Need some skin care advice fellas

So I have really bad breakouts.. I could use some tips on a skincare routine. 

I usually wash my face in the morning with Cetaphil facewash, and moisturize afterwards with cetaphil moisturizer. I eat extremely healthy and workout 4-5 days a week minimum. (boutique work-life balance is amazing) I do all of this and my face continues to break out... bad. I'm 22 so I'm still relatively young I suppose.

Online it recommends guys "exfoliate" their face twice a week. Just ordered some stuff to try when it gets here tomorrow. Does anyone have any tips on how to get a clear face? This is driving me crazy. 


In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

Also: please do not reuse razor blades too often.


Wow thank you. I'm not going to lie I haven't heard any about any of these things. If you have the time, could you potentially drop the links of the products? OR just name drop which products you use? 

I reuse razor blades WAY too much since covid hit. I used to use the razors provided at my gym and oddly enough my face was so much cleaner. (they stopped this service due to covid)

+1 SB thank you


I came here specifically to beg everyone not to repost that god damn American Psycho reference.

I can see I was too late.

...also, second the idea of switching out razor blades. I buy disposable razors in bulk and use a fresh one every week. Did wonders for my skin and saves me a boatload over other shaving routines.

"Son, life is hard. But it's harder if you're stupid." - my dad

Do you do it everyday?

I'm not gonna lie, I have a similar routine. Pore cleansing face wash in the shower then a moisturizer. Eye balm next. Finally followed by protective sunscreen. I use scrubs and  facial masks once or twice a week. 

Funny thing is I've been slacking off on the mask and scrub for some time but my skin is still intact. Maybe I'm not old enough yet.


Do you consume alot or caffeine and/or nicotine? Stimulants heavily restrict bloodflow which is a big no for your skin. Since you eat very healthy, and excercise alot, it's hormonal fluctuations. All acne really is, is signalling something going on in your body that it doesn't like. I would try to dig in deeper into your lifestyle and evaluate, but yeah the exofoliants will help a ton. 


Not much nicotine actually. I usually have 10oz of black coffee mid-day, then sometimes 8oz of black coffee right before I get off work for the gym. No sweetener, no creamer, no milk. I don't consume much dairy at all. 

It's funny you say this because my PSN name is "MrStimulant" lmao. Used to do way too many stimulants in college so it was my dumbass nickname. 


I don't have much on the acne piece because I got lucky there and just don't really have breakouts. However, I like Kiehl's line of products. They have some dedicated items for men that I try to rock daily, including a face wash, hydrating face lotion, anti-aging eye cream and a midnight recovery serum. Check out their website and the specific content for men; they make it pretty simple (which was important for me since I don't know anything about this stuff). They also have some items specifically for acne that might be helpful. Other than that, i'd suggest visiting a dermatologist and asking them for some professional advice on the subject.


Honestly I'd recommend going to a derm if you keep having persistent breakouts. The advice you received with regard to exfoliating is spot-on. Actives/Exfoliants can keep your acne at bay and make your skin smoother. For acne-prone skin, the best actives are BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) and Benzoyl Peroxide (BP). BHA unclogs you pores and actually prevents the acne, while BP helps with the treatment - shrinking fresh and irritated acne. I personally use a BHA based product twice a week and rarely see fresh breakouts, but when I do, I just put the BP directly on the fresh acne. Also, if your breakouts leave scars, look into AHAs (Alpha hydroxy Acids) for fading. My only caveats are that some people say you shouldn't use actives in the same routine and they can be drying so don't overdo it.

Besides BHA & BP products, green tea skin products, and clay masks are good for irritated skin. Products I've actually used are Paula's Choice 2% BHA and Paula's Choice 8% AHA - they are a bit pricey but they are probably the most popular and well-regarded BHA & AHA products. Aztec Secret Indian Clay mask is a good & affordable mask product but it is drying. BPs I have used are neutrogena rapid clear stubborn acne spot gel and urban skin rx clear complexion acne. The actives I mentioned (BHA, BP, AHA) all come in the form of cleansers, gels/serums, or creams, so you have to decide what you prefer.

Routine with gel/serum-based actives would be: wash face ---> Active ---> moisturizer ---> Sunscreen (actually helps with fading scars too & slows aging)


Dermatologist. I used to have the same thing and I went and I’ve been using a prescription cream for like 4 years. It’s so much better, still get some occasional pimples but nothing like it was before.

If it’s really bad, might be worth considering biting the bullet and going on accutane for a few months. Covid seems like the best time, since nobody will see you as close up and you probably won’t be drinking much anyway.


I am a big fan of Innisfree, it’s one of the biggest South Korean skincare companies and most of their products are green tea based. They have several locations in Manhattan and in a couple other big American cities.


