Conservative Professionals

Thinking about starting a Reddit group for professionals that generally align with conservative, libertarian, or republican political views. This is the beginning of it so the intent is to keep it to a financial service industry focus.

If it takes off, I could create more of a formal invite only non-profit professional group with a formal website to gather and connect people throughout the country.

The idea isn’t so much to scale this into one big group for the U.S. The idea is to connect people and create new, lasting, professional relationships. I believe smaller pod like groups to be most conducive to this aim. If it takes off I’d begin separating them by U.S. region or city with maybe one major overlapping large group for the entire country. Smaller groups are also easier to maintain for bots, spammers, etc.

Spamming individuals or the group won’t be tolerated, no bs, just like minded established people I can vet quickly and add into the mix. Students / prospects will be closely vetted. I want to aid in bringing up the next group of conservative professionals but in order to maintain the integrity of the organization and the trust within the group, you will be vetted most carefully. My current thinking is a minimum 3:1 ratio of established folks to aspiring folks. This ratio will be closely tracked for each new person allowed in. It is subject to change (likely increase rather than decrease) given feedback.

This is United States based only, ofcourse.

If you’re interested or if you have any feedback, give me a shout below or PM.


We're all about freedom of speech and debate which is why we enjoy places like WSO. However, the purpose of the group is to congregate like minded individuals to further our beliefs. Just as "social justice" groups do such as your usernames favorite - BLM, Open Society Foundation, etc.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have to constantly speak to people you disagree.

I'll force myself into your friend group disagreeing with everything you guys say because freedom of speech.


Absolutely not. Someone would probably try to infiltrate it and dox some or all members. A friend of mine at a megafund had this happen to him - someone online pieced together all his stories and such and found out who he was and then emailed both his university and firm trying to get him expelled and lose his return offer.

I do talk about politics and such with close friends face to face or through text. I have plans to meet up with some people on this forum but aim to stay anonymous, and frankly I don’t want to be in an echo chamber. I know we all have nuanced opinions and I bet we would have some great combos, but I’d prefer to do it here in the open to see what other people say, even if what they say is nonsense


No problem - thanks for the input and thought. That's the balancing act I'm attempting to navigate with this. Just for the record, anybody who does things of that nature does not belong anywhere near our group. Is my idea achievable and both respectful to all parties and their identities / private lives? At the micro level I believe this is achievable. The larger scale is where things become tricky. I'm trying to sort this out. Either way, thanks for the input and story brother


Screw Reddit in my opinion, just start a Discord or Slack channel. Signal and Telegram are also solid options, but those are less featured-filled by a wide margin. Only things I use Reddit for are r/SecurityAnalysis for good reads, some memes, and a few other niche subs, if the content were available elsewhere I wouldn't use it at all. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
Most Helpful

Even though Reddit has lots of liberal people you can easily have a group dedicated to conservative ideas.  I am sure lots of them exist. If you are looking just to exchange idea amongst people with similar values, Reddit would be a good platform.  Most people are anonymous on Reddit, so you are not going to get to know anyone other than very superficially.   I think a group like this would need to be private because if it is not, you are going to get a lot people joining just to shit on you. Of course, the issue with keeping it private, is that it would be more challenging to grow the group.  

If you want to get to know people, Facebook would be better because it is not anonymous.  I am involved with groups on both platforms but nothing political at all.


We don’t seem to agree on much politically on WSO but I appreciate your support and input. I respect that very much. Sounds like you may interested in the cause? Feel free to PM me and we can discuss our views, values, and get to know each other better as people and fellow citizens. financeabc I stand for unity. The goal is always to unite, to understand different perspectives, and to uphold the truth.


Our mission is to gather those conservative in the traditional sense. We absolutely support the freedom of speech. I’m drafting the official rules of conduct now but essentially it follows that of current federal law and previous / established interpretation of the 1st amendment - which is, freedom of all speech is protected albeit peaceful in nature. Any speech attempting to incite violence will not be tolerated. That’s about it.

Another rule: Any and all members are subject to removal by administration at any time for any reason at administrations discretion. All membership is a privilege and should be treated as such.

This is a professional group. All members (including administration) are expected to treat it as such in terms of their behavior within the organization, their relationship to the organization in any and all matter, and its various members or (future) partnerships with other organizations of any kind.

