Yeah, my girlfriend studied with him at LSE. I didnt even know he was such a celebrity up unitl last year. He's a nice guy to have a drink with though.

That said, I admire his courage, I dont think I would have the balls to depart a sure thing like GS

Sterling Archer:
Any time I see "" I laugh.

err, why?

cause it looks like cock maybe...just a guess
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
This guy looks like a boss. How is that resume possible at age 22...

he literally never went to class, didn't need to


This guy is going to run half the world by the time hes 40

Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol

Someone just posted this in another forum

I live with Jan. He's about 8 metres away from me right now at his desk doing some work.

He's been doing pretty well in his trading :)

EM Credit, when you are in Europe, is mostly trading Turkey and Russia because they are liquid. He chose to start there because he would run a book immediately. He turned offers from many of the biggest and best known hedge funds in the world because GS were willing to give him a better learning experience and accommodate the demands of someone looking to really do as well as possible. He then choose to do EM FX to expand what he would cover and see more liquid trading (and it was essentially a move to fx prop since I wouldn't call having to provide possible client coverage on LatAm currencies in European hours much of an quoting obligation since NY took over before anyone actually cared).

I've talked live through a number of his trades be they on G10 fx, NJA fx, LatAm, CE Europe, Russia etc. and I know his trades are generally doing might fine. I've seen the winners, losers and the ones you don't bother with.

He walked out of GS, they tried to persuade him to stay for a few days with offers of yet more money, desk/office of choice, more senior titles etc. as someone who also decided to walk out of somewhere and start my own trading business, I can tell you that such offers don't tend to look very interesting. You're always looking forward to the next thing and when you look at your bosses, decide you don't want to be like them in the future and that it isn't enough - you're set to go. Ambition comes with greater demands.

Awon Eleyi Awon Eleyi Won Bad Gan:
Someone just posted this in another forum
I live with Jan. He's about 8 metres away from me right now at his desk doing some work.

He's been doing pretty well in his trading :)

EM Credit, when you are in Europe, is mostly trading Turkey and Russia because they are liquid. He chose to start there because he would run a book immediately. He turned offers from many of the biggest and best known hedge funds in the world because GS were willing to give him a better learning experience and accommodate the demands of someone looking to really do as well as possible. He then choose to do EM FX to expand what he would cover and see more liquid trading (and it was essentially a move to fx prop since I wouldn't call having to provide possible client coverage on LatAm currencies in European hours much of an quoting obligation since NY took over before anyone actually cared).

I've talked live through a number of his trades be they on G10 fx, NJA fx, LatAm, CE Europe, Russia etc. and I know his trades are generally doing might fine. I've seen the winners, losers and the ones you don't bother with.

He walked out of GS, they tried to persuade him to stay for a few days with offers of yet more money, desk/office of choice, more senior titles etc. as someone who also decided to walk out of somewhere and start my own trading business, I can tell you that such offers don't tend to look very interesting. You're always looking forward to the next thing and when you look at your bosses, decide you don't want to be like them in the future and that it isn't enough - you're set to go. Ambition comes with greater demands.

Jan wrote this himself.

Awon Eleyi Awon Eleyi Won Bad Gan:
Someone just posted this in another forum
I live with Jan. He's about 8 metres away from me right now at his desk doing some work.

He's been doing pretty well in his trading :)

EM Credit, when you are in Europe, is mostly trading Turkey and Russia because they are liquid. He chose to start there because he would run a book immediately. He turned offers from many of the biggest and best known hedge funds in the world because GS were willing to give him a better learning experience and accommodate the demands of someone looking to really do as well as possible. He then choose to do EM FX to expand what he would cover and see more liquid trading (and it was essentially a move to fx prop since I wouldn't call having to provide possible client coverage on LatAm currencies in European hours much of an quoting obligation since NY took over before anyone actually cared).

I've talked live through a number of his trades be they on G10 fx, NJA fx, LatAm, CE Europe, Russia etc. and I know his trades are generally doing might fine. I've seen the winners, losers and the ones you don't bother with.