Seconded, this helped me a lot. You can order like 30 plain white pillowcases for $40 on Amazon, then change it once every two or three days.


Couple things I have noticed over my years outside of the things you and others have mentioned.

1) Shampoo/conditioner/body wash. Not to ride the Equinox D too hard, but I started using Kiehls products there and they made a huge difference vs. the normal 7in1 dude-go-to old spice/axe type of stuff. I know Kiehl’s barely scratches the surface of the true “higher end natural products” but it is accessible and better than the usuals.

2) Water quality. I have moved every 2 years for the last decade of my life and water quality/composition can be wildly different (nothing u can really do here) but if u strike it right it could help.

3) Extra mention for the dude who said rotate pillow cases. Do it.


I would go see a dermatologist. In the meantime, I can share what worked for many people with breakouts: you can try applying Paula's Choice 2% BHA (gel or lotion version ) on a clean face at night and if your face is oily, I recommend trying Paula's Choice Shine Stopper - apply on a clean face in the morning. This can make all the difference. If it does not, it is time for a dermatologist to step in. 


Look at The Ordinary niacinamide and AHA/BHA peeling solution. Face scrubs/physical exfoliants can be too harsh, especially if used more than 1-2 times a week. Chemical peels are able to clean deeper than scrubs. The Ordinary’s products are a little hard to understand at first, but do some research and you’ll figure it out. They’re also super cheap ($5-7).


Nutrition + Hydration = Healthy Face

Your face is like your feathers. If you take care of yourself, you'll have pretty feathers / complexion. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Accutane (or other modern derivative based on isotretinoin) will clear you up *permanently*. Don't waste your time on anything else. I haven't had a pimple since I was 13 after taking Accutane. Same for my brother. My brother took Accutane in 1998(?) and hasn't had a pimple since then. We both had atrocious acne. 


I do not have much experience with acne (unless you consider rosacea - acne) but I have always had dry skin.   When I was a teen, it was pretty bad.  I had always assumed that dry skin was a problem that would never go away in that it is probably genetic.  For me, it probably will never completely go away but I try to manage it.  Over the past year or so, I have changed my routine to address the issue in multiple ways but I am not sure which part of the routine is helping.  I use the following

1. An oil based body wash for the face

2. Two different moisturizers.  One of them has retin a in it

3. Biotin

4. A higher protein diet

What I really like about the results is that it makes my mustache line and beard on chin pop


The routines described here are great! I will follow some of them myself as I really want to have my own skincare routine, but I am too lazy and incompetent to make it up myself :D But really, how do you guys find the perfect skincare routine for you? The top of my abilities is to wash my face before going to bed and when I wake up... Though, I do yoga for my face, if that is considered a part of my skincare routine at all :) I like doing it because I really feel my face muscles relax and tighten. I have been using this for a while now and can see the results already.


To make it easier, pick one brand, and run from there for any product outside of your skincare essentials. Cetaphil is great, and maybe fill in with other products from Kiehls. They normally are super helpful in stores, too, but their avocado eye cream, midnight recovery oil, and in general mens skincare line are all A1 (especially if you want your products to seem more “masculine”). Also for another discussion...what is your skin type. Oily? Dry? Normal? Sensitive? Combination? Lmk. Make sure you are washing your face well right after the gym—I think a lot of people get build up from there. And yes, exfoliate. Do not use a physical exfoliant (I.e. a grainy scrub) use the product I linked below (it is the absolute best) and use it every night on a cotton round. Bring it down to your neck and back as well. Also, use sun screen. You want to be a silver Fox in 30 years, not a wrinkly troll, so put in the time now—it really makes the difference just to slap this on your face every morning after you moisturize. I linked a stellar one recommended by dermatologists below as well. It is all about consistency IMO. Wash your face well, eat well, and consistently use your products, and good shit will come.

Daily exfoliant (this shit is the holy grail btw): Paulas Choice--SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid Exfoliant--Facial Exfoliant for Blackheads, Enlarged Pores, Wrinkles & Fine Lines, 4 oz Bottle…

Sunscreen (won’t leave you looking like a ghost): EltaMD UV Clear Facial Sunscreen Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 for Sensitive or Acne-Prone Skin, Oil-free, Dermatologist-Recommended Mineral-Based Zinc Oxide Formula…

Most Helpful

1) Exfoliate in the shower either first thing in the morning or before you go to bed - don't exfoliate twice a day, it will dry your skin out. Try and find a product that uses natural exfoliants rather than plastic microballs - natural exfoliants will dissolve during the process, preventing you from over-exfoliating, and are also better for the environment.