We stand for both agreement and disagreement on issues. However, if any members conduct continuously is judged by administration to jeopardize the integrity of the organization, he or she will be removed indefinitely.

All of that legalese - basically, follow the golden rule, don’t be a dick, try to articulate yourself well and refrain from vulgarity when appropriate. Vulgarity is protected in so far as it does not jeopardize the organizations integrity, mission, or overall future success. This is a measure of administration discretion.

I’m short, don’t be a dick and let’s enjoy open discourse.

We’re planning on actually formalizing and officiating this group nationally. This will (hopefully) entail partnerships with existing conservative political societies and organizations. That is why I’m working to draft official rules of conduct and establish a strong foundational framework.


It's telling that this lengthy response didn't even answer his question. As a classical liberal in the sense of Friedman, what I guess would be a "Libertarian" today, I don't have a spot in today's theocratic Republican party which has been completely coopted by the cult of Trump.

Please tell me what the "debate" is about Jan 6 at this point? Just completely deny that Trump tried to overthrow the election because we don't like liberals? 

Trump is a traitor to the country and any "professional" conservatives who support him simply prioritize their tax bill over their morals. No point in trying to dodge the issue.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

No reddit. Discord & Telegram are much more preferred.

Also this kind of stuff just calls for flies to come in spread whatever ideological BS they want to sell. 

How do you plan on keeping this professional? (Whay does the vetting process look like?). Last thing people want is probably for some politician fan boy or an activist fan boy to come in and poison the quality of the conversation. 

Also as some have already brought up, how do you prevent this from being a safe space? I'm sure lotnofnus don't want to join a group to engage in some sad groupthink.


Good addition to the conversation for the Thera interested. Yeah, I’ve noticed this group and others similar are already established via Reddit and other platforms.

Our organizations differentiating factor is to develop trust between members to further the organizations mission.

The mission of our organization is two fold:

1.) Provide space for congregation of those within similar political value systems.

2.) To further the advancement of professionals into various industries in positions of power who hold traditional conservative beliefs and value systems.

As any organization aiming to establish market share, our strategy for achieving this aim will not be made public.

Membership will be on an invite only basis. The screening process is also proprietary to our organization and privy to our administration / partners.

Everyone, and myself especially as the originator, involved in the organizing of this entity takes this very seriously. This is something I’ve been discussing with others and thinking about for a while now. It’s finally coming to fruition and quite frankly, I’m a bit surprised at how much interest there has been in the last 24 hours for this group. It’s been all hands on deck since.

We appreciate your patience with the process. To reiterate, this will be finalized and likely open for membership sometime this week.

Thanks -


Man it's not a bad idea but Reddit IMO is not the best forum to create it, it's a liberal cesspool & they blatantly censor topics without anyone who can effectively call them out on it and change their behavior. Reddit already has r/conservative which is more a token forum than anything else, but at the end of the day we do not have freedom of speech on reddit to any degree. WSO by that standard is FAR superior which is why I think there's so much engagement such that moderate / conservative voices are heard 

Saw another user mention Discord, would strongly prefer that over Reddit


Can you discuss the vetting process in more detail? There are several far-right types on this site who I’d guess fall under the “conservative” umbrellas that I would NOT feel safe knowing more detailed information about me or potential meetup locations (should this go that far). I received a death threat on this site from someone (who has since been banned) just for saying a very mild comment against Trump and other users have expressed  support for  mass shootings and genocides. 


Jeeze man. Yeah that's exactly what we're trying to avoid happening. Hats off to WSO for their handling of that situation whilst upholding their very open discourse policy. Whether you join or not, I'd love to connect PM just to hear about your experiences and or ideas how to best solve this and I can share our current thinking. Appreciate it man


Are you at all concerned w/ ppl not signing up because their views are non-grata in large swaths of the finance world and the vast majority of big law?  Because it sounds like the point of the forum is to be non-anonymous.  I know that I would be leery to put my name on anything - the remote possibility that I decide to leave my bank for a BB in NY and one dickhead lib shoots down my candidacy because of my stance on [insert viewpoint that was non-controversial from 1776-2010 here] would probably prevent me from joining.

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

Is that what this is supposed to be? I had a slight suspicion as to why they were making something outside of WSO and trying to sell it to the user base. If it’s designed to be non-anonymous I’m definitely out. 