He walked out of GS, they tried to persuade him to stay for a few days with offers of yet more money, desk/office of choice, more senior titles etc. as someone who also decided to walk out of somewhere and start my own trading business, I can tell you that such offers don't tend to look very interesting. You're always looking forward to the next thing and when you look at your bosses, decide you don't want to be like them in the future and that it isn't enough - you're set to go. Ambition comes with greater demands.

Jan wrote this himself.

President Ben is Ben Lu, a former prop trader at Optiver who also left and started his own HF last year (after 2.5 years at Optiver). It's no secret that him and Jan are good friends.

I wonder how much GS was offering him to stay... I would have at least build a decent net before quitting. Thus, if I fail at my own fund, I will still be able to live beyond comfortably.

I wonder how much GS was offering him to stay... I would have at least build a decent net before quitting. Thus, if I fail at my own fund, I will still be able to live beyond comfortably.

I would guess this "jan" character sees the world in a much different way than this... I agree with you, but my inclination would be that he doesn't really care about "nets"


^thats because you dont get it.

I think it shows balls to walk away and migh be the right thing to do for many people. In case of Jan, I think highly of his mentor Muzaffar Khan and think that there is quite a substance behind that decission and his future plans.


Look, truth is the guy's performance was below average. That's it, he was nicely "suggested" to find something else. The above email is purely fabricated to create the "sramek" brand. Doesnt mean he's not bright or anything, but things jsut didnt work out. Shit happens. The entrepreneurship story is just a facade - just think - if the guy was so bright he could make an unlimted amount of money at GS. Many guys in early and mid twentiesat GS do.

The guy is smart and overall a nice guy, but clearly lacks in the ethics department. Being intelligent and being mature are two different things. His achievements are great, but they're really overplayed and now looks like he's going on this massive ego trip. Boosting about one achievements is one thing. But stretching the truth is going to end badly sooner or later.


why is everyone dogging him? Dont you have something better to do? Even if he was fired, it was his doing. With his pedigree, I am sure he will learn from his mistakes. I havent spoken to him to say, 'oh no he quit' as I met him like twice.

To the guy who said the pressure on him is his own doing, I dont know what you're talking about. What, he wasnt supposed to be successful? He wasnt supposed to be intelligent? Should he have dumbed down to remain alongside his peers. Jeez, theres so much hatred in the world.

Yes, the book may have been presumptuous but who wouldnt, in his place, given the opportunity done the exact same thing! I know I would have.

I am sure he will be fine. I applaud him for having the balls to quit and start his own venture.

To the guy who said the pressure on him is his own doing, I dont know what you're talking about. What, he wasnt supposed to be successful? He wasnt supposed to be intelligent? Should he have dumbed down to remain alongside his peers. Jeez, theres so much hatred in the world.

Yes, the book may have been presumptuous but who wouldnt, in his place, given the opportunity done the exact same thing! I know I would have.

The way he went about things, he put the pressure on himself. His job from graduation was a EM trader at BB, your telling me he needed to write a book, give interviews, tell everyone his story to achieve such a goal? Many smart people end up at these firms fly under the rader and only start making noise after they have a 5 to 10 year track record.

Not sure, why you think this is hate. The guy told the world he was going to kill it, chose a desk that he could be promoted quick, a firm that would pay him well right away. No one forced him to do such things.

To the guy who said the pressure on him is his own doing, I dont know what you're talking about. What, he wasnt supposed to be successful? He wasnt supposed to be intelligent? Should he have dumbed down to remain alongside his peers. Jeez, theres so much hatred in the world.

Yes, the book may have been presumptuous but who wouldnt, in his place, given the opportunity done the exact same thing! I know I would have.

The way he went about things, he put the pressure on himself. His job from graduation was a EM trader at BB, your telling me he needed to write a book, give interviews, tell everyone his story to achieve such a goal? Many smart people end up at these firms fly under the rader and only start making noise after they have a 5 to 10 year track record.