2) Overnight, I'd suggest applying hydrogen peroxide face wipes to the affected area - this will kill any bacteria that may be contributing to your acne and reduce redness (keep it away from your hair, though - it will bleach). 

3) Overnight, on the non-affected areas, apply a natural oil, like rosehip oil or santal oil - this will help keep your skin moisturised.

4) During the day, use a light moisturiser for your face and make sure it has SPF protection - this will help prevent against sun-related aging. I'd suggest finding a specific eye cream or something similar for the eye area to reduce puffiness, bags, and dark circles. 

5) When you shave, make sure to do it after you've showered or had the chance to lie a hot towel over your face - this will open your pores and help minimise friction from your razor blade. Invest in a good razor and replace the blade regularly. Make sure you're using a proper shaving cream / gel rather than soap to ensure your minimise irritation - I'd suggest a cream / gel with aloe vera.

6) Rinse your face with cold water after shaving. I cannot emphasise this enough. Cold water will reduce a lot of the irritation and help calm your skin after shaving. Make sure to moisturise after shaving. 

7) Avoid moisturisers that contain alcohol - they will dry your skin out and make you look older.

8) Be warned, skincare products are not cheap.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

Washing your face twice a day with cold water and a non agressive quality face wash makes a lot of difference. You should experiment a bit with face washes, to find out which suits your skin the best.

Also there has been recent research that found that acne sufferers are often low in omega 3 fatty acids in their blood.

So it could be worthwile to take a quality fish oil, I take 2 gram of EPA/DHA a day,  and perhaps make some other diet changes to you add healthty fats and cut some vegetable oil containing foods.


cold water

is there validity to cold water specifically? I have a friend that swears by it, and cold showers too, but I like warm water, although I'm willing to give cold water a try if it really is better (and lower my heating bill too).

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

It closes the pores, for me it works better than warm water so I always clean my face with cold water.

I do cold showers regularly because I feel energized by it and i see a difference in my skin.

But mainly with the cold water face wash I see a big difference compared to warm water.


I used to have bad breakouts- I found my magic recipe. I've had the clearest skin I've had in my life since I started this routine, and the acne comes back if I stop.

I use niacinamide face wash, I use La Roche-Posay brand face wash from Amazon, before bed and in the morning. This is the secret sauce, if I stop this and continue the rest the acne comes back.

Benzoyl peroxide (any brand, over the counter) at night as a spot treatment for acne

I use Super-Goop spf 30 facial moisturizer as sunscreen during the day, and just use any old non-scented regular facial moisturizer at night.

Also I try to drink a decent amount of water, and at least go for a jog daily and work out a few times a week. I find breaking a sweat once a day keeps me feeling and looking better.


Strong endorsement for this comment. Had minor breakouts into my mid-20s. I started following a very similar routine to what you outlined, down to the same face wash.

That routine is a game-changer IMO, even if it's just in its simplest form: good face wash for your skin type twice a day and a daily moisturizer with some level of SPF. 

The only thing I would add is routinely washing your towels/pillowcases. Not sure if this really made a difference, but I started doing that at the same time as this routine. Easiest way is to just order ~10 pillowcases ~5 towels and switch them out. 


1.You need to start applying sunscreen everyday first and foremost (even if its not sunny out). 

2. You need to call a dermatologist and get prescribed retinol (this will help a lot). Apply it every night before bed, after applying some type of serum or washing your face.

My fiancé is an expert in this field and has helped my skincare massively in the last 2 years.


Go to a dermatologist.  The cetaphil wash+lotion 2x a day is good.  Physical exfoliation always gave me problems as I have sensitive skin.  

The biggest help for me was twofold:  (1) retina, a topical retinoid from the dermatologist, must better than differin gel over the counter, and (2) limit sugar and milk intake, for some reason cheese and fried foods don't bother me but a few days eating cereal and I instantly pimple up.  


Don’t bother taking skincare advice from people who have never had bad acne…a lot of having clear skin comes down to genetics. I used to have horrible acne in high school, and ended up doing both antibiotics as well as accutane. Accutane was the only solution that actually worked for me, but it really sucks and is horrible for your body, so I would only advise this option if you have really bad cystic acne. If your acne is more surface-level I would encourage you to try products with salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide, and make sure to moisturize. Check out Deciem’s “The Ordinary” products - great products with good ingredients at a fraction of the price of brands like Kiehls.


Drinking a lot of water (6-8 cups daily). Taking out coffee from my daily routine and drink more green tea. I use charcoal based body wash too as of late which feels amazing and smells great according to my wife.

My skin hasn't had this type of glow ever before. Used to have a lot of whiteheads in my nose and somehow this new routine has minimized them significantly. 


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