Everyone here knows I’m conservative. I come on here when I’m bored and have run out of cornbread to eat.

For people on both sides, try and get off the internet for a bit. Humans didn’t evolve to worry about the problems of 7 billion people - we evolved from tribes of maybe 150 people max. Yeah, I got this from Rogan, but it makes sense to me and my stress levels have decreased a lot once I stopped giving a fuck what happens across the world in Ukraine or how Africa still has no running water


I think there are several issues people need answers for and would like to summarize those.

1) How to keep far-right crazies out? ("Let's go Brandon cesspool", "Jan 6 was okay and election was stolen" lunatics, QAnon sympathizers, etc...)

2) What's the level of anonymity? At this day and age, none of us want to be branded as "that conservative person" professionally nor in private. Nor do we want some far-right crazy threatening us for disliking Trump or commending someone in the Democratic party or on the liberal spectrum for getting some things done well (if you have moderates generally aligning with what the Republican Party used to be then this would happen).


"Far right crazies...." Lol what? We're only speaking the truth, not your so called alternative facts from whichever rag you read from.

Let's Go Brandon! Jan 6 was a mostly peaceful protest. Biden stole the election.


Alright everybody, this has garnered a lot of attention and questions. This is officially where things stand, at this moment, on my end. The idea is evolving very quickly and because I believe in this mission I'm going to pump the brakes and slow things down for everyone. 

1.) I am the originator of this idea, solely. @K-peezy hit me up after this posted and I initially let him in on the partnership. After careful consideration, I've decided to end that partnership. I shared this with him privately on the back end through PM. He will be editing posts on the thread to officiate that he is no longer affiliated. 

2.) This mission does not intend to compete with WSO on any level, by any means. I respect this existing service very much and the WSO team. The goal of my idea was to be complimentary to this existing service, not in competition. 

3.) My goal from the very beginning of this idea months ago was not to generate wealth through this service. My goal was to further my belief in finding level headed, logic based, conservative, professionals *Of Good Will* to gather and help advance professionally. No, I do not need or want your referral. 

4.) My mission statement posted above in this thread stands. 

5.) I've spoken to a number of you through PM and will continue to answer questions or take advice albeit anonymous in nature until there is a sufficient level of trust before anybody asks to connect offline. I respect your privacy as I wish that you respect mine. 

6.) I take my credibility on WSO as Friedmaneconomics or more tangibly offline, very seriously.

7.) I am committed to continuing to pursue this mission organically. I will post an update on the fruition of this idea soon, on this thread only, and you are welcome to join, not join, connect with me PM, etc. This is not a solicitation. 

8.) My experiences in the last 24 hours of the boom of this idea has given me much greater perspective into the needing for adequate vetting before one is let into such organization. 

9.) And most importantly: Any "group" that pops up and has not been officially named on this thread by me as the fruition of my idea, is not of my doing or affiliated with me in any way. 

Let those of good will rise and those of ill will fall. Friedmaneconomics out - 


As noted, Friedmaneconomics and I had a chat and our goals didn't line up on this project. So while it didn't work out, I still support the idea and I hope it works out. I'm sure some have noticed that I've edited all my previous posts to denote that I'm no longer affiliated, and that's why.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

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Sint voluptatibus voluptas in velit et non non. Ut et sequi exercitationem recusandae. Voluptas ipsa quaerat libero molestiae autem praesentium.

Doloribus odit magnam autem recusandae qui numquam. Eligendi sint sint exercitationem suscipit mollitia et dolor. Eum sapiente deserunt odit placeat.


Labore qui voluptatum esse voluptatum. Tempore quam consequatur rerum animi. Dignissimos officiis consequatur dignissimos harum quo. Non repudiandae maxime praesentium enim tempora. Ab debitis et eligendi quidem laborum distinctio. Ut sed eum esse fuga libero ut quam.

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Magnam fuga soluta rem sint. Qui et aut eveniet.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

Adipisci quos consequatur voluptas soluta. Aut voluptatum voluptas voluptas.

Autem sit facilis et neque. Nihil ut rem in cupiditate voluptatibus ad alias. Libero esse ea eum voluptates pariatur illum ratione sunt.

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Quia perferendis mollitia natus corrupti voluptates. Ut dolores ut alias est enim et sit sed. Quis et doloribus architecto et dolore et.

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