Not sure, why you think this is hate. The guy told the world he was going to kill it, chose a desk that he could be promoted quick, a firm that would pay him well right away. No one forced him to do such things.

I agree about the book, I mentioned it. I dont think it was the right idea to tell the world how good I am but thats his decision. I just didnt understand people revelling in his failure. I give him props for following what he wants to do.


Just my 2 cents, but I don't understand the hype around this guy?

I know traders who are probably making better P&L year in year out, with less risk. Admittedly they aren't 24, they are all at least 6 or 7 years older, but apart from that what makes him stand out?

From what I have been lead to believe, getting 10 A levels, or doing well at university doesn't mean much once you get on your desk. So what separates him from the thousands of traders out there?

I hope this isn't perceived as me "dogging" on him, because I whether he's successful or not makes no difference to me. Just genuinely interested what makes this guy a better trader than any of the many more successful and profitable traders out there?

Best Response
Just my 2 cents, but I don't understand the hype around this guy?

I know traders who are probably making better P&L year in year out, with less risk. Admittedly they aren't 24, they are all at least 3 or 4 years older, but apart from that what makes him stand out?

From what I have been lead to believe, getting 10 A levels, or doing well at university doesn't mean much once you get on your desk. So what separates him from the thousands of traders out there?

I hope this isn't perceived as me "dogging" on him, because I whether he's successful or not makes no difference to me. Just genuinely interested what makes this guy a better trader than any of the many more successful and profitable traders out there?

I have way more respect for a guy who manages to escape some shithole Eastern European village and to get straight A's in virtually every subject, while winning tons of maths contests, than for some trader whose earnings are mostly due to chance. When he sat down and wrote those exams nothing was due to chance. How much money you pull in in 1,5 years at GS is mostly due to factors you cannot control.

Il Cavaliere:
I have way more respect for a guy who manages to escape some shithole Eastern European village and to get straight A's in virtually every subject, while winning tons of maths contests, than for some trader whose earnings are mostly due to chance. When he sat down and wrote those exams nothing was due to chance. How much money you pull in in 1,5 years at GS is mostly due to factors you cannot control.

I don't disagree that he's obviously one of a very small percentage of people who can achieve those types of results from a very adverse upbringing. It's a great story, and he's earned plaudits and respect for it.

Good for him, and I hope it inspires others to do the same.

I'm just wondering what separates him from the good traders already out there? Are you saying the successes of a trader are down to chance?

I'd have to disagree, because if that was the case there would not be consistently good traders in the market.

Il Cavaliere][quote=YouMyBoyBlue:
I have way more respect for a guy who manages to escape some shithole Eastern European village and to get straight A's in virtually every subject, while winning tons of maths contests, than for some trader whose earnings are mostly due to chance. When he sat down and wrote those exams nothing was due to chance. How much money you pull in in 1,5 years at GS is mostly due to factors you cannot control.

Chance or not, performance is the only thing that matters in this business. Most people are not judged in this business after 1.5 years, more like after 10 years. As a client you would cheer on a firm hiring someone with a bad track record that won many math contests?


Am I the only one that does not understand why he take 10923049140910 a levels, does 10249019401094091 internships, to then go into trading, which is much more performance and much less cv whoring based than other aspects of finance?


why do people love this jane sramek guy, saying he's soooo interesting and intelligent and whatnot because of his resume, but people hate on that joyce meng girl saying she must have no life after seeing her resume? Granted, this dude is probably way smarter. Still, i don't get it...seems like a double standard

why do people love this jane sramek guy, saying he's soooo interesting and intelligent and whatnot because of his resume, but people hate on that joyce meng girl saying she must have no life after seeing her resume? Granted, this dude is probably way smarter. Still, i don't get it...seems like a double standard
mhh that seems odd... well neither of them have a life by ordinary peoples standards.

