Kyle Bass pawns BBC's HARDtalk

I realize that the BBC’s HARDtalk is supposed to be an in-your-face, pseudo debate/interview program but the least they could do is have hosts who actually know what they’re talking about.

Kyle Bass on the other hand knows his shit cold, and on the show last Friday the subprime superstar didn’t hold back on taking down Sara Montague’s accusive, somewhat insulting rhetoric and absolutely decimated her absurdly sensationalist arguments. All that while giving one of the most succinct explanations I have ever heard on what happened during the crisis, what led to it, CDS's, the current plight of Japan, Germany, the future of the EU, guns, gold, and his supposedly “highly fortified” fort in Texas. Truly great stuff.

People should learn not to dick around with someone who looks like Tony Soprano.

Videos after the jump.

Anybody else felt like strangling the host?

Have a good one WSO.


This was ok, but it isn't anything different from what he has said before and the interviewer wasn't nearly as bad as everyone posted about. Besides cutting him off a few times, she was pretty respectful.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."

In the first video from 15:22 to 19:01 ..... rape

Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.

I really get annoyed with interviewers ask questions with an interrogational tone and they get a response that refutes their central argument, they don't know what to say, so they move on to another accusation, which is then refuted, and so on.

Bass sounds like Zachary Quinto.


I've seen him speak several times since he came to prominence shorting subprime. His intellect is blinding. Last time was probably early 2010 as memory serves but he was all over the European sovereign debacle (really global sovereign debacle) the first time I saw him ~2.5 years ago. Last time he was talking about storing physical uranium, along with the physical gold he mentions in the video.

His letters to investors are easily accessible on the internetweb and well worth a read. They trickle out irregularly as they are ~30 pages long but definitely worth hunting down.

I've seen him speak several times since he came to prominence shorting subprime. His intellect is blinding. Last time was probably early 2010 as memory serves but he was all over the European sovereign debacle (really global sovereign debacle) the first time I saw him ~2.5 years ago. Last time he was talking about storing physical uranium, along with the physical gold he mentions in the video.

His letters to investors are easily accessible on the internetweb and well worth a read. They trickle out irregularly as they are ~30 pages long but definitely worth hunting down.

Great insight Cartwright. Would you mind PMing me ones you have/found (or you can just post them here). I'm going to do a search as well.


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Est dolorem numquam fugit rem nam quam. Optio velit omnis tempore dignissimos. Et cum quia impedit alias consectetur. Voluptas nisi numquam praesentium at. Provident est vel delectus beatae facere provident molestiae. Sunt soluta nostrum esse et.

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