What do you think? Is this guy a bigot? You be the judge.

dav3100 had this to say about JPMorgan's Honors program post a couple of topics back. I'll let you be the judge on whether his words were a. Yes, very offensive. b. borderline bigot, or c. the poor guy's just misunderstood...

My best thought is that the program is geared somewhat toward diversity as well. My friend did get into the program (she's an underrepresented minority female) and that's what she told me at least...that out of the few spots, they had 2 people from Morehouse and about 30-40% of the people in the program were black or Hispanic. They do have full white guys in the program, but I think it's really hard to get in as just an over-achieving white person at an ivy. You need to be class president or have a 4.0 (literally lol).

When I responded to dav3100, he had this to say...

I see zero bigotry in my comments. I am just warning white/Asian/etc. people that this program may be more difficult to get into as it seems to practice a greater degree of Affirmative Action than other IB programs do. I didn't say I "deserved" to get into the program nor that the girl I know who got in didn't deserve it. Nor did I say that it was a bad thing that the program practiced Affirmative Action.

Your thoughts...


I made this post to see what response it would illicit and a fair amount of it is already questionable in content...

The problem with the post topic lies in the individual's dismissive comments about his own candidate inadequacy. Since he could not get in to the program, there was an immediate assumption made that it must be "diversity initiative" focused and that is what is disturbing about the comments...

He inquired as to the diversity makeup from his friend and her admission into the program helped him to come to his own conclusions. Therein lies the error. I hope despite what melee may ensue from this post, people will take this into account.

This may surprise most of you, but I will say that I am neither nationality that has been mentioned thus far, despite the disparaging comments made about those minorities.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
Best Response
I made this post to see what response it would illicit and a fair amount of it is already questionable in content...

The problem with the post topic lies in the individual's dismissive comments about his own candidate inadequacy. Since he could not get in to the program, there was an immediate assumption made that it must be "diversity initiative" focused and that is what is disturbing about the comments...

He inquired as to the diversity makeup from his friend and her admission into the program helped him to come to his own conclusions. Therein lies the error. I hope despite what melee may ensue from this post, people will take this into account.

This may surprise most of you, but I will say that I am neither nationality that has been mentioned thus far, despite the disparaging comments made about those minorities.

blacks and hispanics are not nationalities. do your ancestors hail from africa?

the whole quitting IB to work less and be lazy thing is coming together pretty well now.


The word nationality means a people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation...

That could also be implicit of "as in descended from," you arrogant imbecile...

Secondly, I seriously doubt that you are an MD because you have the least intelligence from anyone I have met who has posted on this board. You've changed your statistical profile settings so many times, I don't even think you know what it is that you do...

This is an IB forum, Michael the Janitor, so the next time you want to try and call me out, you better get your mop bucket and get ready to clean up either the crap that spews out of your mouth or the kind i'll verbally beat out of you if you ever attempt a sissy ass blow like that again candy striper...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

Can you not read?: "and about 30-40% of the people in the program were black or Hispanic."

If that is true, the program was CERTAINLY a "diversity initiative," and that would be a completely logical conclusion to come to. The percent of analysts in IB that are Hispanic or Black is so low that it would be almost statistically impossible for this one group of interns to be 30-40% underrepresented minority. Why is this so hard to understand? Do you have any concept of statistics?


Your stats say you go to Morehouse, an HBCU, but you're not black?

Anyway, I drew my conclusion that the program was aimed somewhat at diversity (more so than a traditional IB analyst class) based on the comments of my friend, who did the program 2 summers ago (and is going back to be at JPM full time next year).

This may help a bit, from JPMorgan's website about the Honors program: http://usibcareers.jpmorgan.com/content/content_122.asp

And here is the description of the regular IB program (for candidates in their junior year): http://usibcareers.jpmorgan.com/content/content_119.asp

I think the fact that the first line of the Honors program description comes right out and says it's for "students of diverse backgrounds" is a pretty strong indicator that it's at least somewhat aimed at attracting underrepresented minorities (since you keep noting that I'm failing to mention all minorities except whites and Asians in my posts, vadremc, I'll be more explicit: underrepresented minorities in banking = black, Hispanic, Native American; Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, etc. are not underrepresented and thus do not benefit from Affirmative Action in banking).

While it's true that the program description goes on to say it's not limited to students of color, just the fact that that's basically the first thing the description says should be a good indication. If you look at the posting for the regular IB program, you'll see that nowhere does it mention seeking diverse candidates. I also checked out the postings on Penn's online job apply system, and that line about "students from diverse backgrounds" is right at the top of the Honors Program description as well, but the internship posting for the general junior year investment banking program mentions nothing about seeking diverse candidates (not even a line about JPMorgan being an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer).