Then again people usually pull the they dont have a life card when they get insecure about their own relative underachievement.

all we can say about smarek is that he works really really fucking hard, which is quite impressive, I mean you don't need to be a dbag about it and write a book about your own hard work, but hey. Inferring exceptional intelligence or an interesting persona from his resume is just dumb.

why do people love this jane sramek guy, saying he's soooo interesting and intelligent and whatnot because of his resume, but people hate on that joyce meng girl saying she must have no life after seeing her resume? Granted, this dude is probably way smarter. Still, i don't get it...seems like a double standard

Pretty sure the people who hate on Jan will hate on Joyce, and the ones who respect Jan respect Joyce.

why do people love this jane sramek guy, saying he's soooo interesting and intelligent and whatnot because of his resume, but people hate on that joyce meng girl saying she must have no life after seeing her resume? Granted, this dude is probably way smarter. Still, i don't get it...seems like a double standard

Pretty sure the people who hate on Jan will hate on Joyce, and the ones who respect Jan respect Joyce.

You know, that's what I would have thought as well. But then I read through this thread and it seems like every other guy wants to be sramek and the general reaction to him is positive. Whereas if you check out joyce's thread, the general reaction to her is negative.

I'm not saying I like one more than the other, in fact I really could not care less about either of these guys resumes. I personally would not want to be either of them but I can still respect their achievements. And if you hate these kinds of people, fine, haters gonna hate. Or if you love them, then that's cool too. But how can anyone say that one is a better person or has a better life than the other without actually knowing them?

I think it boils down to white guy vs. asian girl, and the insecurities of most males on this forum.

if by insecurities you mean awesome intelligence, good looks and epic DNA sequence, then yes I believe you are making a valid point.

I think it boils down to white guy vs. asian girl, and the insecurities of most males on this forum.

if by insecurities you mean awesome intelligence, good looks and epic DNA sequence, then yes I believe you are making a valid point.

If you've ever worked at a bank, or any financial institution, you know that the vast majority of employees (and probably people in this forum) are not particularly attractive.


^ There are FAR more men in banking/finance than there are women. So obviously it's much easier to have a greater range of attractiveness with males than females.


For the women in banking, they were likely raised with the notion that your worth and how you make your keep is through hard work, intelligence and having a good career. Now, certainly there are attractive women in banking, but I'm guessing a lot of the 'more' attractive women have learned at very young ages that they can squeeze by on their looks, instead of their brains. They can make a living on that instead - which could be less stressful. Maybe modeling if they are smoking hot, or if in the context of 'business jobs' something like marketing, industry, their own business, etc. Another thing is some women eventually leave finance for other high-stress jobs that would allow them to have a family - which further shrinks the pool of women in the field, and perhaps its the more 'attractive' ones who are getting married and choosing this route.

Finally - I think men are FAR less judged or objectified by their looks (particularly by other men - given this industry is mostly male-dominated anyway - I'm assuming dudes don't check out other dudes as competition as much as they judge women, or women judge themselves or peers). Unless the men are undoubtedly 'ugly', or particularly attractive, I don't think people really think twice about it. With fewer women on banking teams, people will think twice about it.


I know Jan personally, and one of the things that struck me when I met him was the fact that he'd achieved so much, yet he was such a nice person.

Whether or not he succeeds or fails (and I believe he'll ultimately succeed and be HUGE) that trait is something we should all aspire to.


Dude this guy is nothing special. He was a market-maker at GS at a young age. So what. There have been many others like him, the only difference is that they didnt decide to create some kind of ridiculous marketing campaign around themselves and their limited accomplishments. My guess is that he "left" Goldman because he wasnt making money and they were sick of his shtick.

The amount of posts talking about how smart/nice/amazing he is also is creepy...I have no doubt that this dude spends a part of every day posting things about himself on the internet,

Dude this guy is nothing special. He was a market-maker at GS at a young age. So what. There have been many others like him, the only difference is that they didnt decide to create some kind of ridiculous marketing campaign around themselves and their limited accomplishments. My guess is that he "left" Goldman because he wasnt making money and they were sick of his shtick.

