to blame (my point of view)
Scott Irish:

What is more harmful to your country's reputation, the current economic situation, or Yanni?

For sure the current economic crisis, but I've heard that Yanni is quite good after you've smoked some pot lol

Are you planning on getting the hell out?

Yes I am and I would appreciate any good advice. I am thinking about physical commodities trading

Is Santorini really nice or is are there better places to vacation?

How do you feel about Greece's economic future? I hear the culture is more laidback and working 40 hours a week is considered intense, is this true?


Is Santorini really nice or is are there better places to vacation?

How do you feel about Greece's economic future? I hear the culture is more laidback and working 40 hours a week is considered intense, is this true?

If you want iconic beauty go to Santorini, if you want intense fun go to Mykonos. Things are pretty tough here and they are going to get really worse before they get better, that's my take. In every society there are leeches ( guys who do very little and get more than they deserve), it is true that the political climate before the crisis tolerated those people instead of rooting them out. I believe however that it is unfair to assume that everyone here is lazy just because you saw it on TV or read some biased article (not reffering to you but to the general public), I assure you that this is not the case when there are people like me here that have ambitions and dreams and are willing to invest their time persuing them.

With a name like Tata, are you sure you aren't Indian?

I can change it if it's confusing. Any suggestions?

Are you afraid of cyprus-style capital controls hitting greece? Where do most greeks you know keep their money?

Yes we are despite assurances from our politicians. As always the smart money fled, many invest in gold and others are now trying to get their money out of the country precipitating the banking crisis

How do you pronounce gyro?

Edit: In all seriousness, interesting thread.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

How do you pronounce gyro?

Edit: In all seriousness, interesting thread.

i'm going to take a stab at this.. yer-o, not sure if the r is hard (like spanish r) or soft though.. tata?
WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

How do you pronounce gyro?

Edit: In all seriousness, interesting thread.

agreed. this is a strangely fascinating thread.


My friends and I have rented a villa in Santorini and I was wondering if the recent crisis has pushed criminality to a new level there.

Also, is it true that Mykonos's population is predominately gay? (Not a joke)


My friends and I have rented a villa in Santorini and I was wondering if the recent crisis has pushed criminality to a new level there.

Also, is it true that Mykonos's population is predominately gay? (Not a joke)

Noworries, tell your friends they will have a great time. As far a Mykonos goes, the culture there is pretty open-minded

Do Greek girls put out easily for us 'Mericans?

Don't think that it's easier for you guys, but everyone likes new things lol

wats the proper way of eating a gyro? do u wrap it like a taco?

They give it to you wrapped and you eat it with your hands

Is Navios Maritime Holdings an undervalued firm?

The family that runs it has a history here in greece (old money)

What is your opinion on visiting Athens? We currently have a plan to be there for two nights and in Aegina for one. I have been getting mixed reviews on staying in Athens for that long. How is Aegina?


What is your opinion on visiting Athens? We currently have a plan to be there for two nights and in Aegina for one. I have been getting mixed reviews on staying in Athens for that long. How is Aegina?

No problemo. However watch out for organized demostration (usually over the weekend). Contact me before you come so I can help you with this.

Do you eat gyros often (twice a week, weekly, bi-weekly etc.), or is it more of an "export food"?

It's our version of junk food, very tasty but you can't live on it

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Nobis non et deserunt velit voluptatum asperiores. Inventore illum sunt odit. Temporibus dolores in aut voluptatibus sit. Nulla inventore aut nisi ipsum quo.


Adipisci quia neque consectetur ut minima eligendi sed. Et fuga tenetur qui rerum ipsum sunt vero. Ullam tempora et placeat occaecati. Non modi fuga qui natus cumque doloribus sit.

Velit maxime repellendus facilis animi voluptas numquam provident. Veniam et rem recusandae minima magnam soluta. Beatae et maiores maxime incidunt rerum est.

Ex rerum et labore necessitatibus rem minus corrupti. Hic aut consequatur est praesentium necessitatibus et maiores. Et ipsam eveniet esse consequatur tempore alias doloremque. Dicta ut excepturi alias.

Eaque ducimus atque aut consequatur dicta eum illum. Iure et ab ducimus quaerat ratione dolore non. Perspiciatis qui aut et et voluptatem consequatur aut illum. Aperiam et repellat esse dicta porro cupiditate. Aperiam quia ut sed qui.

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  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
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  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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