Just to note too, for anyone interested in the Honors program, there's only 15 interview slots at Penn for the Honors program summer internship (versus 45 interview slots for the regular IB program)..yikes.

So, I hope that's the last we'll hear from you, vadremc.


And secondly,

It's so sad how you consistently contradict yourself. First you say it may be hard for asians to get into the program as well, then you include them in your description of under represented minorities....Then you say the program is geared toward minorities and that's why you got rejected, but there are white guys in the program. If it's so selective and "diverse", how did those guys gain entry? A better question: WHY DID YOU APPLY? DID YOU READ THE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION? DO YOU JUST APPLY FOR ANYTHING HOPING TO GET A JOB???

Bottom Line: I think that you can't cut the mustard dav3100, and whenever you fail at something, immediately you trigger your own defense mechanism to dismiss a program's legitimacy or relevance to you. If you're performance is marginal, then work on being exceptional, regardless of how many caucasian, 4.0 gpa's/class presidents there may be applying. Find a way to be that select individual...

Given your "excuses" for everything, you should never assume anything. Yes, I transferred to and graduated from Morehouse, yes I did IB, but I am not black or hispanic. The institution is very respectable, and I chose to transfer for my own personal edification. As a result, I have a world of experience, host of perspectives and respect from colleagues and friends alike for doing so.

So stop making excuses.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
And secondly,

It's so sad how you consistently contradict yourself. First you say it may be hard for asians to get into the program as well, then you include them in your description of under represented minorities....Then you say the program is geared toward minorities and that's why you got rejected, but there are white guys in the program. If it's so selective and "diverse", how did those guys gain entry?

Dude, can you read? Here is what I wrote:

"underrepresented minorities in banking = black, Hispanic, Native American; Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, etc. are not underrepresented and thus do not benefit from Affirmative Action in banking"

So, the semi-colon after Native American means that it's a new thought. So, clearly I am saying that Asians are NOT underrepresented. Can someone else try explaining this to him, haha.

Anyway, you've pretty much been owned here, so just shut up. I'm not a bigot, and not a single person on this thread agrees with you that I am. Also, I pretty clearly proved to you (if you go to the JPMorgan links that I posted), that the Honors program is in fact more aimed at diversity than JPMorgan's traditional IB program.


good post, jamal.

agreed with dav3100 above about underrepresented minorities not including asians. one thing i don't quite understand is why SEO still allows asians/indians to apply through their program. another thing i don't quite understand is what pride any asian/indian would have in applying to get into investment banking through a program meant for underrepresented minorities.


You changed your post "gaydav3100", and if they're not under represented then you directly contradict what sei99 said...so how did you anything? there is room for debate my friend...

Secondly, explain this...


I know exactly why. Because, you will take anything you can get ugly betty and that is now a known fact...

Take your average performance, grades and efforts, and hit the reset button on your career....lol

Good luck in grad school dav "just average" 3100

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
You changed your post "gaydav3100", and if they're not under represented then you directly contradict what sei99 said...so how did you anything? there is room for debate my friend...

Secondly, explain this...


I know exactly why. Because, you will take anything you can get ugly betty and that is now a known fact...

Take your average performance, grades and efforts, and hit the reset button on your career....lol

Best of Luck in grad school!!!

you are not making any sense at all. your education and career speak for themselves though so it's not a problem.


If the program is geared for diversity, the guy dav3100 is obviously trying to make himself the "minority" in that particular program to just wish and hope to get an opportunity...lol...

And really PeePee, what MD who makes over half a mil salary has time to post this many times on a forum, so whose education and legitimacy are we questioning here?

You are a liar and a fraud patekphillipe. Keep your day job cleaning men's urinals...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

Uhhh, maybe when he applied he didn't know that it was targeted towards underrepresented minorities. In fact, I think he made it pretty clear that he didn't do it until they picked the class.


LOL, you jackass...you've officially made the first bigoted comment on the thread. You're a homophobic hypocrite.


Guys, I think I'm onto something. I don't think that Hank_Paulson is really Hank. If he really was Hank he probably wouldn't have time to be posting on this message board. He's a liar and a fraud.

Guys, I think I'm onto something. I don't think that Hank_Paulson is really Hank. If he really was Hank he probably wouldn't have time to be posting on this message board. He's a liar and a fraud.

If you read my wikipedia profile, you'd know that my hobbies include fishing, bird watching, and IBO



The program says:

The JPMorgan Investment Bank Honors Program is a ten-week summer internship opportunity in New York designed for exceptional students of diverse backgrounds (including but not limited to students of color, female students, and students with disabilities) who are currently in their freshmen or sophomore year of college.