The amount of posts talking about how smart/nice/amazing he is also is creepy...I have no doubt that this dude spends a part of every day posting things about himself on the internet,

You clearly don't know what he has done then.

Dude this guy is nothing special. He was a market-maker at GS at a young age. So what. There have been many others like him, the only difference is that they didnt decide to create some kind of ridiculous marketing campaign around themselves and their limited accomplishments. My guess is that he "left" Goldman because he wasnt making money and they were sick of his shtick.

The amount of posts talking about how smart/nice/amazing he is also is creepy...I have no doubt that this dude spends a part of every day posting things about himself on the internet,

Too much responsibility in young age leads to hubris and will end in failure

You saw the case Boaz Weinstein at Deutsche Bank, youngest MD in history, leading a team of 700 professionals...

Never heard of a -25 year-old trader generating hundred of millions in earnings...

Then again, you're doing the same thing most people are doing here: guessing.

And props to the guy for his marketing skills. Those will be very useful at his own shop, if he's good enough to start one.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

To start a hedge fund Jan needs no astonishing track record. His genius will convince investors that he he's doing pretty well...

Jan was famous at LSE for error-correction, a friend of mine told me that he´s really down to earth. That´s important, staying down to earth, knowing your potential and your abilities.

Good Luck Jan
To start a hedge fund Jan needs no astonishing track record. His genius will convince investors that he he's doing pretty well...

Haha! Keep em coming bro...

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy
my buddy yaser from york university knew him quite well i believe and i was CC'd in on some emails with jan a few times about running some things --woowoo-- lol . but i dont know why so many are going to sit here and say shit about him or look down on him for x y z reason because ,lets face it

none of us are anything! so whys it matter. hoorah.

Yaser Anwar? The last time I heard from him was during my soph year of high school in Dubai. Whats he up to?

I win here, I win there...
my buddy yaser from york university knew him quite well i believe and i was CC'd in on some emails with jan a few times about running some things --woowoo-- lol . but i dont know why so many are going to sit here and say shit about him or look down on him for x y z reason because ,lets face it

none of us are anything! so whys it matter. hoorah.

If you can hold a fork, you can go to york. lol

I actually just exchanged a few emails with Jan. Decided to randomly email him and ask for advice. This was his response, " best suggestion is to pick up a copy of my book and read that, as I tried to distill my ideas into it." Looked up his book Racing Towards Excellence and it got pretty good reviews on Amazon. I was surprised that he even answered me. Seemed like a nice guy.


Considering his experience his book is pretty disappointing. 300 pages of wishy washy self-help nonsense basically telling you to get out of bed and do something with your life (thanks for the groundbreaking insights Jan). Might as well have been written by Aleksey Vayner.

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.

I think that most people here hate him because he is much more succsessful.

He started working at GS when he was "too" young. He studied mathematics and economics at the same time. It is really impressive. I also never go to class. I always write my exams. Why should I care about f****** classes if I cannot understand what my profs. talk about.

Whether he hit some impressive track records or not, I will never find out, because I don´t know him personally. But hey, he studied at Cambridge and LSE and studied two subjects at the same time. He was the first in his class. That is something all of us would like to have in our CV.

I am not really good at math or at college. But I am really jealous that he was so good and I highly respect him.


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Non et quas vitae voluptas. Iusto corrupti eos ut id voluptates distinctio. Vel at dolor atque odit laborum.

Eos et et velit neque voluptatem. Enim quaerat quia quo reprehenderit sit suscipit voluptatem. Facilis illo perspiciatis unde alias quia. Ipsa dolore debitis consequatur voluptate praesentium ipsum necessitatibus. Tenetur enim consectetur et porro.

Et tempore culpa vero expedita tenetur. Magni ad quo et tempora. Eius a ea magnam sit quo. Omnis molestiae hic enim iure. Vel autem architecto error quasi eum. Corporis adipisci error corporis vero ipsum qui ut inventore.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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