So it's "not limited to students of color." That's why I applied. I was just a sophomore at the time anyway, and I assumed that most firms on their internship postings would make some kind of statement about how they valued diverse candidates. I didn't think the program sought diversity any more so than any F500 company does. And from what my friend who did the program said, it's not limited to underrepresented minorities - about 60-70% of the people in the program were not underrepresented minorities (read: were not black, Hispanic, or Native American, or as best as she could tell).

"gaydav3100"???? you are the bigot here.

As for "my average performance, grades and effort", I'm a Wharton undergrad with a 3.8+ GPA, and will be working at a top (if not the top) investment bank next year.

I have no idea what your problem is. I think you are just looking for a fight.


First, I don't know you from atom, and everyone on here is "3.8's, I-bankers (in your case wannabes) who are going into top programs, so trying to one up me really doesn't say alot now does it...

Although gay was used as a pejorative term, it was not intended to offend those of an alternative lifestyle, so my apologies for offending your choice in sexuality dav3100...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

vadremc- 1) this post was a bit of a waste of space- bc as opposed to addressing some sort of larger issue all you wanted to do was attack this one guy 2) what dav said was pretty reasonable. any program that pursues an affirmative action type of policy is in effect reverse discriminating (affirmative action is actually called that in europe)- so why wasn't his conclusion logical? 3) his original post wasnt written in a way that should elicit such a response from you 4) you yourself, hypocritically, have shown your own bigotry.

  1. you're entitled to your opinion.
  2. what was the original purpose of affirmative action? do you think it's an antiquated process? please educate me...(read the JPMorgan honors chat threads - he applied, got rejected, researched the program and now champions it as a diversity initiative, hence his fervent defensive disposition.)
  3. we are creatures of debate my friend, and long live the innocuous discourse between strangers...
  4. what the gay dave thing? I apologized about referencing his persuasion in a derogatory manner...

At the end of the day...its all posts...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

this is getting out of hand. typical black guy trying to get a reaction out of people and cause a ruckus at any cost no matter how stupid he looks.

i'm officially done with this thread and recommend you all to be as well.



The bottom line is you are making yourself look worse with each rebuttal. They are sprinkled with typos or incorrect word choices.

I know you feel strongly about this issue but I advise you to avoid having this much emotion in the workplace.


All these new chimps...I'm starting to think somebody is recruiting...lol...

Please, I won't even dignify your comments with an appropriate response.

Go play in the street "new guy".

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

Are you serious? You are too much. You disregard dav3100's comments because they are not aligned to yours and now you disregard mine because I'm new to the thread and site. If bigotry is a derivative of small-mindedness, I'd say you are a part of that larger fraternity.


Initially, I discouraged Vadremc from attacking Dav3100 over something that I personally didn't think was bigoted. However, this thread clearly brought out some of the most insensitive comments. But I've realized that some of these things are ingrained in these people. There is nothing I, or anyone else, can do to change this-unfortunately.

I definitely think metaljack's and patekphillipe's comments were extremely insensitive. I sincerely hope that you don't repeat comments like that are whichever banks you guys are currently at, or will be at.


And you go to Hamburger University in Illinois, which makes you the "hamburgler"...lol...hahahahaha...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
The JPMorgan Investment Bank Honors Program is a ten-week summer internship opportunity in New York designed for ... students with disabilities)

I actually cut my leg off and tried to get into this program as a disabled student. Even with this going for me and a good GPA, I wasn't accepted to the program, so their standards must be very high indeed.

Sorry, just trying to bring some humor to the post.


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Iste dignissimos molestiae tempore fugit vero. Quasi error atque earum cumque earum laborum. Repellendus fuga vero sint ut et. Ut quam libero dignissimos sit impedit et.

Excepturi voluptatem nihil deserunt et consequuntur recusandae recusandae eum. Ut voluptas cum aut eaque asperiores. Aperiam cum sint reprehenderit et dicta culpa.

"Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them." - Bud Fox

Dicta et reiciendis officiis accusamus numquam veritatis. Occaecati eos cumque explicabo natus. Molestiae sed porro omnis quisquam perspiciatis optio. Odio quam aut cum. Et dolor quia iusto nihil sit et.

Praesentium assumenda inventore ut. Aut temporibus laudantium dicta quo et perspiciatis cumque. Consequuntur sed et et itaque. Rerum cum exercitationem est expedita ut commodi totam.

Sapiente et et voluptates qui. Perferendis nulla ut omnis perspiciatis. Rem odio quae explicabo quia.

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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